feat: add handle for start pos error issues

上级 406a9cee
......@@ -38,6 +38,10 @@ impl Scanner {
self.index = 0;
return None;
// if origin_str.clone().len() <= start_position.clone() as usize {
// return None;
// }
let mut all_results: Vec<IOnigMatch> = vec![];
for (index, pattern) in self.patterns.iter().enumerate() {
......@@ -381,4 +385,17 @@ mod tests {
assert_eq!(5, onig_match.capture_indices[0].start);
assert_eq!(6, onig_match.capture_indices[0].end);
fn should_return_null_when_out_size() {
let origin = vec!["^", "\\\n", "%|\\*", "(^[ \t]+)?(?=#)", "(\\$?\\$)[@%<?^+*]", "\\$?\\$\\("];
let _rules = vec![-1, 37, 38, 2, 12, 14];
let debug_regex = str_vec_to_string(origin);
let mut scanner = Scanner::new(debug_regex);
let result = scanner.find_next_match_sync(
String::from("%.o: %.c $(DEPS)"),
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