## Input Input component. You can use the `v-model` directive to create two-way data bindings and use a clear button to clear the content. ### Example - Basic usage You can use the `v-model` directive to create two-way data bindings ```html ``` ```javascript export default { data() { return { value: '' } } } ``` - Multiple configurations Support most of the attributes of the input element. In addition you can use the `clearable` attribute to toggle the clear button. ```html ``` ```javascript export default { data() { return { value: '', placeholder: 'please type here...', type: 'password', readonly: true, maxlength: 100, disabled: true, autofocus: true, autocomplete: true, useClear: false } } } ``` ### Props configuration | Attribute | Description | Type | Accepted Values | Default | | - | - | - | - | - | | type | type of input | String | text/number/password/date | text | | v-model | bound value | String | - | empty | | disabled | disabled status | Boolean | true/false | false | | readonly | readonly status | Boolean | true/false | false | | maxlength | maxlength of input | Number | - | 60 | | placeholder | placeholder of input | String | - | empty | | autofocus | autofocus status | Boolean | true/false | false | | autocomplete | autocomplete status | Boolean | true/false | false | | clearable | whether to show clear button | Boolean | true/false | false | ### Event | Event Name | Description | Parameters | | - | - | - | | focus | This event is triggered after the input box is focused. If input is disabled, it will not be triggered | e - event | | blur | This event is triggered after the input box blur | e - event |