/* Syntax Quick Reference for Jeet -------------------------- column(ratios = 1, offset = 0, cycle = 0, uncycle = 0, gutter = jeet.gutter) span(ratio = 1, offset = 0) shift(ratios = 0, col_or_span = column, gutter = jeet.gutter) unshift() edit() center(max_width = 1410px, pad = 0) stack(pad = 0, align = false) unstack() align(direction = both) cf() For more info see: Kouto Swiss Doc: http://kouto-swiss.io/ Jeet Doc: http://jeet.gs And of course, look in node_modules for axis-css and jeet */ @import "kouto-swiss" @import "jeet" normalize() @import "_variables" @import "_typo" @import "_animations" @import "_icons" @import "_menu" @import "_search" @import "_elements" @import "_header" @import "_home" @import "_post" @import "_hightlight" @import "_author" @import "_footer"