Contributing to hub =================== Contributions to this project are [released]( to the public under the [project's open source license](LICENSE). This project adheres to a [Code of Conduct][code-of-conduct]. By participating, you are expected to uphold this code. [code-of-conduct]: ./ You will need: 1. Go 1.8+ 1. Ruby 1.9+ with Bundler 2. git 1.8+ 3. tmux & zsh (optional) - for running shell completion tests ## What makes a good hub feature hub is a tool that wraps git to provide useful integration with GitHub. A new feature is a good idea for hub if it improves some workflow for a GitHub user. * A feature that encapsulates a git workflow *not specific* to GitHub is **not** a good fit for hub, since something like that is best implemented as an external script. * If you're proposing to add a new custom command such as `hub foo`, please research if there's a possibility that such a custom command could conflict with other commands from popular 3rd party git projects. ## How to install dependencies and run tests 1. Clone hub: `git clone && cd hub` 2. Verify that existing tests pass: `make test-all` 3. Create a topic branch: `git checkout -b feature` 4. **Make your changes.** (It helps a lot if you write tests first.) 5. Verify that the tests still pass. 6. Fork hub on GitHub (adds a remote named "YOUR-USER"): `make && bin/hub fork` 7. Push to your fork: `git push -u HEAD` 8. Open a pull request describing your changes: `bin/hub pull-request` Vendored Go dependencies are managed with [`dep`]( Check `dep help ensure` for information on how to add or update a vendored dependency. ## How to write tests The new test suite is written in Cucumber under `features/` directory. Each scenario is actually making real invocations to `hub` on the command-line in the context of a real (dynamically created) git repository. Whenever a scenario requires talking to the GitHub API, a fake HTTP server is spun locally to replace the real GitHub API. This is done so that the test suite runs faster and is available offline as well. The fake API server is defined as a Sinatra app inline in each scenario: ``` Given the GitHub API server: """ post('/repos/github/hub/pulls') { status 200 } """ ``` The best way to learn to write new tests is to study the existing scenarios for commands that are similar to those that you want to add or change.