# # * Copyright (c) 2021-2031, 河北计全科技有限公司 (https://www.jeequan.com & jeequan@126.com). # *

# * Licensed under the GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE 3.0; # * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # * You may obtain a copy of the License at # *

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# * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # * limitations under the License. # ##### 增量发布SQL ##### ## -- ++++ [v1.1.0] ===> [v1.1.1] ++++ ## -- 新增: 支付测试, 重发通知, 通知最大次数保存到数据库 insert into t_sys_entitlement values('ENT_MCH_PAY_TEST', '支付测试', 'transaction', '/paytest', 'PayTestPage', 'ML', 0, 1, 'ENT_MCH_CENTER', '20', 'MCH', now(), now()); insert into t_sys_entitlement values('ENT_MCH_PAY_TEST_PAYWAY_LIST', '页面:获取全部支付方式', 'no-icon', '', '', 'PB', 0, 1, 'ENT_MCH_PAY_TEST', '0', 'MCH', now(), now()); insert into t_sys_entitlement values('ENT_MCH_PAY_TEST_DO', '按钮:支付测试', 'no-icon', '', '', 'PB', 0, 1, 'ENT_MCH_PAY_TEST', '0', 'MCH', now(), now()); insert into t_sys_entitlement values('ENT_MCH_NOTIFY_RESEND', '按钮:重发通知', 'no-icon', '', '', 'PB', 0, 1, 'ENT_MCH_NOTIFY', '0', 'MGR', now(), now()); ALTER TABLE `t_mch_notify_record` ADD COLUMN `notify_count_limit` INT(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '6' COMMENT '最大通知次数, 默认6次' after `notify_count`; ## -- ++++ ++++