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...@@ -11,20 +11,14 @@ Some output examples: [heatmap](./image/heatmap_eg.png) [running_loss](./image/ ...@@ -11,20 +11,14 @@ Some output examples: [heatmap](./image/heatmap_eg.png) [running_loss](./image/
## Feature ## Feature
### Data preprocessing ### Data preprocessing
General signal preprocessing method. * Normliaze : 5_95 | maxmin | None
* Normliaze * Filter : fft | fir | iir | wavelet | None
5_95 | maxmin | None
* filter
fft | fir | iir | wavelet | None
### Data augmentation ### Data augmentation
Various data augmentation method.<br>[[Time Series Data Augmentation for Deep Learning: A Survey]](https://arxiv.org/pdf/2002.12478.pdf) Various data augmentation method.<br>[[Time Series Data Augmentation for Deep Learning: A Survey]](https://arxiv.org/pdf/2002.12478.pdf)
* Base * Base : scale, warp, app, aaft, iaaft, filp, crop
scale, warp, app, aaft, iaaft, filp, crop * Noise : spike, step, slope, white, pink, blue, brown, violet
* Noise * Gan : dcgan
spike, step, slope, white, pink, blue, brown, violet
* Gan
### Network ### Network
Various networks for evaluation. Various networks for evaluation.
...@@ -12,19 +12,14 @@ ...@@ -12,19 +12,14 @@
## 支持的功能 ## 支持的功能
### 数据预处理 ### 数据预处理
通用的数据预处理方法 通用的数据预处理方法
* Normliaze * Normliaze : 5_95 | maxmin | None
5_95 | maxmin | None * Filter : fft | fir | iir | wavelet | None
* filter
fft | fir | iir | wavelet | None
### 数据增强 ### 数据增强
多种多样的数据增强方法.注意:使用时应该结合数据的物理特性进行选择.<br>[[Time Series Data Augmentation for Deep Learning: A Survey]](https://arxiv.org/pdf/2002.12478.pdf) 多种多样的数据增强方法.注意:使用时应该结合数据的物理特性进行选择.<br>[[Time Series Data Augmentation for Deep Learning: A Survey]](https://arxiv.org/pdf/2002.12478.pdf)
* Base * Base : scale, warp, app, aaft, iaaft, filp, crop
scale, warp, app, aaft, iaaft, filp, crop * Noise : spike, step, slope, white, pink, blue, brown, violet
* Noise * Gan : dcgan
spike, step, slope, white, pink, blue, brown, violet
* Gan
### 网络 ### 网络
提供多种用于评估的网络. 提供多种用于评估的网络.
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