提交 8ad8a7bd 编写于 作者: LinuxSuRen's avatar LinuxSuRen

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上级 a61ebf63
# jcli-ishell-plugin
这是 [Jenkins CLI](https://github.com/jenkins-zh/jenkins-cli/) 的一个插件,它可以让你以交互式命令的方式管理你的 Jenkins 任务。
# 快速开始
jcli config plugin fetch
jcli config plugin install ishell
➜ ~ jcli ishell
interactive Jenkins job shell
>>> help
build trigger current job
clear clear the screen
context switch context between different Jenkins
current show the current Jenkins
exit exit the program
help display help
history show the history of job builds
job set or print current job name
search search all jobs
version show the version of this plugin
# 更多插件
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