+ add demo of -r.

上级 988cb7b2
......@@ -34,8 +34,9 @@ Parameters:
Command Line Examples:
$>zd.exe -d demo/default.yaml # Generate 10 lines of data according to the config file specified by -d.
$>zd.exe -c demo/default.yaml # Generate 10 lines of data according to the config file specified by -c.
$>zd.exe -d demo/default.yaml # Generate 10 lines of data according to the config file specified by -d.
$>zd.exe -c demo/default.yaml # Generate 10 lines of data according to the config file specified by -c.
$>zd.exe -c demo/default.yaml -r # Generate 10 lines of data according to the config file specified by -c recursively.
$>zd.exe -d demo/default.yaml -c demo/test.yaml -n 100 # Using the parameter of -c and -d at the same time.
$>zd.exe -d demo/default.yaml -c demo/test.yaml -n 100 -o test.txt # Output data in original format.
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