提交 21c4b491 编写于 作者: M Mislav Marohnić

🔥 remove tracking from documentation site

上级 31b64436
......@@ -13,13 +13,9 @@ publish_documentation() {
git rm hub*.html >/dev/null
cp ../share/doc/*/*.html .
local tracking="$(sed -n '/googletagmanager/,/^<\/script/p' index.html)"
local man_page
for man_page in hub*.html; do cat <<<"$tracking" >>"$man_page"; done
git add hub*.html
GIT_COMMITTER_NAME='GitHub Actions' GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL='mislav+actions@github.com' \
GIT_AUTHOR_NAME='Mislav Marohnić' GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL='mislav@github.com' \
GIT_COMMITTER_NAME='GitHub Actions' GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL='noreply@github.com' \
GIT_AUTHOR_NAME='GitHub Actions' GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL='noreply@github.com' \
git commit -m "Update documentation for $version"
git push origin HEAD
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