提交 0ef20b37 编写于 作者: H Haojun Liao


上级 8137a287
......@@ -378,40 +378,43 @@ void taosCacheRelease(SCacheObj *pCacheObj, void **data, bool _remove) {
} else {
// NOTE: remove it from hash in the first place, otherwise, the pNode may have been released by other thread
// when reaches here.
SCacheDataNode* p = NULL;
int32_t ret = taosHashRemoveWithData(pCacheObj->pHashTable, pNode->key, pNode->keySize, &p, sizeof(void*));
SCacheDataNode *p = NULL;
int32_t ret = taosHashRemoveWithData(pCacheObj->pHashTable, pNode->key, pNode->keySize, &p, sizeof(void *));
ref = T_REF_DEC(pNode);
// successfully remove from hash table, if failed, this node must have been move to trash already, do nothing.
// note that the remove operation can be executed only once.
if (ret == 0) {
if (p != pNode) {
uDebug("cache:%s, key:%p, successfully removed a new entry:%p, refcnt:%d, prev entry:%p has been removed by others already", pCacheObj->name, pNode->key, p->data, T_REF_VAL_GET(p), pNode->data);
assert(p->pTNodeHeader == NULL);
taosAddToTrash(pCacheObj, p);
} else {
if (p != pNode) {
uDebug( "cache:%s, key:%p, successfully removed a new entry:%p, refcnt:%d, prev entry:%p has been removed by "
"others already", pCacheObj->name, pNode->key, p->data, T_REF_VAL_GET(p), pNode->data);
assert(p->pTNodeHeader == NULL);
taosAddToTrash(pCacheObj, p);
} else {
uDebug("cache:%s, key:%p, %p successfully removed from hash table, refcnt:%d", pCacheObj->name, pNode->key,
pNode->data, ref);
if (ref > 0) {
assert(pNode->pTNodeHeader == NULL);
uDebug("cache:%s, key:%p, %p successfully removed from hash table, refcnt:%d", pCacheObj->name, pNode->key, pNode->data, ref);
if (ref > 0) {
assert(pNode->pTNodeHeader == NULL);
taosAddToTrash(pCacheObj, pNode);
} else { // ref == 0
atomic_sub_fetch_64(&pCacheObj->totalSize, pNode->size);
taosAddToTrash(pCacheObj, pNode);
} else { // ref == 0
atomic_sub_fetch_64(&pCacheObj->totalSize, pNode->size);
int32_t size = (int32_t)taosHashGetSize(pCacheObj->pHashTable);
uDebug("cache:%s, key:%p, %p is destroyed from cache, size:%dbytes, num:%d size:%" PRId64 "bytes",
pCacheObj->name, pNode->key, pNode->data, pNode->size, size, pCacheObj->totalSize);
int32_t size = (int32_t)taosHashGetSize(pCacheObj->pHashTable);
uDebug("cache:%s, key:%p, %p is destroyed from cache, size:%dbytes, num:%d size:%" PRId64 "bytes",
pCacheObj->name, pNode->key, pNode->data, pNode->size, size, pCacheObj->totalSize);
if (pCacheObj->freeFp) {
if (pCacheObj->freeFp) {
} else {
uDebug("cache:%s, key:%p, %p has been removed from hash table by other thread already, refcnt:%d", pCacheObj->name, pNode->key, pNode->data, ref);
uDebug("cache:%s, key:%p, %p has been removed from hash table by other thread already, refcnt:%d",
pCacheObj->name, pNode->key, pNode->data, ref);
......@@ -513,7 +516,7 @@ void taosAddToTrash(SCacheObj *pCacheObj, SCacheDataNode *pNode) {
uDebug("%s key:%p, %p move to trash, numOfElem in trash:%d", pCacheObj->name, pNode->key, pNode->data,
uDebug("cache:%s key:%p, %p move to trash, numOfElem in trash:%d", pCacheObj->name, pNode->key, pNode->data,
ADD_EXECUTABLE(utilTest ./cacheTest.cpp ./hashTest.cpp)
TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(utilTest tutil common osdetail gtest pthread gcov)
#include "os.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include "taos.h"
//#include "tsdb.h"
//#include "testCommon.h"
#include "tstoken.h"
#include "tutil.h"
#include "tcache.h"
#include "ttimer.h"
namespace {
int32_t tsMaxMgmtConnections = 10000;
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