提交 35896e66 编写于 作者: aaronchen2k2k's avatar aaronchen2k2k

gen article separated yaml file

上级 e8d6a7c3
......@@ -123,4 +123,23 @@ type DefFieldExport struct {
Where string `yaml:"where"`
Rand bool `yaml:"rand"`
Limit int `yaml:"limit"`
type Article struct {
Title string `yaml:"title"`
Desc string `yaml:"desc"`
Author string `yaml:"author"`
Type string `yaml:"type"`
XFields []ArticleField `yaml:"xfields,flow"` // control orders
type ArticleField struct {
Field string `yaml:"field"`
Range string `yaml:"range"`
Prefix string `yaml:"prefix"`
Postfix string `yaml:"postfix"`
type ArticleSent struct {
Type string
Val string
IsParag bool
IsSent bool
\ No newline at end of file
package service
import (
constant "github.com/easysoft/zendata/src/utils/const"
fileUtils "github.com/easysoft/zendata/src/utils/file"
......@@ -27,68 +28,85 @@ var (
func ConvertArticle(src, dist string) {
files := make([]string, 0)
if !fileUtils.IsDir(src) {
if !fileUtils.IsDir(src) { // file
pth, _ := filepath.Abs(src)
files = append(files, pth)
if dist == "" {
dist = fileUtils.AddSepIfNeeded(path.Dir(pth))
if dist == "" { dist = fileUtils.AddSepIfNeeded(path.Dir(pth)) }
} else {
fileUtils.GetFilesInDir(src, ".txt", &files)
if dist == "" {
dist = fileUtils.AddSepIfNeeded(src)
if dist == "" { dist = fileUtils.AddSepIfNeeded(src) }
for _, filePath := range files {
article := fileUtils.ReadFile(filePath)
content := convertToYaml(article, filePath)
newPath := fileUtils.AddSepIfNeeded(dist) + fileUtils.ChangeFileExt(path.Base(filePath), ".yaml")
fileUtils.WriteFile(newPath, content)
yamlPaths := convertSentYaml(filePath, dist)
convertMainYaml(yamlPaths, fileUtils.GetRelatPath(filePath), dist)
func convertToYaml(article, filePath string) (content string) {
func convertSentYaml(filePath, dist string) (yamlPaths []string) {
article := fileUtils.ReadFile(filePath)
sections := parseSections(article)
_ = groupSectionsBySentAndParag(sections)
paragraphs := groupSections(sections)
conf := createDef(constant.ConfigTypeArticle, table, filePath)
for paragIndex, parag := range paragraphs {
prefix := ""
for index, section := range sections {
tye := section["type"]
val := section["val"]
parag := section["parag"]
sent := section["sent"]
for sentIndex, sent := range parag {
fileSeq := fmt.Sprintf("p%02d-s%02d", paragIndex + 1, sentIndex + 1)
if tye == "exp" {
fields := createFields(index, prefix, val)
conf.XFields = append(conf.XFields, fields...)
conf := createDef(constant.ConfigTypeArticle, table, fileUtils.GetRelatPath(filePath))
prefix = ""
} else {
prefix += val
if parag == "true" {
field := model.DefFieldExport{Field: strconv.Itoa(index), Prefix: prefix}
conf.XFields = append(conf.XFields, field)
prefix = ""
} else if sent == "true" {
field := model.DefFieldExport{Field: strconv.Itoa(index), Prefix: prefix}
conf.XFields = append(conf.XFields, field)
prefix = ""
} else if prefix != "" && index == len(sections) - 1 { // last section
field := model.DefFieldExport{Field: strconv.Itoa(index), Prefix: prefix}
conf.XFields = append(conf.XFields, field)
prefix = ""
prefix := ""
for sectIndex, sect := range sent { // each sent saved as a yaml file
fieldSeq := fmt.Sprintf("%d-%d-%d", paragIndex + 1, sentIndex + 1, sectIndex + 1)
if sect.Type == "exp" {
fields := createFields(fieldSeq, prefix, sect.Val)
conf.XFields = append(conf.XFields, fields...)
prefix = ""
} else {
prefix += sect.Val
if prefix != "" && sectIndex == len(sent) - 1 { // last section
field := model.DefFieldExport{Field: fieldSeq, Prefix: prefix}
conf.XFields = append(conf.XFields, field)
prefix = ""
bytes, _ := yaml.Marshal(&conf)
content := string(bytes)
// convert yaml format by using a map
m := make(map[string]interface{})
yaml.Unmarshal([]byte(content), &m)
bytes, _ = yaml.Marshal(&m)
content = string(bytes)
content = strings.Replace(content, "xfields", "\nfields", -1)
yamlPath := fileUtils.AddSepIfNeeded(dist) +
fileUtils.ChangeFileExt(path.Base(filePath), "-") + fileSeq + ".yaml"
fileUtils.WriteFile(yamlPath, content)
relatPath := fileUtils.GetRelatPath(yamlPath)
yamlPaths = append(yamlPaths, relatPath)
func convertMainYaml(yamlPaths []string, filePath, dist string) {
conf := createArticle(constant.ConfigTypeArticle, fileUtils.GetRelatPath(filePath))
for index, file := range yamlPaths {
field := model.ArticleField{Field: strconv.Itoa(index + 1), Range: file}
conf.XFields = append(conf.XFields, field)
bytes, _ := yaml.Marshal(&conf)
content = string(bytes)
content := string(bytes)
// convert yaml format by using a map
m := make(map[string]interface{})
......@@ -97,22 +115,38 @@ func convertToYaml(article, filePath string) (content string) {
content = string(bytes)
content = strings.Replace(content, "xfields", "\nfields", -1)
yamlPath := fileUtils.AddSepIfNeeded(dist) + fileUtils.ChangeFileExt(path.Base(filePath), ".yaml")
fileUtils.WriteFile(yamlPath, content)
relatPath := fileUtils.GetRelatPath(yamlPath)
yamlPaths = append(yamlPaths, relatPath)
func createDef(typ, table, filePath string) (conf model.DefExport) {
conf.Title = "automation"
conf.Author = "ZenData"
conf.From = table
conf.Type = typ
conf.Desc = "Generated from article " + filePath
if table != "" {
conf.From = table
func createArticle(typ, filePath string) (conf model.Article) {
conf.Title = "automation"
conf.Author = "ZenData"
conf.Type = typ
conf.Desc = "Generated from article " + filePath
func createFields(index int, prefix, exp string) (fields []model.DefFieldExport) {
func createFields(seq string, prefix, exp string) (fields []model.DefFieldExport) {
field := model.DefFieldExport{}
field.Field = strconv.Itoa(index)
field.Field = seq
field.Prefix = prefix
field.Rand = true
field.Limit = 1
......@@ -152,7 +186,7 @@ func createFields(index int, prefix, exp string) (fields []model.DefFieldExport)
func parseSections(content string) (sections []map[string]string) {
func parseSections(content string) (sections []model.ArticleSent) {
strStart := false
expStart := false
......@@ -235,37 +269,37 @@ func parseSections(content string) (sections []map[string]string) {
func groupSectionsBySentAndParag(sections []map[string]string) (groups [][][]map[string]string) {
itemArr := make([]map[string]string, 0)
groupArr := make([][]map[string]string, 0)
func groupSections(sectionArr []model.ArticleSent) (paragraphs [][][]model.ArticleSent) {
sections := make([]model.ArticleSent, 0)
sentences := make([][]model.ArticleSent, 0)
for index := 0; index < len(sections); index++ {
section := sections[index]
itemArr = append(itemArr, section)
for index := 0; index < len(sectionArr); index++ {
section := sectionArr[index]
sections = append(sections, section)
if section["parag"] == "true" {
groupArr = append(groupArr, itemArr)
groups = append(groups, groupArr)
if section.IsParag {
sentences = append(sentences, sections)
paragraphs = append(paragraphs, sentences)
groupArr = make([][]map[string]string, 0)
itemArr = make([]map[string]string, 0)
} else if section["sent"] == "true" {
if index < len(sections) - 1 && sections[index+1]["parag"] == "true" {
itemArr = append(itemArr, sections[index+1])
groupArr = append(groupArr, itemArr)
groups = append(groups, groupArr)
sentences = make([][]model.ArticleSent, 0)
sections = make([]model.ArticleSent, 0)
} else if section.IsSent {
if index < len(sectionArr) - 1 && sectionArr[index+1].IsParag {
sections = append(sections, sectionArr[index+1])
sentences = append(sentences, sections)
paragraphs = append(paragraphs, sentences)
groupArr = make([][]map[string]string, 0)
itemArr = make([]map[string]string, 0)
sections = make([]model.ArticleSent, 0)
sentences = make([][]model.ArticleSent, 0)
index += 1
} else {
groupArr = append(groupArr, itemArr)
if index == len(sections) - 1 {
groups = append(groups, groupArr)
sentences = append(sentences, sections)
if index == len(sectionArr) - 1 {
paragraphs = append(paragraphs, sentences)
itemArr = make([]map[string]string, 0)
sections = make([]model.ArticleSent, 0)
......@@ -274,20 +308,20 @@ func groupSectionsBySentAndParag(sections []map[string]string) (groups [][][]map
func addSection(str, typ string, arr *[]map[string]string) {
mp := map[string]string{}
mp["type"] = typ
mp["val"] = str
func addSection(str, typ string, arr *[]model.ArticleSent) {
sent := model.ArticleSent{}
sent.Type = typ
sent.Val = str
runeArr := []rune(str)
end := runeArr[len(runeArr) - 1]
if string(end) == "\n" {
mp["parag"] = "true"
sent.IsParag = true
} else if string(end) == "。" {
mp["sent"] = "true"
sent.IsSent = true
*arr = append(*arr, mp)
*arr = append(*arr, sent)
func isCouple(i int, arr []rune) (isCouple bool, duplicateStr string) {
......@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ func IsDir(f string) bool {
return fi.IsDir()
func AbosutePath(pth string) string {
func GetAbosutePath(pth string) string {
if !IsAbosutePath(pth) {
pth, _ = filepath.Abs(pth)
......@@ -85,6 +85,12 @@ func AbosutePath(pth string) string {
return pth
func GetRelatPath(pth string) string {
pth = strings.TrimPrefix(pth, vari.WorkDir)
return pth
func IsAbosutePath(pth string) bool {
return path.IsAbs(pth) ||
strings.Index(pth, ":") == 1 // windows
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