提交 d4a89b2a 编写于 作者: M mackie100

Update kextsList_en.plist

上级 1becc61a
......@@ -314,7 +314,7 @@
<string>An Intel Wi-Fi Adapter Kernel Extension for macOS, based on the OpenBSD Project</string>
......@@ -326,69 +326,32 @@
<string>Wi-Fi Adapter Kernel Extension</string>
<string>An Intel Wi-Fi Adapter Airport Kernel Extension for macOS-HighSierra</string>
<string>An Intel Wi-Fi Adapter Kernel Extension for macOS, based on the OpenBSD Project</string>
<string>Wi-Fi Adapter Kernel Extension</string>
<string>An Intel Wi-Fi Adapter Airport Kernel Extension for macOS-Mojave</string>
<string>Wi-Fi Adapter Kernel Extension</string>
<string>An Intel Wi-Fi Adapter Airport Kernel Extension for macOS-Catalina</string>
<string>Wi-Fi Adapter Kernel Extension</string>
<string>An Intel Wi-Fi Adapter Airport Kernel Extension for macOS-BigSur</string>
<string>Wi-Fi Adapter Kernel Extension</string>
<string>An Intel Wi-Fi Adapter Airport Kernel Extension for macOS-Monterey</string>
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