57.2 KB
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Phodal Huang 已提交
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137
# []( (2020-01-16)

## [1.9.9-beta]( (2020-01-16)

### Bug Fixes

* [python] add py2 & py3 testing ([2d414df](
* [python] fix version typo issues ([cce510e](
* [python] update version logic ([5c8d4fc](
* [ts] fix default node issues ([e47dcb0](
* [ts] quick fix test ([3e730b9](
* [ts] value not align issues ([fd36da2](
* change git reset throw error issue ([e041f41](
* fix [ts] return two class issues ([9856d2b](
* fix [ts] status issues ([a07737e](
* fix buffer not init issues ([460ebbe](
* fix default not class issues ([fcf4659](
* fix empty self function issues ([9296a41](
* fix for golangci ([9496bfa](
* fix for golangci ([3ada354](
* fix for golangci for old syntax issues ([7f04fe9](
* fix ignores issue ([708fb41](
* fix import issues ([081671e](
* fix import issues for xx from ([0477342](
* fix interface extends issue ([f5423a3](
* fix lint issue ([8ef9fa6](
* fix lint issues for *& ([100281a](
* fix lint issues for uppercase ([4b05484](
* fix more lint issues ([3caaa09](
* fix more lint issues ([86b4863](
* fix some syntax issue ([6bc6ea0](
* fix test ([750ce13](
* fix test ([0fed327](
* fix test data issues ([c62ec27](
* fix test data issues ([5cf08af](
* fix test lost issues ([2feb92e](
* fix to fix python syntax issue ([b34394d](
* fix ts compile issues ([f72c409](
* fix typo ([390eaf3](
* fix typo ([e71bf99](
* fix typo ([4e8b8b6](
* fix typo ([0333bb9](
* fix typo ([99d3632](
* update grammar ([f194377](

### Features

* [domain] add module, package, project defined ([1694e99](
* [go] add analysis api portal ([ba02a5e](
* [go] add basic handle for params & return type ([9cb87dd](
* [go] add basic procee package support ([51b0c4e](
* [go] add file name to items ([698e7cd](
* [go] add file name to items ([4f46068](
* [go] add imports support ([8cc7c4b](
* [go] add method call support ([d40c6bf](
* [go] add normal method build support ([98fb95e](
* [go] add parameters to method call ([e342dba](
* [go] add struct zero ([f324ab1](
* [go] align function to struct ([53e638b](
* [go] init normal method ([a3a5eb5](
* [go] make export code file ([a845410](
* [go] make first compile code for ts ([626dc59](
* [go] make struct to member ([e1787a5](
* [go] thinking in data struct ([101060a](
* [go] try to add for inner method call ([350b13b](
* [go] update test framework ([cb948e8](
* [js] add grammers ([d73b971](
* [js] make antlr compiler success ([38868b9](
* [js] make first console log hell world ([f8a9378](
* [plugins] make cgo ([0b2dda8](
* [plugins] make first dep plugins ([938a10f](
* [plugins] update build scripts ([6746345](
* [python translate emittoken & next token ([33b8d8b](
* [python] add basic function decl ([f50d158](
* [python] add build default token ([dcca3e7](
* [python] add import from as support ([83e0648](
* [python] add multiple import support ([2cb635e](
* [python] change grammer for better fetch value ([70c852c](
* [python] find grammar issues ([353cf9b](
* [python] find the emit issues ([e695df8](
* [python] identify basic import ([d08da6c](
* [python] init sripts ([de5d885](
* [python] it seems works ([804f409](
* [python] make annotation works ([6bd5da2](
* [python] make create rules ([3f58f84](
* [python] make first annotaion ([db9b665](
* [python] make first compile ([8d61664](
* [python] make override success ([96f126f](
* [python] make python class works ([cace00b](
* [python] move function to data struct node ([0bf4225](
* [python] remove import as names open close bren ([a7e8aea](
* [python] translate process new line for lexer ([b9e69d2](
* [ts] add annotation type for method ([72769e2](
* [ts] add basic field for interface support ([052efb5](
* [ts] add class method support ([2f90d4c](
* [ts] add constructor to method ([508ee70](
* [ts] add extend support ([0267516](
* [ts] add field modifier to field ([8502b6f](
* [ts] add fields for parameters ([1477520](
* [ts] add grammer ([901be74](
* [ts] add implement support ([f578fcc](
* [ts] add import all support ([df3e7d2](
* [ts] add interface arrow function support ([2ec137c](
* [ts] add interface method sign ([c3a818e](
* [ts] add interface support ([517ad10](
* [ts] add normal function decl ([d7fc0ee](
* [ts] add parameters ([5e9f8e8](
* [ts] add predefined type for interface ([cf41c74](
* [ts] add simple block import ([4c5ead7](
* [ts] add status* symbol for import ([86cd589](
* [ts] add support for import as ([0075bf0](
* [ts] add support for rest parameter ([a8f55d1](
* [ts] change return to array for mupltiple class ([03d4f5a](
* [ts] make first analysis api ([685f109](
* [ts] make first class identfier ([a45f6f1](
* [ts] make first grammer compile ([e97f76f](
* add basic interface support ([e37d065](
* add graph call bad smell ([2778652](
* enable parallel to fast test ([023a19b](
* init data struct method call ([15d09a4](
* init golang cli ([2402529](
* init python grammar ([15606f3](
* init ts modules ([a6a6497](
* remove plugins code, because windows go not support plugins ([81b0929](

### Reverts

* Revert "ci: update config for version" ([137eed9](

## [1.3.2]( (2020-01-08)
Phodal Huang 已提交
138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158

### Bug Fixes

* fix api call not empty issue ([1902015](
* fix GoLand refactor error issue ([978844b](
* fix typo ([3f3a6dc](

### Features

* [dep] make basic compares ([9da6b28](
* [dep] make gradle works ([d765e4a](
* [dep] make really from files ([3b1c004](
* [dep] support groovy method call ([8f360bb](
* [deps] make it works ([fe8d3cd](
* [deps] support for gradle ([838bd1e](

## [1.3.1]( (2020-01-06)
Phodal Huang 已提交
159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186

### Bug Fixes

* [deps] remove unused java code in antlr & it will cause bugs ([9a8ab9a](
* [evaluate] add checkfor null ([922160a](
* [fullast] make call chain work btter ([556edf6](
* add a quick dirty fix for duplicate class ([e3594ae](
* add lost api test ([2d773f0](
* fix api get fullname empty issue ([b15f90a](
* fix class node queue issue ([7ad0ae9](
* fix methodcall not update issue ([8f830be](
* fix methodname empty unknown issue ([7924018](
* fix path issue for windows ([3c7a6db](

### Features

* [dep] add basic maven xml parser ([16386f4](
* [dep] init analysis ([12371e0](
* [dep] make first compiler for groovy ([8944882](
* [deps] add groovy grammer files ([44a395c](
* [wasm] add analysi bs ([72f735c](
* [wasm] expose concept API ([4095526](
* add count import to analysis full app ([4dbc777](
* init jdep model ([543e09f](
* make inner class to inner class node ([7185b9c](
* make wasm works ([b5005ae](
Phodal Huang 已提交
187 188 189

Phodal Huang 已提交
# [1.3.0]( (2020-01-01)
Phodal Huang 已提交
191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227

### Bug Fixes

* add dirty fix for creator ([12ad93e](
* add multiple creator test ([d14e2eb](
* fix annotaion & add creatorclass ([bd934af](
* fix build & windows slash issues ([6f13cdb](
* fix call constructor bug ([45bf836](
* fix creator annotaion issue ([fc4de07](
* fix creator array issue ([1668c84](
* fix creator unkonw issue ([483be10](
* fix data issue ([ba0a9a7](
* fix git format issue ([9c1ba22](
* fix ignore test with unkown issue ([26f2716](
* fix typo ([235db0a](
* fix typo ([58b29c2](
* try to fix call assert in self issue ([f041478](
* try to fix creator issues ([bed0dcd](
* try to fix os stat error issue for ci ([873f613](

### Features

* [tbs] adapter add output ([7b6f9f8](
* [tbs] add duplicateAssert ([e291ef0](
* [tbs] add RedundantAssertionTest ([b4893c4](
* [tbs] add sort by type cmd & fix mockito issue ([354931a](
* [tbs] add start line to bs ([02905e5](
* [tbs] add unknown test ([f218d55](
* [tbs] update assertion list ([1b6b725](
* add parameters to jmethocall api ([a046289](
* lets support multiple go version again.... ([1230a0a](
* move behavior to domain ([592f5e7](
* move sugeest to domain ([2cf880a](
* try in wasm ([2d34993](
* update assertion list ([3b1a707](
Phodal Huang 已提交
228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 592

# [1.2.0]( (2019-12-29)

### Bug Fixes

* [suggest] add filter for clz ([f18dad6](
* add lost field usage ([e902907](
* add profile script ([2a264c5](
* annotation be modiffierr issue ([f04398e](
* fix analysis path ([8a57139](
* fix arch array issue ([5ab4c1f](
* fix bs callee issue ([ccc3089](
* fix bs condition issue ([6f9c70c](
* fix call issue ([bff5cce](
* fix callee issue ([e4b1c5a](
* fix date issue for CI because clone depth=1 ([5c102bb](
* fix delete file issue ([59194f7](
* fix empty path issue ([2ab6f7d](
* fix error test issue ([07e932c](
* fix extends issue for call ([b3e9145](
* fix gitignore typo.... ([7e0b6d3](
* fix images typo ([d80bb69](
* fix interface lost issue ([065a2de](
* fix interface not exit body issue ([4d0a645](
* fix interface not salfe issue ([4080cd7](
* fix method type issue ([fe2825d](
* fix move file test ([9d46ca1](
* fix one class issue in ident ([b6a4f74](
* fix README ypo ([8a88136](
* fix teests ([b891e0f](
* fix test ([a4f7a19](
* fix todo issue ([1641b40](
* fix typo ([a362f8d](
* fix typo & add overload test ([f517bf4](
* ignore parrale for tset ([1ea1ff5](
* lost annotation issue ([1671d6f](
* remove error code for todo ([fe801c3](
* remove it stop words ([e0d6568](
* remove unused comments ([072e2e2](
* update dots ([b6a0804](
* update todo app to get from java token ([a144934](

### Features

* [arch] add field call support ([ef95e1c](
* [arch] add implments support ([32cf685](
* [bs] add size for parameters ([32e3e72](
* [bs] add size sort ([80b83a2](
* [ident] add consturactor support ([6fbed9c](
* [tbs] add sleep test ([ddd6977](
* add arch demo ([235f2c8](
* add basic change log support ([24d537f](
* add basic create moode support ([1f498b4](
* add basic czmap ([bb400a8](
* add basic evaluate summary ([049a6c4](
* add basic git summary ([213e839](
* add basic handle fo service list ([2ac326b](
* add basic long parameter map & thinking in apriori ([e4dd506](
* add basic output for todo ([c519f3d](
* add basic remove unused test for cache ([9ddd31f](
* add basic suggest for factory ([27ccc64](
* add basic tood ([70071e9](
* add basic version apriori ([8298c06](
* add bug test files ([f9ee6c6](
* add call to api ([9dec07f](
* add complex if condition for bad smell ([d9229bb](
* add Constructor for call app ([92d7e70](
* add empyt test ([cd73441](
* add first licycyel ([9c13872](
* add first version arch ([e0ccbf0](
* add force update ident for analysis ([fd70eab](
* add git delete support ([6aa3ec1](
* add interface to implements ([856b894](
* add list api ([0bb1393](
* add merge header ([ecd0d82](
* add method num filter ([1169387](
* add redundant print ([7528520](
* add std dev for mean ([65363b9](
* add suggest app ([68d6851](
* add suggest detail ([29b999a](
* add test for lambda ([63cbe15](
* add test for mergeg package ([2cd4cdf](
* add util summary count ([dbc6353](
* change todo to double stepes ([120ed6f](
* commit for test ([96c906b](
* extract some common method ([c07cf79](
* ident add modifier ([57e64b3](
* make enable return null ([c31276f](
* make first map ([e9c7f90](
* make get return null able ([e713a1b](
* make ient return null count able ([7cb45d2](
* make return to evaluate api ([ee32128](
* make todos works ([d94523d](
* support write issues to json ([d19dc1e](
* test for remove unused imporrts ([9d6e382](
* thinking in evaluate ([2e2c746](
* thinking in refs ([e5cb452](
* thinking in return type match ([844b420](
* try to rename files ([ead706b](
* try to use stragetry patterns ([e2b83d9](
* update concept output ([43ce7b5](
* update count results ([0e32901](
* update grammers from antlr-grammar ([ee6f78e](

# [1.0.0]( (2019-12-21)

# [0.2.0]( (2019-12-21)

### Bug Fixes

* add basic mapping for requset mappigng ([b7dd60b](
* add simple deep loop check for stack overflow ([ad55a12](
* chain issue ([f8389a0](
* exract sort config ([8dc7e38](
* fix annotaion value issue ([61de10e](
* fix api typo ([f174b6b](
* fix author issues ([e36a276](
* fix base path issue for [#1]( ([16ef247](
* fix compile issue ([044f73c](
* fix empty class issue & add examples files ([b31093a](
* fix error handler ([4024456](
* fix for builder issue ([cd309a7](
* fix for created issue ([3c40b5b](
* fix git file lost issues ([10d02b1](
* fix interface data issue ([2899501](
* fix interface error issue ([eb826d5](
* fix issue for spring frameworks ([34ff403](
* fix len lt 1 issue ([5f1be42](
* fix linit issue ([78b3fc8](
* fix lost not parameter issue ([ba200ff](
* fix lost parameter issue ([cb510fd](
* fix map lost element issue ([07b50b4](
* fix name set get function ([d2535ac](
* fix not url issue ([47f3acd](
* fix output issue ([b9ca664](
* fix output issue ([093fbe4](
* fix parameter lost issue ([9539b46](
* fix queue error issues ([3fa0250](
* fix rcall direction issue ([db90b91](
* fix remove lg ([6ceb321](
* fix restApi empty issue ([a45bf13](
* fix support issue ([6adb449](
* fix target error issue ([e0c4ea9](
* fix target var error ([e913d43](
* fix targettype empty full issue ([c0ce15b](
* fix todos ([d21dd98](
* fix typo ([2a92981](
* fix update method empty issue ([2ed527d](
* make direct move files works && fixed [#1]( ([be7e162](
* refactor age ([8800834](
* remove unused fmpt ([36b946f](
* try to catch fatal issue ([89ce0f2](
* try to fix lint issue ([74939bb](
* use reverse for git history change ([8c972f9](

### Features

* add annotaion ([a7cd90f](
* add annotation support for interface api call ([f625843](
* add annotation to identifer ([f9feda8](
* add annotation to identifier ([b8cec66](
* add api caller info ([1f0d4dd](
* add api demo ([b32521e](
* add api size count ([bc6e9b2](
* add basic count logic ([c206c62](
* add basic di helper ([5210398](
* add basic map json & pprof ([a6e7699](
* add basic modifier for interfacE ([9f74b6b](
* add basic modifier to bs ([52cd7d9](
* add basic str filter ([2c5a414](
* add call saples ([255bff0](
* add filter uri for book api ([519d705](
* add for new carter ([81fb363](
* add force update api ([0ab9ee0](
* add gitignore for parser exclude ([068b14f](
* add imple rcall ([8ac838b](
* add implmenet api to package ([f7628ad](
* add interface api support ([a61fe9b](
* add lost api parent ([a2144cc](
* add more features ([058009b](
* add multiple API support ([38d2264](
* add multiplet support ([f0afd27](
* add pos for creator ([e66d8e1](
* add remove parameter for call graph ([b3c4667](
* add show count size ([37e93f8](
* add simple call type ([7f944b6](
* add simple git ignore start ([f108e89](
* add size for gitt ([e4d66f7](
* add switch file logic & thikning in siwtch file ([947cb81](
* add tst for api ([4e72ab9](
* add version... ([a7e91fe](
* count add api limit ([c010c32](
* extract di helper ([229fe2d](
* fix for git test ([1b5809d](
* init count cmd ([d17fc7b](
* make di works ([a442df5](
* make identify json for debug ([b6e7521](
* make identify readable implement ([f65324e](
* make to json ([fbefa1b](
* refactor package ([bf62044](
* rename fixtures ([df3a2eb](
* support for ident find override ([4acf652](
* thinking in overrode ([4419bae](
* thinking in testable ([8e4ba71](

# [0.2.0]( (2019-12-15)

### Bug Fixes

* add long method examples ([4e4933c](
* add lost param name ([ea3b61a](
* fix base path lose issue ([66aa8f3](
* fix basic path issue for windows ([e0752ad](
* fix chain issue ([4878986](
* fix current location issue ([354903f](
* fix for array call ([0f1b02b](
* fix for current class issue ([deb7098](
* fix import issue ([c681719](
* fix issue for spring framework ([b9b8d09](
* fix new creator issue ([c2b8bef](
* fix not class issue ([f66243e](
* fix self callee ([6d81100](
* fix super issue ([89a15c9](
* fix typo ([9e4f812](
* fix typo ([601ba36](
* fix typo... ([3782469](

### Features

* ad basic sql parser ([a81d242](
* add a basic bad smell examples ([320ca99](
* add basic api recogize ([bd15504](
* add basic bad smell cmd ([61ac3a9](
* add basic call svg ([af90d4c](
* add basic for loop ([31ca531](
* add basic keywords ([b955279](
* add basic method call ([048ea25](
* add basic parser for xml ([96c02b0](
* add basic split words ([e9d82f3](
* add basic sql parse ([5b6dbed](
* add bs code ([2772fb8](
* add cloc ([d825e52](
* add field for smell info ([817d04d](
* add field to deps info ([dd43bf3](
* add filter for output ([64966ed](
* add function body to code base.............. ([e109889](
* add gitt code ([b0ebba1](
* add it stop words ([88e6e81](
* add large class ([d0f2db2](
* add make files ([02ab112](
* add more filters ([2c02067](
* add params to data ([2cbb648](
* add params to deps ([e624b92](
* add request body for class ([f9f62e7](
* add scan api api ([2ed5dbf](
* add some refactor code ([3e67cbf](
* add word freq ([2d4d3cd](
* add write results for nodeinfo for debug ([dd26360](
* bs, add lazy element ([e6105a6](
* enable get really value ([440cf2d](
* enable past params ([d104456](
* extract ajva api listener ([295f337](
* init concept app ([c506d4a](
* refactor api ([2c6e78b](
* refactor projects ([ca77ad3](
* remove bad smell from repo ([2afec01](
* thinking in call graph ([7c633e0](
* thinking in refactor api listener ([737cd97](
* thinking in setter & getter ([266a0b4](
* try to add method call chain ([b2cda99](
* try to add parameters ([52ebfa9](

## [0.0.1]( (2019-11-03)

### Bug Fixes

* add basic replace refs ([2228a99](
* add more context ([a7ec059](
* add path to dpes info ([2817630](
* any import issue ([71f7e0e](
* fix align ([10d6646](
* fix annotaion issue ([2fa5740](
* fix auto remove issue ([82b65e7](
* fix char position issue ([2ebb920](
* fix classes issue ([bf9acea](
* fix demo kmoprt path ([aa82b0a](
* fix dlz lost issue ([56eb196](
* fix export issue for refactor ([b83a9d3](
* fix filename issue ([ca28c5a](
* fix json merge issue ([504b872](
* fix lambda call issue ([41b2f1f](
* fix new issue ([ab0016a](
* fix origin package issue ([026d509](
* fix parameters ([6b23f6e](
* fix path issue ([ccf4d59](
* fix remove issue ([33af372](
* fix rename package issue ([d8b352a](
* fix some lost import ([4ba8890](
* fix temps ([addc99c](
* fix test ([c24069b](
* fix typo ([5abd3e7](
* fix typo ([95d7c39](
* fix typo ([0ead500](
* fix typo ([3af2bb2](
* fix typo: ([d37b51f](
* fix visitor ([ec7bfc8](
* generator visitor ([39c7c01](
* it seems works ([be0f3da](
* make visitor works ([3bbd24d](
* methodscall not empty issue ([d9096e2](
* remove unused code ([8f50fa8](
* rename package ([e61ce24](
* thinkingg in typetype ([8f6fd1a](

### Features

* add basic code for parse ([d5649cb](
* add basic copy logic ([04ac7a9](
* add basic identifier app ([ac2b8d6](
* add basic import logic ([05975f0](
* add basic java parser ([9271799](
* add basic json ([e09f9d9](
* add basic json support ([7c46877](
* add basic lambda support ([5779074](
* add basic path paser ([190403d](
* add basic pkg info ([42bcefb](
* add cli for test ([1609c04](
* add convert tree ([73cd433](
* add first test ([65f600e](
* add for loop ([edf1115](
* add interface support ([6f8a0b5](
* add method call ([596f639](
* add parent rename support ([fec29ac](
* add poly example ([5ef99d9](
* add rename update support ([67df46b](
* add type to function ([994c40f](
* add unused support ([eb927a4](
* exploe apis ([d92ea4b](
* init go module ([42db8eb](
* init rename app ([8ecba18](
* make checks works ([7f069a2](
* move fiels ([cd5083d](
* removce visitor code ([a9c7d65](
* update demos ([b782572](