️ This project is not maintained anymore

    Will Jekyll Template - Demo


    This is a simple and minimalist template for Jekyll designed for developers that want to write blog posts but don't want to care about frontend stuff.

    The Theme features:

    • Gulp
    • Stylus (Jeet, Rupture, Kouto Swiss)
    • Smoothscroll
    • Live Search
    • Offcanvas Menu
    • SVG icons
    • Very very small and fast!
    • Shell Script to create posts
    • Tags page
    • Series page
    • About Me page
    • Feed RSS
    • Sitemap.xml
    • Color Customization
    • Info Customization


    • This project only works until Node v11-

    Basic Setup

    1. Install Jekyll
    2. Fork the Will Jekyll Template
    3. Clone the repo you just forked.
    4. Edit _config.yml to personalize your site.
    5. Check out the sample posts in _posts to see examples for assigning categories and tags, and other YAML data.
    6. Edit this line in the search component to point to your own url.
    7. Read the documentation below for further customization pointers and documentation.
    8. Remember to compile your assets files using Gulp!

    Site and User Settings

    You have to fill some informations on _config.yml to customize your site.

    # Site settings
    description: A blog about lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
    baseurl: "" # the subpath of your site, e.g. /blog/
    url: "http://localhost:3000" # the base hostname & protocol for your site
    # User settings
    username: Lorem Ipsum
    user_description: Anon Developer at Lorem Ipsum Dolor
    user_title: Anon Developer
    twitter_username: lorem_ipsum
    github_username:  lorem_ipsum
    gplus_username:  lorem_ipsum
    disqus_username: lorem_ipsum

    Don't forget to change your baseurl before build your site!

    Color customization

    All color variables are in src/styl/variable. To change the main color, just set the new value at main assignment. Another colors are for texts and the code background color.

    Creating posts

    You can use the to create your new posts. Just follow the command:

    ./ -c Post Title

    The new file will be created at _posts with this format


    When you create a new post, you need to fill the post information in the front-matter, follow this example:

    layout: post
    title: "How to use"
    date: 2015-08-03 03:32:44
    image: '/assets/img/post-image.png'
    description: 'First steps to use this template'
    - jekyll
    - template
    - I love Jekyll
    twitter_text: 'How to install and use this template'

    Running the blog in local

    In order to compile the assets and run Jekyll on local you need to follow those steps:

    • Install NodeJS
    • Run npm install
    • Run gulp


    Having a problem getting something to work or want to know why I setup something in a certain way? Ping me on Twitter @willian_justen or file a GitHub Issue.


    If you liked my work, buy me a coffee <3



    This theme is free and open source software, distributed under the The MIT License. So feel free to use this Jekyll theme on your site without linking back to me or using a disclaimer.

    If you’d like to give me credit somewhere on your blog or tweet a shout out to @willian_justen, that would be pretty sweet.





    贡献者 1

    Miykael_xxm @xiongjiamu


    • HTML 39.0 %
    • JavaScript 30.9 %
    • Stylus 22.3 %
    • Shell 7.8 %