提交 b8b167a5 编写于 作者: 草原企鹅's avatar 草原企鹅


上级 d901b281
......@@ -1296,7 +1296,7 @@
/* 9sY-PL-wkx */
"TT_AdviseWindows" = "如果WINDOWS的EFI分区不是磁盘上的第一个分区启用它,不然有可能无法引导WINDOWS.";
"TT_AdviseFeatures" = "Type: plist boolean\nFailsafe: false\nDescription: Updates FirmwareFeatures with supported bits.\n\nAdded bits to FirmwareFeatures:\n• FW_FEATURE_SUPPORTS_CSM_LEGACY_MODE (0x1) - Without this bit, it is not possible to reboot to Windows installed on a drive with an EFI partition that is not the first partition on the disk.\n• FW_FEATURE_SUPPORTS_UEFI_WINDOWS_BOOT (0x20000000) - Without this bit, it is not possible to reboot to Windows installed on a drive with an EFI partition that is the first partition on the disk.\n• FW_FEATURE_SUPPORTS_APFS (0x00080000) - Without this bit, it is not possible to install macOS on an APFS disk.\n\nNote: On most newer firmwares these bits are already set, the option may be necessary when \"upgrading\" the firmware with new features.";
"TT_AdviseFeatures" = "使用支持的位更新固件功能.\n\n向 FirmwareFeatures 添加位:\n• FW_FEATURE_SUPPORTS_CSM_LEGACY_MODE (0x1) - 没有这个bit,无法重新启动到安装在 EFI 分区不是磁盘第一个分区的驱动器上的 Windows.\n• FW_FEATURE_SUPPORTS_UEFI_WINDOWS_BOOT (0x20000000) - 没有这个bit, 无法重新启动到安装在具有 EFI 分区的驱动器上的 Windows,该驱动器是磁盘上的第一个分区.\n• FW_FEATURE_SUPPORTS_APFS (0x00080000) - 没有这个bit, 无法在 APFS 磁盘上安装 macOS.\n\n注意:在大多数较新的固件上,这些bit已经设置, 在\"升级\"具有新功能的固件时可能需要该选项.";
/* Z8Z-8r-mnL */
"TT_SpoofVendor" = "选YES (仿冒制造商为 Acidanthera 来避免出现冲突).";
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