{ "language": "en-US", "messages": [ { "id": "windows_permission", "translation": "Windows系统下,需以管理员身份打开cmd命令行窗口。" }, { "id": "for_example", "translation": "e.g. %s" }, { "id": "total", "translation": "Total" }, { "id": "pass", "translation": "Pass" }, { "id": "fail", "translation": "Fail" }, { "id": "skip", "translation": "Skip" }, { "id": "product_id", "translation": "Product Id" }, { "id": "module_id", "translation": "Module Id" }, { "id": "suite_id", "translation": "Suite Id" }, { "id": "task_id", "translation": "Task Id" }, { "id": "test_case", "translation": "test case" }, { "id": "test_suite", "translation": "Test Suite" }, { "id": "test_script", "translation": "Test Script" }, { "id": "result", "translation": "result" }, { "id": "script", "translation": "script" }, { "id": "step", "translation": "Step" }, { "id": "steps", "translation": "Steps" }, { "id": "checkpoint", "translation": "Checkpoint" }, { "id": "expect_result", "translation": "Expect Result" }, { "id": "actual_result", "translation": "Actual Result" }, { "id": "content", "translation": "Content" }, { "id": "module", "translation": "Module" }, { "id": "category", "translation": "Category" }, { "id": "version", "translation": "Version" }, { "id": "severity", "translation": "Severity" }, { "id": "priority", "translation": "Priority" }, { "id": "title_cannot_be_empty", "translation": "Title cannot be empty" }, { "id": "need_config", "translation": "You need to config Zentao connection before checkout, type 'exit' to quit." }, { "id": "begin_config", "translation": "Begin to config, type 'exit' to quit." }, { "id": "want_to_continue", "translation": "Do you want to continue? (y/n, default is Yes)" }, { "id": "case_update_confirm", "translation": "Will commit below case info to Zentao:\n %d. %s" }, { "id": "enter_dir", "translation": "Enter %s dir:" }, { "id": "where_to_store_script", "translation": "Where to store scripts? default is '%s'" }, { "id": "dir_not_exist", "translation": "Dir not exist" }, { "id": "enter_language", "translation": "Enter the language you want to use:\n1. English %s\n2. Chinese %s" }, { "id": "config_zentao_site", "translation": "Do you want to config Zentao site? (y/n, default is Yes)" }, { "id": "enter_url", "translation": "Zentao site url: %s" }, { "id": "enter_account", "translation": "Zentao site account: %s" }, { "id": "enter_password", "translation": "Account password: %s" }, { "id": "enter_co_type", "translation": "Import test cases from?\n1. Product %s\n2. Suite %s\n3. Task %s" }, { "id": "enter_co_independent", "translation": "Save expect results in independent file? (y/n, default is No)" }, { "id": "enter_co_language", "translation": "Select script language:\n%s" }, { "id": "co_organize_by_module", "translation": "Organize test scripts by module? (y/n, default is Yes)" }, { "id": "co_script_prefix", "translation": "Enter script name prefix: default is empty." }, { "id": "enter_case_id_for_report_bug", "translation": "Which case do you want to report bug for? Type 'exit' to quit." }, { "id": "confirm_commit_result", "translation": "Continue to commit result as below? (y/n, default is Yes)\n%s" }, { "id": "invalid_input", "translation": "Invalid input, please try again." }, { "id": "zentao_config_success", "translation": "Success to config Zentao connection." }, { "id": "zentao_config_fail", "translation": "Fail to config Zentao connection." }, { "id": "current_config", "translation": "Current config:" }, { "id": "config_script_interpreter", "translation": "Do you want to config script interpreter? (y/n, default is Yes)" }, { "id": "set_script_interpreter", "translation": "Please set script interpreter for %s: %s" }, { "id": "empty_to_ignore", "translation": "(Input empty to ignore)" }, { "id": "en", "translation": "English" }, { "id": "zh", "translation": "Chinese" }, { "id": "support_language", "translation": "Only en(%s) and zh(%s) language is acceptable." }, { "id": "no_cases", "translation": "No test cases found." }, { "id": "no_scripts", "translation": "No test scripts found." }, { "id": "success_to_login", "translation": "Success to login." }, { "id": "fail_to_login", "translation": "Fail to login." }, { "id": "start_execution", "translation": "Start Execution" }, { "id": "end_execution", "translation": "End Execution" }, { "id": "found_scripts", "translation": "Found %s scripts" }, { "id": "ignore_scripts", "translation": "Ignore %s scripts with no interpreter set" }, { "id": "failed_scripts", "translation": "Failed Scripts:" }, { "id": "start_case", "translation": "Start Case %s at %s" }, { "id": "end_case", "translation": "End Case %s at %s, spend %d secs" }, { "id": "run_scripts", "translation": "Run %d scripts in %d sec%s, %s, %s, %s. Report %s" }, { "id": "no_interpreter_for_run", "translation": "Skip script %s since not found interpreter for language %s" }, { "id": "no_checkpoints", "translation": "No checkpoints." }, { "id": "only_support_script_language", "translation": "Only support language %s." }, { "id": "total_test_case", "translation": "Totally %d test cases." }, { "id": "is_checkpoint", "translation": "Step begin with '@' has checkpoint." }, { "id": "find_example", "translation": "Examples in 'demo%s%s'" }, { "id": "expect_result_here", "translation": "Expect Results, can be more than one line." }, { "id": "actual_result_here", "translation": "Record actual results." }, { "id": "success_to_generate", "translation": "Success to generate %d test scripts in '%s'." }, { "id": "success_to_commit_case", "translation": "Success to commit case %d." }, { "id": "success_to_report_bug", "translation": "Success to report bug for case %s." }, { "id": "success_to_commit_result", "translation": "Success to commit the result for case %d" }, { "id": "pls_enter", "translation": "Please enter" }, { "id": "submit", "translation": "Submit" }, { "id": "save", "translation": "Save" }, { "id": "cancel", "translation": "Cancel" }, { "id": "close", "translation": "Close" }, { "id": "help_key_bind", "translation": "HELP" }, { "id": "help_show", "translation": "CTRL+H: Show/Hide help" }, { "id": "help_exit", "translation": "CTRL+C: Exit" }, { "id": "success_to_clean_logs", "translation": "Success to clean all logs." }, { "id": "success_sort_steps", "translation": "Success to sort steps for %d scripts." }, { "id": "success_add_to_path", "translation": "Success to add ztf to PATH environment variable." }, { "id": "success_to_submit_unit_test_result", "translation": "Success to submit unit test results to Zentao。" }, { "id": "fail_to_submit_unit_test_result", "translation": "Fail to submit unit test results to Zentao %s" }, { "id": "ignore_to_submit_result", "translation": "Ignore to submit test result with no productId provided。" }, { "id": "server_return", "translation": "服务器返回:" }, { "id": "task_id_empty_to_create", "translation": ", leave it blank to create a new one." }, { "id": "run_with_specific_interpreter", "translation": "Will run all test scripts with specific interpreter %s." } ] }