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......@@ -13,13 +13,14 @@ PyCaret is `simple`, `easy to use` and `deployment ready`. All the steps perform
For more information on PyCaret, please visit our official website https://www.pycaret.org
## Current Release
The first stable release pycaret version `1.0.0` is now publicly available. The easiest way to install pycaret is using pip.
PyCaret `2.0` is now available. See `2.0` release notes. The easiest way to install pycaret is using pip.
pip install pycaret
pip install pycaret==2.0
## Important Links
- 2.0 Release notes: https://github.com/pycaret/pycaret/releases/tag/2.0
- User Guide / Documentation: https://www.pycaret.org/guide
- Getting Started Tutorials: https://www.pycaret.org/tutorial
- Issue Logs: https://github.com/pycaret/pycaret/issues
......@@ -33,7 +34,8 @@ PyCaret is an open source library that anybody can use. In our view the ideal ta
- Data Science Professionals and Consultants involved in building Proof of Concept projects.
## Dependencies
Please read requirements.txt for list of requirements. They are automatically installed when pycaret is installed using pip.
Please read requirements.txt for list of requirements. They are automatically installed when pycaret is installed using pip. `shap`, `awscli` and `psutil` is removed from hard dependency in PyCaret 2.0. Must be installed separately, if needed.
## Note:
It supports Python 64 bit only.
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