提交 5b3512e9 编写于 作者: W wizardforcel

2020-07-04 10:12:10

上级 c64a32f5
# YC 创业课 2016 中文笔记
> 来源:[xdworks/startup-school-2016](https://github.com/xdworks/startup-school-2016)
+ [Ben Silbermann at Startup School SV 2016](1.md)
+ [Chad Rigetti at Startup School SV 2016](2.md)
+ [MARC Andreessen at Startup School SV 2016](3.md)
+ [Office Hours with Kevin Hale and Qasar Younis at Startup School SV 2016](4.md)
+ [Ooshma Garg at Startup School SV 2016](5.md)
+ [Pitch Practice with Paul Buchheit and Sam Altman at Startup School SV 2016](6.md)
+ [Q&A with YC Partners at Startup School SV 2016](7.md)
+ [Reham Fagiri and Kalam Dennis at Startup School SV 2016](8.md)
+ [Reid Hoffman at Startup School SV 2016](9.md)
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+ [17: Yahoo](docs/c/17.md)
+ [18: Airbnb](docs/c/18.md)
+ [19: LinkedIn](docs/c/19.md)
+ [YC 创业课 2016 中文笔记](docs/sus2016/README.md)
+ [Ben Silbermann at Startup School SV 2016](docs/sus2016/1.md)
+ [Chad Rigetti at Startup School SV 2016](docs/sus2016/2.md)
+ [MARC Andreessen at Startup School SV 2016](docs/sus2016/3.md)
+ [Office Hours with Kevin Hale and Qasar Younis at Startup School SV 2016](docs/sus2016/4.md)
+ [Ooshma Garg at Startup School SV 2016](docs/sus2016/5.md)
+ [Pitch Practice with Paul Buchheit and Sam Altman at Startup School SV 2016](docs/sus2016/6.md)
+ [Q&A with YC Partners at Startup School SV 2016](docs/sus2016/7.md)
+ [Reham Fagiri and Kalam Dennis at Startup School SV 2016](docs/sus2016/8.md)
+ [Reid Hoffman at Startup School SV 2016](docs/sus2016/9.md)
+ [斯坦福 CS183f YC 创业课 2017 中文笔记](docs/f/README.md)
+ [How and Why to Start A Startup](docs/f/01.md)
+ [Startup Mechanics](docs/f/02.md)
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