提交 295b0bdd 编写于 作者: J Johan Preynat

Use correct chapter when TOC don't contains multiple links

上级 6e62ce5f
......@@ -98,10 +98,17 @@ function setChapterActive($chapter, hash) {
// If hash is provided, set as active chapter
if (!!hash) {
$chapter = $chapters.filter(function() {
var titleId = getChapterHash($(this));
return titleId == hash;
// Multiple chapters for this file
if ($chapters.length > 1) {
$chapter = $chapters.filter(function() {
var titleId = getChapterHash($(this));
return titleId == hash;
// Only one chapter, no need to search
else {
$chapter = $chapters.first();
// Don't update current chapter
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