提交 d94e91cd 编写于 作者: J Johan Preynat

Handle summary update at scrolling

上级 69fed7ad
......@@ -23,28 +23,96 @@ function getScroller() {
Scroll to a specific hash tag in the content
function scrollToHash(hash) {
var $scroller = getScroller();
var dest = 0;
var $scroller = getScroller(),
dest = 0;
if (hash) {
dest = $scroller.find(hash).position().top;
dest = getElementTopPosition(hash);
scrollTop: dest
}, 800, 'swing');
// Update summary active chapter
$('.book-summary .chapter > a').each(function() {
var uri = url.resolve(window.location.pathname, $(this).attr('href')),
windowLocation = window.location.pathname + window.location.hash;
Return the top position of an element
function getElementTopPosition(id) {
// Get actual position of element if nested
var $scroller = getScroller(),
$container = $scroller.find('.page-inner'),
$el = $scroller.find(id),
$parent = $el.offsetParent(),
dest = 0;
dest = $el.position().top;
while (!$parent.is($container)) {
$el = $parent;
dest += $el.position().top;
$parent = $el.offsetParent();
// Return rounded value since
// jQuery scrollTop() returns an integer
return Math.floor(dest);
Handle updating summary at scrolling
var $chapters;
function handleScrolling() {
// Get current page scroll
var $scroller = getScroller(),
scrollTop = $scroller.scrollTop(),
scrollHeight = $scroller.prop('scrollHeight'),
clientHeight = $scroller.prop('clientHeight'),
nbChapters = $chapters.length,
foundChapter = false;
// Set a chapter as active
function setChapterActive($chapter) {
foundChapter = true;
// Find each title position in reverse order
$($chapters.get().reverse()).each(function(index) {
var $link = $(this).children('a'),
titleId = $link.attr('href').split('#')[1],
if (!!titleId) titleId = '#'+titleId;
if (!!titleId && !foundChapter) {
titleTop = getElementTopPosition(titleId);
// Same page
if (uri == windowLocation) {
// Set current chapter as active if scroller passed it
if (scrollTop >= titleTop) {
// If not found at first chapter, set as active
if (index == (nbChapters - 1) && !foundChapter) {
// ScrollTop is at 0, set first chapter anyway
if (!foundChapter && !scrollTop) {
// Finally, set last chapter at the bottom of page
if (!!scrollTop && (scrollHeight - scrollTop == clientHeight)) {
......@@ -132,14 +200,14 @@ function handleNavigation(relativeUrl, push) {
$('.book').attr('class', bodyClass);
// Update state
gitbook.state.$book = $('.book');
// Scroll to hashtag position
if (hash) {
// Update state
gitbook.state.$book = $('.book');
.fail(function (e) {
location.href = relativeUrl;
......@@ -168,6 +236,25 @@ function preparePage(resetScroll) {
// Reset scroll
if (resetScroll !== false) $bookInner.scrollTop(0);
// Get current page summary chapters
$chapters = $('.book-summary .summary .chapter')
.filter(function() {
var $link = $(this).children('a'),
href = $link.attr('href').split('#')[0];
var resolvedRef = url.resolve(window.location.pathname, href);
return window.location.pathname == resolvedRef;
// Bind scrolling if summary contains more than one link to this page
var $scroller = getScroller();
if ($chapters.length > 1) {
$scroller.scroll(function(e) {
function isLeftClickEvent(e) {
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