
A vuepress theme with tons of features✨

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[![Author: Mr.Hope](]( [![License](]( [![Open in Visual Studio Code](]( [![Version]( ![Downloads]( ![Total downloads]( ![Size](]( [![opencollective](]( [![DeepScan grade](]( ![CodeQL]( [![codecov](]( ![Test theme]( A vuepress theme with tons of features✨ ![Status]( ## [English Docs]( ## [Online Demo]( ## Contact We recommend you to contact using [issues]( and [discussions](, but you are welcome to join our [telegram group!]( ## Note Current branch is based on VuePress@v2, and it’s still in beta. This means that features and API are not solid, and there might be BREAKING CHANGES in future releases. Though the project has stable release of V1, and are held in [V1 Repo](, but we do not recommend you to keep using V1 in new projects. See [V1 end of support Annoucement]( for more details. ## Details V2 is coming come together with _VuePress2_, with the power of _Vite2_ / _Webpack5_ and _Vue3_. V2 is a full rewrite including: - All the components are rewritten with _Composition API in Vue3_ - All the styles are migrated to _Sass_ Also V2 has a better performance:🚀 - DevServer cold start time reduced by **50%** - Build memory usage reduced by **65%** - Build time reduced by **30%** - Output Size reduced by **25%** - Webpage performance up to **70%**