提交 e72341d3 编写于 作者: Z zengbin93

0.5.5 新增井、背驰计算的单元测试

上级 d60d0c9d
......@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ def check_jing(fd1, fd2, fd3, fd4, fd5):
jing = {"jing": "向下小井", "notes": "12345向下,3最低5次之1最高,力度上5的力度比1小"}
# 第二种小井:12345向下,5最低3次之1最高,力度上1大于5,5大于3
if fd3["low"] > fd5['low'] > fd1['low'] and fd1['power'] > fd5['power'] > fd3['power']:
if fd5['low'] < fd3['low'] < fd1['low'] and fd1['power'] > fd5['power'] > fd3['power']:
jing = {"jing": "向下小井", "notes": "12345向下,5最低3次之1最高,力度上1大于5,5大于3"}
# 第三种小井:12345类趋势,力度依次降低,可以看成小井
......@@ -4,12 +4,121 @@ import sys
sys.path.insert(0, '.')
sys.path.insert(0, '..')
from czsc.signals import check_jing
from czsc.signals import check_jing, check_bei_chi
def test_check_jing_up():
fd1 = {"start_dt": 0, "end_dt": 1, "power": 5, "direction": "up", "high": 2, "low": 0, "mode": "bi"}
fd2 = {"start_dt": 1, "end_dt": 2, "power": 4, "direction": "down", "high": 2, "low": 1, "mode": "bi"}
fd3 = {"start_dt": 2, "end_dt": 3, "power": 3, "direction": "up", "high": 3, "low": 1, "mode": "bi"}
fd4 = {"start_dt": 4, "end_dt": 5, "power": 2, "direction": "down", "high": 3, "low": 1.5, "mode": "bi"}
fd5 = {"start_dt": 5, "end_dt": 6, "power": 1, "direction": "up", "high": 4, "low": 1.5, "mode": "bi"}
j = check_jing(fd1, fd2, fd3, fd4, fd5)
assert j['jing'] == "向上大井" and j['notes'] == '12345向上,5最高3次之1最低,力度上1大于3,3大于5'
fd1 = {"start_dt": 0, "end_dt": 1, "power": 5, "direction": "up", "high": 2, "low": 0, "mode": "bi"}
fd2 = {"start_dt": 1, "end_dt": 2, "power": 4, "direction": "down", "high": 2, "low": 1, "mode": "bi"}
fd3 = {"start_dt": 2, "end_dt": 3, "power": 1, "direction": "up", "high": 3, "low": 1, "mode": "bi"}
fd4 = {"start_dt": 4, "end_dt": 5, "power": 2, "direction": "down", "high": 3, "low": 1.5, "mode": "bi"}
fd5 = {"start_dt": 5, "end_dt": 6, "power": 3, "direction": "up", "high": 4, "low": 1.5, "mode": "bi"}
j = check_jing(fd1, fd2, fd3, fd4, fd5)
assert j['jing'] == "向上小井" and j['notes'] == "12345向上,5最高3次之1最低,力度上1大于5,5大于3"
fd1 = {"start_dt": 0, "end_dt": 1, "power": 5, "direction": "up", "high": 2, "low": 0, "mode": "bi"}
fd2 = {"start_dt": 1, "end_dt": 2, "power": 4, "direction": "down", "high": 2, "low": 1, "mode": "bi"}
fd3 = {"start_dt": 2, "end_dt": 3, "power": 1, "direction": "up", "high": 4, "low": 1, "mode": "bi"}
fd4 = {"start_dt": 4, "end_dt": 5, "power": 2, "direction": "down", "high": 4, "low": 1.5, "mode": "bi"}
fd5 = {"start_dt": 5, "end_dt": 6, "power": 3, "direction": "up", "high": 3, "low": 1.5, "mode": "bi"}
j = check_jing(fd1, fd2, fd3, fd4, fd5)
assert j['jing'] == "向上小井" and j['notes'] == "12345向上,3最高5次之1最低,力度上5的力度比1小"
fd1 = {"start_dt": 0, "end_dt": 1, "power": 5, "direction": "up", "high": 2, "low": 0, "mode": "bi"}
fd2 = {"start_dt": 1, "end_dt": 2, "power": 4, "direction": "down", "high": 2, "low": 1, "mode": "bi"}
fd3 = {"start_dt": 2, "end_dt": 3, "power": 3, "direction": "up", "high": 3, "low": 1, "mode": "bi"}
fd4 = {"start_dt": 4, "end_dt": 5, "power": 2, "direction": "down", "high": 3, "low": 2.5, "mode": "bi"}
fd5 = {"start_dt": 5, "end_dt": 6, "power": 1, "direction": "up", "high": 4, "low": 2.5, "mode": "bi"}
j = check_jing(fd1, fd2, fd3, fd4, fd5)
assert j['jing'] == "向上小井" and j['notes'] == "12345类上涨趋势,力度依次降低"
def test_check_jing_down():
fd1 = {"start_dt": 0, "end_dt": 1, "power": 5, "direction": "down", "high": 5, "low": 3, "mode": "bi"}
fd2 = {"start_dt": 1, "end_dt": 2, "power": 4, "direction": "up", "high": 4, "low": 3, "mode": "bi"}
fd3 = {"start_dt": 2, "end_dt": 3, "power": 3, "direction": "down", "high": 4, "low": 1, "mode": "bi"}
fd4 = {"start_dt": 4, "end_dt": 5, "power": 2, "direction": "up", "high": 3.5, "low": 1, "mode": "bi"}
fd5 = {"start_dt": 5, "end_dt": 6, "power": 1, "direction": "down", "high": 3.5, "low": 0.5, "mode": "bi"}
j = check_jing(fd1, fd2, fd3, fd4, fd5)
assert j['jing'] == "向下大井" and j['notes'] == "12345向下,5最低3次之1最高,力度上1大于3,3大于5"
fd1 = {"start_dt": 0, "end_dt": 1, "power": 5, "direction": "down", "high": 5, "low": 3, "mode": "bi"}
fd2 = {"start_dt": 1, "end_dt": 2, "power": 4, "direction": "up", "high": 4, "low": 3, "mode": "bi"}
fd3 = {"start_dt": 2, "end_dt": 3, "power": 3, "direction": "down", "high": 4, "low": 0.5, "mode": "bi"}
fd4 = {"start_dt": 4, "end_dt": 5, "power": 2, "direction": "up", "high": 3.5, "low": 0.5, "mode": "bi"}
fd5 = {"start_dt": 5, "end_dt": 6, "power": 1, "direction": "down", "high": 3.5, "low": 1, "mode": "bi"}
j = check_jing(fd1, fd2, fd3, fd4, fd5)
assert j['jing'] == "向下小井" and j['notes'] == "12345向下,3最低5次之1最高,力度上5的力度比1小"
fd1 = {"start_dt": 0, "end_dt": 1, "power": 5, "direction": "down", "high": 5, "low": 3, "mode": "bi"}
fd2 = {"start_dt": 1, "end_dt": 2, "power": 4, "direction": "up", "high": 4, "low": 3, "mode": "bi"}
fd3 = {"start_dt": 2, "end_dt": 3, "power": 1, "direction": "down", "high": 4, "low": 1, "mode": "bi"}
fd4 = {"start_dt": 4, "end_dt": 5, "power": 2, "direction": "up", "high": 3.5, "low": 1, "mode": "bi"}
fd5 = {"start_dt": 5, "end_dt": 6, "power": 3, "direction": "down", "high": 3.5, "low": 0.5, "mode": "bi"}
j = check_jing(fd1, fd2, fd3, fd4, fd5)
assert j['jing'] == "向下小井" and j['notes'] == "12345向下,5最低3次之1最高,力度上1大于5,5大于3"
fd1 = {"start_dt": 0, "end_dt": 1, "power": 5, "direction": "down", "high": 5, "low": 3, "mode": "bi"}
fd2 = {"start_dt": 1, "end_dt": 2, "power": 4, "direction": "up", "high": 4, "low": 3, "mode": "bi"}
fd3 = {"start_dt": 2, "end_dt": 3, "power": 3, "direction": "down", "high": 4, "low": 1, "mode": "bi"}
fd4 = {"start_dt": 4, "end_dt": 5, "power": 2, "direction": "up", "high": 2, "low": 1, "mode": "bi"}
fd5 = {"start_dt": 5, "end_dt": 6, "power": 1, "direction": "down", "high": 2, "low": 0.5, "mode": "bi"}
j = check_jing(fd1, fd2, fd3, fd4, fd5)
assert j['jing'] == "向下小井" and j['notes'] == "12345类下跌趋势,力度依次降低"
def test_check_bei_chi():
fd1 = {"start_dt": 0, "end_dt": 1, "power": 5, "direction": "up", "high": 2, "low": 0, "mode": "bi"}
fd2 = {"start_dt": 1, "end_dt": 2, "power": 4, "direction": "down", "high": 2, "low": 1, "mode": "bi"}
fd3 = {"start_dt": 2, "end_dt": 3, "power": 3, "direction": "up", "high": 3, "low": 1, "mode": "bi"}
fd4 = {"start_dt": 4, "end_dt": 5, "power": 2, "direction": "down", "high": 3, "low": 1.5, "mode": "bi"}
fd5 = {"start_dt": 5, "end_dt": 6, "power": 1, "direction": "up", "high": 4, "low": 1.5, "mode": "bi"}
bc = check_bei_chi(fd1, fd2, fd3, fd4, fd5)
assert bc['bc'] == "向上趋势背驰" and bc['notes'] == '12345向上,234构成中枢,5最高,力度上1大于5'
fd1 = {"start_dt": 0, "end_dt": 1, "power": 5, "direction": "up", "high": 2, "low": 0, "mode": "bi"}
fd2 = {"start_dt": 1, "end_dt": 2, "power": 4, "direction": "down", "high": 2, "low": 1, "mode": "bi"}
fd3 = {"start_dt": 2, "end_dt": 3, "power": 3, "direction": "up", "high": 3, "low": 1, "mode": "bi"}
fd4 = {"start_dt": 4, "end_dt": 5, "power": 2, "direction": "down", "high": 3, "low": 2.5, "mode": "bi"}
fd5 = {"start_dt": 5, "end_dt": 6, "power": 1, "direction": "up", "high": 4, "low": 2.5, "mode": "bi"}
bc = check_bei_chi(fd1, fd2, fd3, fd4, fd5)
assert bc['bc'] == "向上盘整背驰" and bc['notes'] == '12345向上,234不构成中枢,5最高,力度上1大于5'
fd1 = {"start_dt": 0, "end_dt": 1, "power": 5, "direction": "down", "high": 5, "low": 3, "mode": "bi"}
fd2 = {"start_dt": 1, "end_dt": 2, "power": 4, "direction": "up", "high": 4, "low": 3, "mode": "bi"}
fd3 = {"start_dt": 2, "end_dt": 3, "power": 3, "direction": "down", "high": 4, "low": 1, "mode": "bi"}
fd4 = {"start_dt": 4, "end_dt": 5, "power": 2, "direction": "up", "high": 3.5, "low": 1, "mode": "bi"}
fd5 = {"start_dt": 5, "end_dt": 6, "power": 1, "direction": "down", "high": 3.5, "low": 0.5, "mode": "bi"}
bc = check_bei_chi(fd1, fd2, fd3, fd4, fd5)
assert bc['bc'] == "向下趋势背驰" and bc['notes'] == "12345向下,234构成中枢,5最低,力度上1大于5"
fd1 = {"start_dt": 0, "end_dt": 1, "power": 5, "direction": "down", "high": 5, "low": 3, "mode": "bi"}
fd2 = {"start_dt": 1, "end_dt": 2, "power": 4, "direction": "up", "high": 4, "low": 3, "mode": "bi"}
fd3 = {"start_dt": 2, "end_dt": 3, "power": 3, "direction": "down", "high": 4, "low": 2, "mode": "bi"}
fd4 = {"start_dt": 4, "end_dt": 5, "power": 2, "direction": "up", "high": 2.5, "low": 2, "mode": "bi"}
fd5 = {"start_dt": 5, "end_dt": 6, "power": 1, "direction": "down", "high": 2.5, "low": 0.5, "mode": "bi"}
bc = check_bei_chi(fd1, fd2, fd3, fd4, fd5)
assert bc['bc'] == "向下盘整背驰" and bc['notes'] == "12345向下,234不构成中枢,5最低,力度上1大于5"
def test_check_jing():
fd1 = {"start_dt": 0, "end_dt": 1, "power": 0, "direction": "up", "high": 0, "low": 0, "mode": "bi"}
fd2 = {"start_dt": 1, "end_dt": 2, "power": 0, "direction": "up", "high": 0, "low": 0, "mode": "bi"}
fd3 = {"start_dt": 2, "end_dt": 3, "power": 0, "direction": "up", "high": 0, "low": 0, "mode": "bi"}
fd4 = {"start_dt": 4, "end_dt": 5, "power": 0, "direction": "up", "high": 0, "low": 0, "mode": "bi"}
fd5 = {"start_dt": 5, "end_dt": 6, "power": 0, "direction": "up", "high": 0, "low": 0, "mode": "bi"}
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