未验证 提交 61cc3d50 编写于 作者: I Igor Velikorossov 提交者: GitHub

Pre-generate solution (#4299)

* Pre-generate solution

To mitigate https://github.com/microsoft/codecoverage/issues/38

* Disable test that's failing on .NET Framework
上级 df3ec279
......@@ -45,6 +45,15 @@ steps:
/bl:${{ parameters.repoLogPath }}/restore.binlog
displayName: Restore
- pwsh: |
$(Build.SourcesDirectory)/scripts/Slngen.ps1 -All -NoLaunch
displayName: Create solution
- script: ${{ parameters.buildScript }}
/bl:${{ parameters.repoLogPath }}/restore2.binlog
displayName: Restore solution
- script: ${{ parameters.buildScript }}
-configuration ${{ parameters.buildConfig }}
......@@ -238,7 +238,7 @@ public void WaiterRemovedAfterDispose()
#if RELEASE // In Release only since this might not work if the timer reference being tracked by the debugger
[Fact(Skip = "Flaky on .NET Framework")]
public void WaiterRemovedWhenCollectedWithoutDispose()
var timer1Counter = 0;
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