feat: use new graph for render

上级 e1d0f108
......@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ var archCmd = &cobra.Command{
result = result.MergeHeaderFile(tequila.MergePackageFunc)
graph := result.ToDot(".", nodeFilter)
graph := result.ToMapDot(nodeFilter)
f, _ := os.Create("coca_reporter/arch.dot")
w := bufio.NewWriter(f)
_, _ = w.WriteString("di" + graph.String())
......@@ -27,20 +27,20 @@ type Fan struct {
FanOut int
func (f *FullGraph) MergeHeaderFile(merge func(string) string) *FullGraph {
func (fullGraph *FullGraph) MergeHeaderFile(merge func(string) string) *FullGraph {
result := &FullGraph{
NodeList: make(map[string]string),
RelationList: make(map[string]*Relation),
nodes := make(map[string]string)
for key := range f.NodeList {
for key := range fullGraph.NodeList {
mergedKey := merge(key)
nodes[key] = mergedKey
result.NodeList[mergedKey] = mergedKey
for key := range f.RelationList {
relation := f.RelationList[key]
for key := range fullGraph.RelationList {
relation := fullGraph.RelationList[key]
mergedFrom := merge(relation.From)
mergedTo := merge(relation.To)
if mergedFrom == mergedTo {
......@@ -58,8 +58,8 @@ func (f *FullGraph) MergeHeaderFile(merge func(string) string) *FullGraph {
return result
func (f *FullGraph) SortedByFan(merge func(string) string) []*Fan {
mergedGraph := f.MergeHeaderFile(merge)
func (fullGraph *FullGraph) SortedByFan(merge func(string) string) []*Fan {
mergedGraph := fullGraph.MergeHeaderFile(merge)
result := make([]*Fan, len(mergedGraph.NodeList))
index := 0
fanMap := make(map[string]*Fan)
......@@ -153,7 +153,13 @@ func (fullGraph *FullGraph) ToDot(split string, include func(string) bool) *gogr
return graph
func (fullGraph *FullGraph) ToMapDot(trie *trie.PathTrie) *gographviz.Graph {
func (fullGraph *FullGraph) ToMapDot(include func(string) bool) *gographviz.Graph {
node := fullGraph.BuildMapTree(include)
dot := fullGraph.MapToGraph(node)
return dot
func (fullGraph *FullGraph) MapToGraph(trie *trie.PathTrie) *gographviz.Graph {
graph := gographviz.NewGraph()
_ = graph.SetName("G")
......@@ -162,7 +168,7 @@ func (fullGraph *FullGraph) ToMapDot(trie *trie.PathTrie) *gographviz.Graph {
fullGraph.nodeIndex = 1
for _, child := range trie.Children {
fullGraph.buildGraphNode("G", child, graph, nodes)
fullGraph.buildGraphNode("G", child, graph, nodes, "")
for key := range fullGraph.RelationList {
......@@ -181,51 +187,35 @@ func (fullGraph *FullGraph) ToMapDot(trie *trie.PathTrie) *gographviz.Graph {
return graph
func (fullGraph *FullGraph) buildGraphNode(subgraph string, current *trie.PathTrie, graph *gographviz.Graph, nodes map[string]string) {
func (fullGraph *FullGraph) buildGraphNode(subgraph string, current *trie.PathTrie, graph *gographviz.Graph, nodes map[string]string, s string) {
if s != "" {
s = s + "." + current.Value
} else {
s = s + current.Value
layerAttr, layerName := buildLayerAttr(current.Value, fullGraph.layerIndex)
_ = graph.AddSubGraph(subgraph, layerName, layerAttr)
if len(current.Children) > 0 {
for _, child := range current.Children {
fullGraph.buildGraphNode(layerName, child, graph, nodes)
fullGraph.buildGraphNode(layerName, child, graph, nodes, s)
} else {
_ = graph.AddNode(subgraph, "node"+strconv.Itoa(fullGraph.nodeIndex), fullGraph.buildRelationAttr(current.Value))
nodes[current.Value] = "node" + strconv.Itoa(fullGraph.nodeIndex)
nodes[s] = "node" + strconv.Itoa(fullGraph.nodeIndex)
type GraphNode struct {
text string
children []*GraphNode
func (fullGraph *FullGraph) BuildMapTree(include func(key string) bool) *trie.PathTrie {
pkgTrie := trie.NewPathTrie()
for nodeKey := range fullGraph.NodeList {
pkgTrie.Put(strings.ReplaceAll(nodeKey, ".", "/"))
if include(nodeKey) || include(fullGraph.NodeList[nodeKey]) {
pkgTrie.Put(strings.ReplaceAll(nodeKey, ".", "/"))
return pkgTrie
func buildNode(arr []string, node *GraphNode) *GraphNode {
if node.text == arr[0] {
return node
child := &GraphNode{}
if len(arr) == 1 {
child.text = arr[0]
node.children = append(node.children, child)
} else {
child.text = arr[0]
graphNode := buildNode(arr[1:], child)
node.children = append(node.children, graphNode)
return node
......@@ -59,12 +59,10 @@ func Test_BuildNodeDot(t *testing.T) {
graph, nodeFilter := createGraph()
graph.NodeList["com.phodal.coca"] = "com.phodal.coca"
node := graph.BuildMapTree(nodeFilter)
dot := graph.ToMapDot(node)
dot := graph.MapToGraph(node)
result := dot.String()
cmd_util.WriteToCocaFile("demo.dot", result)
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