提交 4880ca5a 编写于 作者: DCloud_JSON's avatar DCloud_JSON

- 新增 使用uni-id-pages的账号信息的状态管理功能

上级 27c252ad
## 2.0.4(2022-09-21)
- 新增 使用uni-id-pages的账号信息的状态管理功能
## 2.0.3(2022-09-20)
- 更新 依赖的`uni-ui`组件为最新版本(注意:该版本的`uni-form`相关组件将自定义节点设置成[虚拟节点](https://uniapp.dcloud.net.cn/tutorial/vue-api.html#%E5%85%B6%E4%BB%96%E9%85%8D%E7%BD%AE)))
- 更新 依赖的`uni_module`-> `uni-id-pages`为 v1.0.19版 修复 小程序端,使用将自定义节点设置成虚拟节点的uni-ui组件,导致的样式错乱问题
> 插件来源:[https://ext.dcloud.net.cn/plugin?id=1287](https://ext.dcloud.net.cn/plugin?id=1287)
##### 以下是作者写的插件介绍:
# uQRCode
### 云函数版二维码生成插件explain-qrcode现已发布,URL化后一句代码即可生成,有网就有二维码,100%生成成功,不会因为平台差异,设备差异导致生成失败,无需在前端做适配和兼容,极力推荐。插件地址:[explain-qrcode云函数二维码生成](https://ext.dcloud.net.cn/plugin?id=3359)
uQRCode 生成方式简单,可扩展性高,如有复杂需求可通过自定义组件或修改源码完成需求。已测试H5、微信小程序、iPhoneXsMax真机。
本示例项目中的自定义组件旨在抛砖引玉,有其他需求的朋友可自行扩展,自定义组件参考 ``/components/uni-qrcode/uni-qrcode.vue`` ,自定义组件使用案例参考 ``/pages/component/qrcode/qrcode.vue``
最近一次用于更新代码的 HBuilder X 版本为 2.8.11。
### 二维码
一是高速读取(QR就是取自“Quick Response”的首字母),通过摄像头从拍摄到解码到显示内容也就三秒左右,对摄像的角度也没有什么要求;
- level L : 最大 7% 的错误能够被纠正;
- level M : 最大 15% 的错误能够被纠正;
- level Q : 最大 25% 的错误能够被纠正;
- level H : 最大 30% 的错误能够被纠正;
### 使用方式
``script`` 中引用组件
import uQRCode from '@/common/uqrcode.js'
``template`` 中创建 ``<canvas></canvas>``
<canvas canvas-id="qrcode" style="width: 354px;height: 354px;" ></canvas>
``script`` 中调用 ``make()`` 方法
export default {
methods: {
async make() {
// 回调方式
canvasId: 'qrcode',
componentInstance: this,
text: 'uQRCode',
size: 354,
margin: 10,
backgroundColor: '#ffffff',
foregroundColor: '#000000',
fileType: 'jpg',
errorCorrectLevel: uQRCode.errorCorrectLevel.H,
success: res => {
// Promise
canvasId: 'qrcode',
componentInstance: this,
text: 'uQRCode',
size: 354,
margin: 10,
backgroundColor: '#ffffff',
foregroundColor: '#000000',
fileType: 'jpg',
errorCorrectLevel: uQRCode.errorCorrectLevel.H
}).then(res => {
// 同步等待
var res = await uQRCode.make({
canvasId: 'qrcode',
componentInstance: this,
text: 'uQRCode',
size: 354,
margin: 10,
backgroundColor: '#ffffff',
foregroundColor: '#000000',
fileType: 'jpg',
errorCorrectLevel: uQRCode.errorCorrectLevel.H
### 属性说明
|errorCorrectLevel|纠错等级,包含 `errorCorrectLevel.L``errorCorrectLevel.M``errorCorrectLevel.Q``errorCorrectLevel.H` 四个级别,`L`: 最大 7% 的错误能够被纠正;`M`: 最大 15% 的错误能够被纠正;`Q`: 最大 25% 的错误能够被纠正;`H`: 最大 30% 的错误能够被纠正。|
### 方法说明
### make(options)
|canvasId|String|是|画布标识,传入 `<canvas></canvas>``canvas-id`|
|componentInstance|Object|否|自定义组件实例 `this` ,表示在这个自定义组件下查找拥有 `canvas-id``<canvas></canvas>` ,如果省略,则不在任何自定义组件内查找|
|size|Number|否|画布尺寸大小,请与 `<canvas></canvas>` 所设 `width``height` 保持一致(默认:`354`)|
|backgroundColor|String|否|背景色,若设置为透明背景, `fileType` 需设置为 `'png'` , 然后设置背景色为 `'rgba(255,255,255,0)'` 即可(默认:`'#ffffff'`)|
|fileType|String|否|输出图片的类型,只支持 `'jpg'``'png'`(默认:`'png'`)|
|errorCorrectLevel|Number|否|纠错等级,参考属性说明 `errorCorrectLevel`(默认:`errorCorrectLevel.H`)|
### 使用建议
.canvas-hide {
/* 1 */
position: fixed;
right: 100vw;
bottom: 100vh;
/* 2 */
z-index: -9999;
/* 3 */
opacity: 0;
### 常见问题
canvas不支持放在 `slot` 插槽,请尽量放在模板根节点,也就是第一个 `<view></view>` 标签里面
### Tips
- 示例项目中的图片采集于互联网,仅作为案例展示,不作为广告/商业,如有侵权,请告知删除。下载使用的用户,请勿把示例项目中的图片应用到你的项目。
\ No newline at end of file
<canvas :id="cid" :canvas-id="cid" :style="{width: `${size}px`, height: `${size}px`}" />
import uQRCode from './uqrcode.js'
export default {
props: {
cid: {
type: String,
return Date.now()+Math.random()+'';
text: {
type: String,
required: true
size: {
type: Number,
default: uni.upx2px(200)
margin: {
type: Number,
default: 0
backgroundColor: {
type: String,
default: '#ffffff'
foregroundColor: {
type: String,
default: '#000000'
backgroundImage: {
type: String
logo: {
type: String
makeOnLoad: {
type: Boolean,
default: false
data() {
return {
mounted() {
if (this.makeOnLoad) {
methods: {
async make() {
var options = {
canvasId: this.cid,
componentInstance: this,
text: this.text,
size: this.size,
margin: this.margin,
backgroundColor: this.backgroundImage ? 'rgba(255,255,255,0)' : this.backgroundColor,
foregroundColor: this.foregroundColor
var filePath = await this.makeSync(options)
if (this.backgroundImage) {
filePath = await this.drawBackgroundImageSync(filePath)
if (this.logo) {
filePath = await this.drawLogoSync(filePath)
makeComplete(filePath) {
this.$emit('makeComplete', filePath)
drawBackgroundImage(options) {
var ctx = uni.createCanvasContext(this.cid, this)
ctx.drawImage(this.backgroundImage, 0, 0, this.size, this.size)
ctx.drawImage(options.filePath, 0, 0, this.size, this.size)
ctx.draw(false, () => {
canvasId: this.cid,
success: res => {
options.success && options.success(res.tempFilePath)
fail: error => {
options.fail && options.fail(error)
}, this)
async drawBackgroundImageSync(filePath) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
filePath: filePath,
success: res => {
fail: error => {
fillRoundRect(ctx, r, x, y, w, h) {
ctx.translate(x, y)
ctx.arc(w - r, h - r, r, 0, Math.PI / 2)
ctx.lineTo(r, h)
ctx.arc(r, h - r, r, Math.PI / 2, Math.PI)
ctx.lineTo(0, r)
ctx.arc(r, r, r, Math.PI, Math.PI * 3 / 2)
ctx.lineTo(w - r, 0)
ctx.arc(w - r, r, r, Math.PI * 3 / 2, Math.PI * 2)
ctx.lineTo(w, h - r)
drawLogo(options) {
var ctx = uni.createCanvasContext(this.cid, this)
ctx.drawImage(options.filePath, 0, 0, this.size, this.size)
var logoSize = this.size / 4
var logoX = this.size / 2 - logoSize / 2
var logoY = logoX
var borderSize = logoSize + 10
var borderX = this.size / 2 - borderSize / 2
var borderY = borderX
var borderRadius = 5
this.fillRoundRect(ctx, borderRadius, borderX, borderY, borderSize, borderSize)
ctx.drawImage(this.logo, logoX, logoY, logoSize, logoSize)
ctx.draw(false, () => {
canvasId: this.cid,
success: res => {
options.success && options.success(res.tempFilePath)
fail: error => {
options.fail && options.fail(error)
}, this)
async drawLogoSync(filePath) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
filePath: filePath,
success: res => {
fail: error => {
async makeSync(options) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
canvasId: options.canvasId,
componentInstance: options.componentInstance,
text: options.text,
size: options.size,
margin: options.margin,
backgroundColor: options.backgroundColor,
foregroundColor: options.foregroundColor,
success: res => {
fail: error => {
<view class="uni-section" nvue>
<view v-if="type" class="uni-section__head">
<view :class="type" class="uni-section__head-tag" />
<view class="uni-section__content">
<text :class="{'distraction':!subTitle}" class="uni-section__content-title">{{ title }}</text>
<text v-if="subTitle" class="uni-section__content-sub">{{ subTitle }}</text>
<slot />
* Section 标题栏
* @description 标题栏
* @property {String} type = [line|circle] 标题装饰类型
* @value line 竖线
* @value circle 圆形
* @property {String} title 主标题
* @property {String} subTitle 副标题
export default {
name: 'UniSection',
props: {
type: {
type: String,
default: ''
title: {
type: String,
default: ''
subTitle: {
type: String,
default: ''
data() {
return {}
watch: {
title(newVal) {
if (uni.report && newVal !== '') {
uni.report('title', newVal)
methods: {
onClick() {
<style lang="scss" scoped>
.uni-section {
position: relative;
/* #ifndef APP-NVUE */
display: flex;
/* #endif */
margin-top: 10px;
flex-direction: row;
align-items: center;
padding: 0 10px;
height: 50px;
background-color: $uni-bg-color-grey;
/* #ifdef APP-NVUE */
// border-bottom-color: $uni-border-color;
// border-bottom-style: solid;
// border-bottom-width: 0.5px;
/* #endif */
font-weight: normal;
/* #ifndef APP-NVUE */
// .uni-section:after {
// position: absolute;
// bottom: 0;
// right: 0;
// left: 0;
// height: 1px;
// content: '';
// -webkit-transform: scaleY(.5);
// transform: scaleY(.5);
// background-color: $uni-border-color;
// }
/* #endif */
.uni-section__head {
flex-direction: row;
justify-content: center;
align-items: center;
margin-right: 10px;
.line {
height: 15px;
background-color: $uni-text-color-disable;
border-radius: 5px;
width: 3px;
.circle {
width: 8px;
height: 8px;
border-top-right-radius: 50px;
border-top-left-radius: 50px;
border-bottom-left-radius: 50px;
border-bottom-right-radius: 50px;
background-color: $uni-text-color-disable;
.uni-section__content {
/* #ifndef APP-NVUE */
display: flex;
/* #endif */
flex-direction: column;
flex: 1;
color: $uni-text-color;
.uni-section__content-title {
font-size: $uni-font-size-base;
color: $uni-text-color;
.distraction {
flex-direction: row;
align-items: center;
.uni-section__content-sub {
font-size: $uni-font-size-sm;
color: $uni-text-color-grey;
"id": "uni-starter",
"displayName": "uni-starter",
"version": "2.0.3",
"version": "2.0.4",
"description": "云端一体应用快速开发基本项目模版",
"keywords": [
......@@ -81,5 +81,7 @@
"dependencies": {}
"dependencies": {
"qrcodejs2": "^0.0.2"
......@@ -128,7 +128,7 @@
"style": {
"navigationBarTitleText": "个人资料"
}, {
"path": "uni_modules/uni-id-pages/pages/userinfo/bind-mobile/bind-mobile",
"style": {
"navigationBarTitleText": "绑定手机号码"
......@@ -175,31 +175,28 @@
"enablePullDownRefresh": false,
"navigationBarTitleText": "修改密码"
}, {
"path": "uni_modules/uni-id-pages/pages/register/register-by-email",
"style": {
"navigationBarTitleText": "邮箱验证码注册"
}, {
"path": "uni_modules/uni-id-pages/pages/retrieve/retrieve-by-email",
"style": {
"navigationBarTitleText": "通过邮箱重置密码"
}, {
"path": "uni_modules/uni-id-pages/pages/register/register-admin",
"style": {
"enablePullDownRefresh": false,
"navigationBarTitleText": "注册管理员账号"
"globalStyle": {
// #ifdef H5
"h5": {
"titleNView": false
// #endif
"navigationBarTextStyle": "black",
......@@ -210,14 +210,14 @@
/* #ifndef APP-NVUE || VUE3*/
/* #endif */
.uni-searchbar__box {
border-width: 0;
/* #ifndef APP-NVUE || VUE3 */
/* #endif */
.uni-input-placeholder {
font-size: 28rpx;
......@@ -378,7 +378,7 @@
/* #ifdef APP-PLUS */
/* #ifndef APP-NVUE || VUE3*/
/* #endif */
.uni-searchbar {
padding-left: 0;
......@@ -387,14 +387,14 @@
/* #endif */
/* #ifndef APP-NVUE || VUE3*/
/* #endif */
.uni-searchbar__box {
border-width: 0;
/* #ifndef APP-NVUE || VUE3 */
/* #endif */
.uni-input-placeholder {
font-size: 28rpx;
......@@ -4,8 +4,11 @@
<image class="logoImg" :src="about.logo"></image>
<text class="tip appName">{{about.appName}}</text>
<text class="tip">Version {{version}}</text>
<!--Sansnn-uQRCode组件来源,插件市场:https://ext.dcloud.net.cn/plugin?id=1287 微调后-->
<Sansnn-uQRCode :text="about.download" :makeOnLoad="true" class="qrcode"></Sansnn-uQRCode>
<view class="qrcode">
<!--uqrcode 组件来源,插件Sansnn-uQRCode 链接地址:https://ext.dcloud.net.cn/plugin?id=1287-->
<uqrcode :size="100" canvas-id="qrcode" :value="about.download"></uqrcode>
<text class="tip">{{$t('about.sacnQR')}} {{about.appName}} {{$t('about.client')}}</text>
<view class="copyright">
......@@ -24,7 +27,11 @@
const uniShare = new UniShare()
// #endif
import uniIdPagesConfig from '@/uni_modules/uni-id-pages/config.js';
import uqrcode from "@/uni_modules/Sansnn-uQRCode/components/uqrcode/uqrcode"
export default {
// #ifdef APP
onBackPress({from}) {
......@@ -154,7 +161,7 @@
<style lang="scss" scoped>
/* #ifndef APP-NVUE */
view {
display: flex;
box-sizing: border-box;
flex-direction: column;
......@@ -193,8 +200,13 @@
font-weight: 500;
.qrcode {
margin-top: 60rpx;
.qrcode ,.qrcode .uqrcode{
margin: 10px 0;
width: 100px;
height: 100px;
/* #ifndef APP-NVUE */
display: block;
/* #endif */
.copyright {
......@@ -28,7 +28,10 @@
import pushServer from './dc-push/push.js';
import common from '@/uni_modules/uni-id-pages/common/common.js';
import {
} from '@/uni_modules/uni-id-pages/common/store.js'
export default {
data() {
return {
......@@ -41,7 +44,7 @@
computed: {
return uniCloud.getCurrentUserInfo().tokenExpired > Date.now()
return store.hasLogin
return getApp().globalData.config.i18n.enable
......@@ -76,7 +79,7 @@
methods: {
async changeLoginState(){
await common.logout()
await mutations.logout()
url: '/uni_modules/uni-id-pages/pages/login/login-withoutpwd',
......@@ -290,10 +293,10 @@
margin-top: 10px;
/* #ifndef APP-NVUE || VUE3 */
.content /deep/ .uni-list {
.content ::v-deep .uni-list {
background-color: #F9F9F9;
.content /deep/ .uni-list-item--disabled,.list-item {
.content ::v-deep .uni-list-item--disabled,.list-item {
height: 50px;
margin-bottom: 1px;
......@@ -38,6 +38,10 @@
const uniShare = new UniShare()
// #endif
const db = uniCloud.database();
import {
} from '@/uni_modules/uni-id-pages/common/store.js'
export default {
// #ifdef APP
onBackPress({from}) {
......@@ -132,9 +136,7 @@
"style": "solid", // 边框样式
"radius": "100%" // 边框圆角,支持百分比
onLoad() {
......@@ -149,21 +151,13 @@
onShow() {
this.hasLogin = uniCloud.getCurrentUserInfo().tokenExpired > Date.now()
computed: {
this._test = Date.now()
return ''
userInfo() {
return store.userInfo
return store.hasLogin
// #ifdef APP-PLUS
appVersion() {
......@@ -175,19 +169,6 @@
methods: {
getUserInfo(e) {
const db = uniCloud.database();
db.collection('uni-id-users').where("'_id' == $cloudEnv_uid").field('mobile,nickname,avatar_file').get().then(res => {
this.userInfo = res.result.data[0]
console.log('this.userInfo', this.userInfo);
}).catch(e => {
this.userInfo = {}
console.log(e.message, e.errCode);
}).finally(e => {
// console.log(e);
toSettings() {
url: "/pages/ucenter/settings/settings"
......@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ export default {
"slogan": "云端一体应用快速开发模版",
"download": "",
"download": "https://itunes.apple.com/cn/app/hello-uni-app/id1417078253?mt=8",
"version":"1.0.0" //用于非app端显示,app端自动获取
## 3.5.1(2022-08-11)
const isWeex = typeof WXEnvironment !== 'undefined';
const isWeexIOS = isWeex && /ios/i.test(WXEnvironment.platform);
const isWeexAndroid = isWeex && !isWeexIOS;
import GLmethod from '../context-webgl/GLmethod';
const GCanvasModule =
(typeof weex !== 'undefined' && weex.requireModule) ? (weex.requireModule('gcanvas')) :
(typeof __weex_require__ !== 'undefined') ? (__weex_require__('@weex-module/gcanvas')) : {};
let isDebugging = false;
let isComboDisabled = false;
const logCommand = (function () {
const methodQuery = [];
Object.keys(GLmethod).forEach(key => {
methodQuery[GLmethod[key]] = key;
const queryMethod = (id) => {
return methodQuery[parseInt(id)] || 'NotFoundMethod';
const logCommand = (id, cmds) => {
const mId = cmds.split(',')[0];
const mName = queryMethod(mId);
console.log(`=== callNative - componentId:${id}; method: ${mName}; cmds: ${cmds}`);
return logCommand;
function joinArray(arr, sep) {
let res = '';
for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
if (i !== 0) {
res += sep;
res += arr[i];
return res;
const commandsCache = {}
const GBridge = {
callEnable: (ref, configArray) => {
commandsCache[ref] = [];
return GCanvasModule.enable({
componentId: ref,
config: configArray
callEnableDebug: () => {
isDebugging = true;
callEnableDisableCombo: () => {
isComboDisabled = true;
callSetContextType: function (componentId, context_type) {
GCanvasModule.setContextType(context_type, componentId);
callReset: function(id){
GCanvasModule.resetComponent && canvasModule.resetComponent(componentId);
render: isWeexIOS ? function (componentId) {
return GCanvasModule.extendCallNative({
contextId: componentId,
type: 0x60000001
} : function (componentId) {
return callGCanvasLinkNative(componentId, 0x60000001, 'render');
render2d: isWeexIOS ? function (componentId, commands, callback) {
if (isDebugging) {
console.log('>>> >>> render2d ===');
console.log('>>> commands: ' + commands);
GCanvasModule.render([commands, callback?true:false], componentId, callback);
} : function (componentId, commands,callback) {
if (isDebugging) {
console.log('>>> >>> render2d ===');
console.log('>>> commands: ' + commands);
callGCanvasLinkNative(componentId, 0x20000001, commands);
callExtendCallNative: isWeexIOS ? function (componentId, cmdArgs) {
throw 'should not be here anymore ' + cmdArgs;
} : function (componentId, cmdArgs) {
throw 'should not be here anymore ' + cmdArgs;
flushNative: isWeexIOS ? function (componentId) {
const cmdArgs = joinArray(commandsCache[componentId], ';');
commandsCache[componentId] = [];
if (isDebugging) {
console.log('>>> >>> flush native ===');
console.log('>>> commands: ' + cmdArgs);
const result = GCanvasModule.extendCallNative({
"contextId": componentId,
"type": 0x60000000,
"args": cmdArgs
const res = result && result.result;
if (isDebugging) {
console.log('>>> result: ' + res);
return res;
} : function (componentId) {
const cmdArgs = joinArray(commandsCache[componentId], ';');
commandsCache[componentId] = [];
if (isDebugging) {
console.log('>>> >>> flush native ===');
console.log('>>> commands: ' + cmdArgs);
const result = callGCanvasLinkNative(componentId, 0x60000000, cmdArgs);
if (isDebugging) {
console.log('>>> result: ' + result);
return result;
callNative: function (componentId, cmdArgs, cache) {
if (isDebugging) {
logCommand(componentId, cmdArgs);
if (!cache || isComboDisabled) {
return GBridge.flushNative(componentId);
} else {
return undefined;
texImage2D(componentId, ...args) {
if (isWeexIOS) {
if (args.length === 6) {
const [target, level, internalformat, format, type, image] = args;
GLmethod.texImage2D + ',' + 6 + ',' + target + ',' + level + ',' + internalformat + ',' + format + ',' + type + ',' + image.src
} else if (args.length === 9) {
const [target, level, internalformat, width, height, border, format, type, image] = args;
GLmethod.texImage2D + ',' + 9 + ',' + target + ',' + level + ',' + internalformat + ',' + width + ',' + height + ',' + border + ',' +
+ format + ',' + type + ',' + (image ? image.src : 0)
} else if (isWeexAndroid) {
if (args.length === 6) {
const [target, level, internalformat, format, type, image] = args;
GCanvasModule.texImage2D(componentId, target, level, internalformat, format, type, image.src);
} else if (args.length === 9) {
const [target, level, internalformat, width, height, border, format, type, image] = args;
GCanvasModule.texImage2D(componentId, target, level, internalformat, width, height, border, format, type, (image ? image.src : 0));
texSubImage2D(componentId, target, level, xoffset, yoffset, format, type, image) {
if (isWeexIOS) {
if (arguments.length === 8) {
GLmethod.texSubImage2D + ',' + 6 + ',' + target + ',' + level + ',' + xoffset + ',' + yoffset, + ',' + format + ',' + type + ',' + image.src
} else if (isWeexAndroid) {
GCanvasModule.texSubImage2D(componentId, target, level, xoffset, yoffset, format, type, image.src);
bindImageTexture(componentId, src, imageId) {
GCanvasModule.bindImageTexture([src, imageId], componentId);
perloadImage([url, id], callback) {
GCanvasModule.preLoadImage([url, id], function (image) {
image.url = url;
image.id = id;
measureText(text, fontStyle, componentId) {
return GCanvasModule.measureText([text, fontStyle], componentId);
getImageData (componentId, x, y, w, h, callback) {
GCanvasModule.getImageData([x, y,w,h],componentId,callback);
putImageData (componentId, data, x, y, w, h, callback) {
GCanvasModule.putImageData([x, y,w,h,data],componentId,callback);
toTempFilePath(componentId, x, y, width, height, destWidth, destHeight, fileType, quality, callback){
GCanvasModule.toTempFilePath([x, y, width,height, destWidth, destHeight, fileType, quality], componentId, callback);
export default GBridge;
\ No newline at end of file
class FillStyleLinearGradient {
constructor(x0, y0, x1, y1) {
this._start_pos = { _x: x0, _y: y0 };
this._end_pos = { _x: x1, _y: y1 };
this._stop_count = 0;
this._stops = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0];
addColorStop = function (pos, color) {
if (this._stop_count < 5 && 0.0 <= pos && pos <= 1.0) {
this._stops[this._stop_count] = { _pos: pos, _color: color };
export default FillStyleLinearGradient;
\ No newline at end of file
class FillStylePattern {
constructor(img, pattern) {
this._style = pattern;
this._img = img;
export default FillStylePattern;
\ No newline at end of file
class FillStyleRadialGradient {
constructor(x0, y0, r0, x1, y1, r1) {
this._start_pos = { _x: x0, _y: y0, _r: r0 };
this._end_pos = { _x: x1, _y: y1, _r: r1 };
this._stop_count = 0;
this._stops = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0];
addColorStop(pos, color) {
if (this._stop_count < 5 && 0.0 <= pos && pos <= 1.0) {
this._stops[this._stop_count] = { _pos: pos, _color: color };
export default FillStyleRadialGradient;
\ No newline at end of file
import FillStylePattern from './FillStylePattern';
import FillStyleLinearGradient from './FillStyleLinearGradient';
import FillStyleRadialGradient from './FillStyleRadialGradient';
import GImage from '../env/image.js';
import {
} from '../env/tool.js';
export default class CanvasRenderingContext2D {
_drawCommands = '';
_globalAlpha = 1.0;
_fillStyle = 'rgb(0,0,0)';
_strokeStyle = 'rgb(0,0,0)';
_lineWidth = 1;
_lineCap = 'butt';
_lineJoin = 'miter';
_miterLimit = 10;
_globalCompositeOperation = 'source-over';
_textAlign = 'start';
_textBaseline = 'alphabetic';
_font = '10px sans-serif';
_savedGlobalAlpha = [];
timer = null;
componentId = null;
_notCommitDrawImageCache = [];
_needRedrawImageCache = [];
_redrawCommands = '';
_autoSaveContext = true;
// _imageMap = new GHashMap();
// _textureMap = new GHashMap();
constructor() {
this.className = 'CanvasRenderingContext2D';
setFillStyle(value) {
this.fillStyle = value;
set fillStyle(value) {
this._fillStyle = value;
if (typeof(value) == 'string') {
this._drawCommands = this._drawCommands.concat("F" + value + ";");
} else if (value instanceof FillStylePattern) {
const image = value._img;
if (!image.complete) {
image.onload = () => {
var index = this._needRedrawImageCache.indexOf(image);
if (index > -1) {
this._needRedrawImageCache.splice(index, 1);
CanvasRenderingContext2D.GBridge.bindImageTexture(this.componentId, image.src, image._id);
} else {
CanvasRenderingContext2D.GBridge.bindImageTexture(this.componentId, image.src, image._id);
//CanvasRenderingContext2D.GBridge.bindImageTexture(this.componentId, image.src, image._id);
this._drawCommands = this._drawCommands.concat("G" + image._id + "," + value._style + ";");
} else if (value instanceof FillStyleLinearGradient) {
var command = "D" + value._start_pos._x.toFixed(2) + "," + value._start_pos._y.toFixed(2) + "," +
value._end_pos._x.toFixed(2) + "," + value._end_pos._y.toFixed(2) + "," +
for (var i = 0; i < value._stop_count; ++i) {
command += ("," + value._stops[i]._pos + "," + value._stops[i]._color);
this._drawCommands = this._drawCommands.concat(command + ";");
} else if (value instanceof FillStyleRadialGradient) {
var command = "H" + value._start_pos._x.toFixed(2) + "," + value._start_pos._y.toFixed(2) + "," + value._start_pos._r
.toFixed(2) + "," +
value._end_pos._x.toFixed(2) + "," + value._end_pos._y.toFixed(2) + "," + value._end_pos._r.toFixed(2) + "," +
for (var i = 0; i < value._stop_count; ++i) {
command += ("," + value._stops[i]._pos + "," + value._stops[i]._color);
this._drawCommands = this._drawCommands.concat(command + ";");
get fillStyle() {
return this._fillStyle;
get globalAlpha() {
return this._globalAlpha;
setGlobalAlpha(value) {
this.globalAlpha = value;
set globalAlpha(value) {
this._globalAlpha = value;
this._drawCommands = this._drawCommands.concat("a" + value.toFixed(2) + ";");
get strokeStyle() {
return this._strokeStyle;
setStrokeStyle(value) {
this.strokeStyle = value;
set strokeStyle(value) {
this._strokeStyle = value;
if (typeof(value) == 'string') {
this._drawCommands = this._drawCommands.concat("S" + value + ";");
} else if (value instanceof FillStylePattern) {
CanvasRenderingContext2D.GBridge.bindImageTexture(this.componentId, image.src, image._id);
this._drawCommands = this._drawCommands.concat("G" + image._id + "," + value._style + ";");
} else if (value instanceof FillStyleLinearGradient) {
var command = "D" + value._start_pos._x.toFixed(2) + "," + value._start_pos._y.toFixed(2) + "," +
value._end_pos._x.toFixed(2) + "," + value._end_pos._y.toFixed(2) + "," +
for (var i = 0; i < value._stop_count; ++i) {
command += ("," + value._stops[i]._pos + "," + value._stops[i]._color);
this._drawCommands = this._drawCommands.concat(command + ";");
} else if (value instanceof FillStyleRadialGradient) {
var command = "H" + value._start_pos._x.toFixed(2) + "," + value._start_pos._y.toFixed(2) + "," + value._start_pos._r
.toFixed(2) + "," +
value._end_pos._x.toFixed(2) + "," + value._end_pos._y + ",".toFixed(2) + value._end_pos._r.toFixed(2) + "," +
for (var i = 0; i < value._stop_count; ++i) {
command += ("," + value._stops[i]._pos + "," + value._stops[i]._color);
this._drawCommands = this._drawCommands.concat(command + ";");
get lineWidth() {
return this._lineWidth;
setLineWidth(value) {
this.lineWidth = value;
set lineWidth(value) {
this._lineWidth = value;
this._drawCommands = this._drawCommands.concat("W" + value + ";");
get lineCap() {
return this._lineCap;
setLineCap(value) {
this.lineCap = value;
set lineCap(value) {
this._lineCap = value;
this._drawCommands = this._drawCommands.concat("C" + value + ";");
get lineJoin() {
return this._lineJoin;
setLineJoin(value) {
this.lineJoin = value
set lineJoin(value) {
this._lineJoin = value;
this._drawCommands = this._drawCommands.concat("J" + value + ";");
get miterLimit() {
return this._miterLimit;
setMiterLimit(value) {
this.miterLimit = value
set miterLimit(value) {
this._miterLimit = value;
this._drawCommands = this._drawCommands.concat("M" + value + ";");
get globalCompositeOperation() {
return this._globalCompositeOperation;
set globalCompositeOperation(value) {
this._globalCompositeOperation = value;
let mode = 0;
switch (value) {
case "source-over":
mode = 0;
case "source-atop":
mode = 5;
case "source-in":
mode = 0;
case "source-out":
mode = 2;
case "destination-over":
mode = 4;
case "destination-atop":
mode = 4;
case "destination-in":
mode = 4;
case "destination-out":
mode = 3;
case "lighter":
mode = 1;
case "copy":
mode = 2;
case "xor":
mode = 6;
mode = 0;
this._drawCommands = this._drawCommands.concat("B" + mode + ";");
get textAlign() {
return this._textAlign;
setTextAlign(value) {
this.textAlign = value
set textAlign(value) {
this._textAlign = value;
let Align = 0;
switch (value) {
case "start":
Align = 0;
case "end":
Align = 1;
case "left":
Align = 2;
case "center":
Align = 3;
case "right":
Align = 4;
Align = 0;
this._drawCommands = this._drawCommands.concat("A" + Align + ";");
get textBaseline() {
return this._textBaseline;
setTextBaseline(value) {
this.textBaseline = value
set textBaseline(value) {
this._textBaseline = value;
let baseline = 0;
switch (value) {
case "alphabetic":
baseline = 0;
case "middle":
baseline = 1;
case "top":
baseline = 2;
case "hanging":
baseline = 3;
case "bottom":
baseline = 4;
case "ideographic":
baseline = 5;
baseline = 0;
this._drawCommands = this._drawCommands.concat("E" + baseline + ";");
get font() {
return this._font;
setFontSize(size) {
var str = this._font;
var strs = str.trim().split(/\s+/);
for (var i = 0; i < strs.length; i++) {
var values = ["normal", "italic", "oblique", "normal", "small-caps", "normal", "bold",
"bolder", "lighter", "100", "200", "300", "400", "500", "600", "700", "800", "900",
"normal", "ultra-condensed", "extra-condensed", "condensed", "semi-condensed",
"semi-expanded", "expanded", "extra-expanded", "ultra-expanded"
if (-1 == values.indexOf(strs[i].trim())) {
if (typeof size === 'string') {
strs[i] = size;
} else if (typeof size === 'number') {
strs[i] = String(size) + 'px';
this.font = strs.join(" ");
set font(value) {
this._font = value;
this._drawCommands = this._drawCommands.concat("j" + value + ";");
setTransform(a, b, c, d, tx, ty) {
this._drawCommands = this._drawCommands.concat("t" +
(a === 1 ? "1" : a.toFixed(2)) + "," +
(b === 0 ? "0" : b.toFixed(2)) + "," +
(c === 0 ? "0" : c.toFixed(2)) + "," +
(d === 1 ? "1" : d.toFixed(2)) + "," + tx.toFixed(2) + "," + ty.toFixed(2) + ";");
transform(a, b, c, d, tx, ty) {
this._drawCommands = this._drawCommands.concat("f" +
(a === 1 ? "1" : a.toFixed(2)) + "," +
(b === 0 ? "0" : b.toFixed(2)) + "," +
(c === 0 ? "0" : c.toFixed(2)) + "," +
(d === 1 ? "1" : d.toFixed(2)) + "," + tx + "," + ty + ";");
resetTransform() {
this._drawCommands = this._drawCommands.concat("m;");
scale(a, d) {
this._drawCommands = this._drawCommands.concat("k" + a.toFixed(2) + "," +
d.toFixed(2) + ";");
rotate(angle) {
this._drawCommands = this._drawCommands
.concat("r" + angle.toFixed(6) + ";");
translate(tx, ty) {
this._drawCommands = this._drawCommands.concat("l" + tx.toFixed(2) + "," + ty.toFixed(2) + ";");
save() {
this._drawCommands = this._drawCommands.concat("v;");
restore() {
this._drawCommands = this._drawCommands.concat("e;");
this._globalAlpha = this._savedGlobalAlpha.pop();
createPattern(img, pattern) {
if (typeof img === 'string') {
var imgObj = new GImage();
imgObj.src = img;
img = imgObj;
return new FillStylePattern(img, pattern);
createLinearGradient(x0, y0, x1, y1) {
return new FillStyleLinearGradient(x0, y0, x1, y1);
createRadialGradient = function(x0, y0, r0, x1, y1, r1) {
return new FillStyleRadialGradient(x0, y0, r0, x1, y1, r1);
createCircularGradient = function(x0, y0, r0) {
return new FillStyleRadialGradient(x0, y0, 0, x0, y0, r0);
strokeRect(x, y, w, h) {
this._drawCommands = this._drawCommands.concat("s" + x + "," + y + "," + w + "," + h + ";");
clearRect(x, y, w, h) {
this._drawCommands = this._drawCommands.concat("c" + x + "," + y + "," + w +
"," + h + ";");
clip() {
this._drawCommands = this._drawCommands.concat("p;");
resetClip() {
this._drawCommands = this._drawCommands.concat("q;");
closePath() {
this._drawCommands = this._drawCommands.concat("o;");
moveTo(x, y) {
this._drawCommands = this._drawCommands.concat("g" + x.toFixed(2) + "," + y.toFixed(2) + ";");
lineTo(x, y) {
this._drawCommands = this._drawCommands.concat("i" + x.toFixed(2) + "," + y.toFixed(2) + ";");
quadraticCurveTo = function(cpx, cpy, x, y) {
this._drawCommands = this._drawCommands.concat("u" + cpx + "," + cpy + "," + x + "," + y + ";");
bezierCurveTo(cp1x, cp1y, cp2x, cp2y, x, y, ) {
this._drawCommands = this._drawCommands.concat(
"z" + cp1x.toFixed(2) + "," + cp1y.toFixed(2) + "," + cp2x.toFixed(2) + "," + cp2y.toFixed(2) + "," +
x.toFixed(2) + "," + y.toFixed(2) + ";");
arcTo(x1, y1, x2, y2, radius) {
this._drawCommands = this._drawCommands.concat("h" + x1 + "," + y1 + "," + x2 + "," + y2 + "," + radius + ";");
beginPath() {
this._drawCommands = this._drawCommands.concat("b;");
fillRect(x, y, w, h) {
this._drawCommands = this._drawCommands.concat("n" + x + "," + y + "," + w +
"," + h + ";");
rect(x, y, w, h) {
this._drawCommands = this._drawCommands.concat("w" + x + "," + y + "," + w + "," + h + ";");
fill() {
this._drawCommands = this._drawCommands.concat("L;");
stroke(path) {
this._drawCommands = this._drawCommands.concat("x;");
arc(x, y, radius, startAngle, endAngle, anticlockwise) {
let ianticlockwise = 0;
if (anticlockwise) {
ianticlockwise = 1;
this._drawCommands = this._drawCommands.concat(
"y" + x.toFixed(2) + "," + y.toFixed(2) + "," +
radius.toFixed(2) + "," + startAngle + "," + endAngle + "," + ianticlockwise +
fillText(text, x, y) {
let tmptext = text.replace(/!/g, "!!");
tmptext = tmptext.replace(/,/g, "!,");
tmptext = tmptext.replace(/;/g, "!;");
this._drawCommands = this._drawCommands.concat("T" + tmptext + "," + x + "," + y + ",0.0;");
strokeText = function(text, x, y) {
let tmptext = text.replace(/!/g, "!!");
tmptext = tmptext.replace(/,/g, "!,");
tmptext = tmptext.replace(/;/g, "!;");
this._drawCommands = this._drawCommands.concat("U" + tmptext + "," + x + "," + y + ",0.0;");
measureText(text) {
return CanvasRenderingContext2D.GBridge.measureText(text, this.font, this.componentId);
isPointInPath = function(x, y) {
throw new Error('GCanvas not supported yet');
drawImage(image, sx, sy, sw, sh, dx, dy, dw, dh) {
if (typeof image === 'string') {
var imgObj = new GImage();
imgObj.src = image;
image = imgObj;
if (image instanceof GImage) {
if (!image.complete) {
imgObj.onload = () => {
var index = this._needRedrawImageCache.indexOf(image);
if (index > -1) {
this._needRedrawImageCache.splice(index, 1);
CanvasRenderingContext2D.GBridge.bindImageTexture(this.componentId, image.src, image._id);
} else {
CanvasRenderingContext2D.GBridge.bindImageTexture(this.componentId, image.src, image._id);
var srcArgs = [image, sx, sy, sw, sh, dx, dy, dw, dh];
var args = [];
for (var arg in srcArgs) {
if (typeof(srcArgs[arg]) != 'undefined') {
this.__drawImage.apply(this, args);
//this.__drawImage(image,sx, sy, sw, sh, dx, dy, dw, dh);
__drawImage(image, sx, sy, sw, sh, dx, dy, dw, dh) {
const numArgs = arguments.length;
function drawImageCommands() {
if (numArgs === 3) {
const x = parseFloat(sx) || 0.0;
const y = parseFloat(sy) || 0.0;
return ("d" + image._id + ",0,0," +
image.width + "," + image.height + "," +
x + "," + y + "," + image.width + "," + image.height + ";");
} else if (numArgs === 5) {
const x = parseFloat(sx) || 0.0;
const y = parseFloat(sy) || 0.0;
const width = parseInt(sw) || image.width;
const height = parseInt(sh) || image.height;
return ("d" + image._id + ",0,0," +
image.width + "," + image.height + "," +
x + "," + y + "," + width + "," + height + ";");
} else if (numArgs === 9) {
sx = parseFloat(sx) || 0.0;
sy = parseFloat(sy) || 0.0;
sw = parseInt(sw) || image.width;
sh = parseInt(sh) || image.height;
dx = parseFloat(dx) || 0.0;
dy = parseFloat(dy) || 0.0;
dw = parseInt(dw) || image.width;
dh = parseInt(dh) || image.height;
return ("d" + image._id + "," +
sx + "," + sy + "," + sw + "," + sh + "," +
dx + "," + dy + "," + dw + "," + dh + ";");
this._drawCommands += drawImageCommands();
_flush(reserve, callback) {
const commands = this._drawCommands;
this._drawCommands = '';
CanvasRenderingContext2D.GBridge.render2d(this.componentId, commands, callback);
this._needRender = false;
_redrawflush(reserve, callback) {
const commands = this._redrawCommands;
CanvasRenderingContext2D.GBridge.render2d(this.componentId, commands, callback);
if (this._needRedrawImageCache.length == 0) {
this._redrawCommands = '';
draw(reserve, callback) {
if (!reserve) {
this._globalAlpha = this._savedGlobalAlpha.pop();
this._redrawCommands = this._drawCommands;
this._needRedrawImageCache = this._notCommitDrawImageCache;
if (this._autoSaveContext) {
this._drawCommands = ("v;" + this._drawCommands);
this._autoSaveContext = false;
} else {
this._drawCommands = ("e;X;v;" + this._drawCommands);
} else {
this._needRedrawImageCache = this._needRedrawImageCache.concat(this._notCommitDrawImageCache);
this._redrawCommands += this._drawCommands;
if (this._autoSaveContext) {
this._drawCommands = ("v;" + this._drawCommands);
this._autoSaveContext = false;
this._notCommitDrawImageCache = [];
if (this._flush) {
this._flush(reserve, callback);
getImageData(x, y, w, h, callback) {
CanvasRenderingContext2D.GBridge.getImageData(this.componentId, x, y, w, h, function(res) {
res.data = Base64ToUint8ClampedArray(res.data);
if (typeof(callback) == 'function') {
putImageData(data, x, y, w, h, callback) {
if (data instanceof Uint8ClampedArray) {
data = ArrayBufferToBase64(data);
CanvasRenderingContext2D.GBridge.putImageData(this.componentId, data, x, y, w, h, function(res) {
if (typeof(callback) == 'function') {
toTempFilePath(x, y, width, height, destWidth, destHeight, fileType, quality, callback) {
CanvasRenderingContext2D.GBridge.toTempFilePath(this.componentId, x, y, width, height, destWidth, destHeight,
fileType, quality,
function(res) {
if (typeof(callback) == 'function') {
export default class WebGLActiveInfo {
className = 'WebGLActiveInfo';
type, name, size
}) {
this.type = type;
this.name = name;
this.size = size;
\ No newline at end of file
import {getTransferedObjectUUID} from './classUtils';
const name = 'WebGLBuffer';
function uuid(id) {
return getTransferedObjectUUID(name, id);
export default class WebGLBuffer {
className = name;
constructor(id) {
this.id = id;
static uuid = uuid;
uuid() {
return uuid(this.id);
\ No newline at end of file
import {getTransferedObjectUUID} from './classUtils';
const name = 'WebGLFrameBuffer';
function uuid(id) {
return getTransferedObjectUUID(name, id);
export default class WebGLFramebuffer {
className = name;
constructor(id) {
this.id = id;
static uuid = uuid;
uuid() {
return uuid(this.id);
\ No newline at end of file
let i = 1;
const GLmethod = {};
GLmethod.activeTexture = i++; //1
GLmethod.attachShader = i++;
GLmethod.bindAttribLocation = i++;
GLmethod.bindBuffer = i++;
GLmethod.bindFramebuffer = i++;
GLmethod.bindRenderbuffer = i++;
GLmethod.bindTexture = i++;
GLmethod.blendColor = i++;
GLmethod.blendEquation = i++;
GLmethod.blendEquationSeparate = i++; //10
GLmethod.blendFunc = i++;
GLmethod.blendFuncSeparate = i++;
GLmethod.bufferData = i++;
GLmethod.bufferSubData = i++;
GLmethod.checkFramebufferStatus = i++;
GLmethod.clear = i++;
GLmethod.clearColor = i++;
GLmethod.clearDepth = i++;
GLmethod.clearStencil = i++;
GLmethod.colorMask = i++; //20
GLmethod.compileShader = i++;
GLmethod.compressedTexImage2D = i++;
GLmethod.compressedTexSubImage2D = i++;
GLmethod.copyTexImage2D = i++;
GLmethod.copyTexSubImage2D = i++;
GLmethod.createBuffer = i++;
GLmethod.createFramebuffer = i++;
GLmethod.createProgram = i++;
GLmethod.createRenderbuffer = i++;
GLmethod.createShader = i++; //30
GLmethod.createTexture = i++;
GLmethod.cullFace = i++;
GLmethod.deleteBuffer = i++;
GLmethod.deleteFramebuffer = i++;
GLmethod.deleteProgram = i++;
GLmethod.deleteRenderbuffer = i++;
GLmethod.deleteShader = i++;
GLmethod.deleteTexture = i++;
GLmethod.depthFunc = i++;
GLmethod.depthMask = i++; //40
GLmethod.depthRange = i++;
GLmethod.detachShader = i++;
GLmethod.disable = i++;
GLmethod.disableVertexAttribArray = i++;
GLmethod.drawArrays = i++;
GLmethod.drawArraysInstancedANGLE = i++;
GLmethod.drawElements = i++;
GLmethod.drawElementsInstancedANGLE = i++;
GLmethod.enable = i++;
GLmethod.enableVertexAttribArray = i++; //50
GLmethod.flush = i++;
GLmethod.framebufferRenderbuffer = i++;
GLmethod.framebufferTexture2D = i++;
GLmethod.frontFace = i++;
GLmethod.generateMipmap = i++;
GLmethod.getActiveAttrib = i++;
GLmethod.getActiveUniform = i++;
GLmethod.getAttachedShaders = i++;
GLmethod.getAttribLocation = i++;
GLmethod.getBufferParameter = i++; //60
GLmethod.getContextAttributes = i++;
GLmethod.getError = i++;
GLmethod.getExtension = i++;
GLmethod.getFramebufferAttachmentParameter = i++;
GLmethod.getParameter = i++;
GLmethod.getProgramInfoLog = i++;
GLmethod.getProgramParameter = i++;
GLmethod.getRenderbufferParameter = i++;
GLmethod.getShaderInfoLog = i++;
GLmethod.getShaderParameter = i++; //70
GLmethod.getShaderPrecisionFormat = i++;
GLmethod.getShaderSource = i++;
GLmethod.getSupportedExtensions = i++;
GLmethod.getTexParameter = i++;
GLmethod.getUniform = i++;
GLmethod.getUniformLocation = i++;
GLmethod.getVertexAttrib = i++;
GLmethod.getVertexAttribOffset = i++;
GLmethod.isBuffer = i++;
GLmethod.isContextLost = i++; //80
GLmethod.isEnabled = i++;
GLmethod.isFramebuffer = i++;
GLmethod.isProgram = i++;
GLmethod.isRenderbuffer = i++;
GLmethod.isShader = i++;
GLmethod.isTexture = i++;
GLmethod.lineWidth = i++;
GLmethod.linkProgram = i++;
GLmethod.pixelStorei = i++;
GLmethod.polygonOffset = i++; //90
GLmethod.readPixels = i++;
GLmethod.renderbufferStorage = i++;
GLmethod.sampleCoverage = i++;
GLmethod.scissor = i++;
GLmethod.shaderSource = i++;
GLmethod.stencilFunc = i++;
GLmethod.stencilFuncSeparate = i++;
GLmethod.stencilMask = i++;
GLmethod.stencilMaskSeparate = i++;
GLmethod.stencilOp = i++; //100
GLmethod.stencilOpSeparate = i++;
GLmethod.texImage2D = i++;
GLmethod.texParameterf = i++;
GLmethod.texParameteri = i++;
GLmethod.texSubImage2D = i++;
GLmethod.uniform1f = i++;
GLmethod.uniform1fv = i++;
GLmethod.uniform1i = i++;
GLmethod.uniform1iv = i++;
GLmethod.uniform2f = i++; //110
GLmethod.uniform2fv = i++;
GLmethod.uniform2i = i++;
GLmethod.uniform2iv = i++;
GLmethod.uniform3f = i++;
GLmethod.uniform3fv = i++;
GLmethod.uniform3i = i++;
GLmethod.uniform3iv = i++;
GLmethod.uniform4f = i++;
GLmethod.uniform4fv = i++;
GLmethod.uniform4i = i++; //120
GLmethod.uniform4iv = i++;
GLmethod.uniformMatrix2fv = i++;
GLmethod.uniformMatrix3fv = i++;
GLmethod.uniformMatrix4fv = i++;
GLmethod.useProgram = i++;
GLmethod.validateProgram = i++;
GLmethod.vertexAttrib1f = i++; //new
GLmethod.vertexAttrib2f = i++; //new
GLmethod.vertexAttrib3f = i++; //new
GLmethod.vertexAttrib4f = i++; //new //130
GLmethod.vertexAttrib1fv = i++; //new
GLmethod.vertexAttrib2fv = i++; //new
GLmethod.vertexAttrib3fv = i++; //new
GLmethod.vertexAttrib4fv = i++; //new
GLmethod.vertexAttribPointer = i++;
GLmethod.viewport = i++;
export default GLmethod;
\ No newline at end of file
const GLtype = {};
].sort().map((typeName, i) => GLtype[typeName] = 1 >> (i + 1));
export default GLtype;
import {getTransferedObjectUUID} from './classUtils';
const name = 'WebGLProgram';
function uuid(id) {
return getTransferedObjectUUID(name, id);
export default class WebGLProgram {
className = name;
constructor(id) {
this.id = id;
static uuid = uuid;
uuid() {
return uuid(this.id);
\ No newline at end of file
import {getTransferedObjectUUID} from './classUtils';
const name = 'WebGLRenderBuffer';
function uuid(id) {
return getTransferedObjectUUID(name, id);
export default class WebGLRenderbuffer {
className = name;
constructor(id) {
this.id = id;
static uuid = uuid;
uuid() {
return uuid(this.id);
\ No newline at end of file
export default class WebGLShaderPrecisionFormat {
className = 'WebGLShaderPrecisionFormat';
rangeMin, rangeMax, precision
}) {
this.rangeMin = rangeMin;
this.rangeMax = rangeMax;
this.precision = precision;
\ No newline at end of file
export function getTransferedObjectUUID(name, id) {
return `${name.toLowerCase()}-${id}`;
\ No newline at end of file
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