提交 9cbb18f7 编写于 作者: E Evan Read

Fix minor grammar issues

上级 9d0694a3
......@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ The following sections provide links to documentation for each DevOps stage:
| [Release](#release) | Application release and delivery features. |
| [Configure](#configure) | Application and infrastructure configuration tools. |
| [Monitor](#monitor) | Application monitoring and metrics features. |
| [Secure](#secure) | Security capability feature. |
| [Secure](#secure) | Security capability features. |
<div align="right">
<a type="button" class="btn btn-default" href="#overview">
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redirect_to: 'https://design.gitlab.com/'
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The content of this document was moved into the [GitLab Design System](https://design.gitlab.com/).
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redirect_to: 'https://design.gitlab.com/foundations/motion'
The content of this documented was moved into the [GitLab Design System](https://design.gitlab.com).
The content of this document was moved into the [GitLab Design System](https://design.gitlab.com).
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The content of this documented was moved into the [GitLab Design System](https://design.gitlab.com/).
The content of this document was moved into the [GitLab Design System](https://design.gitlab.com/).
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The content of this documented was moved into the [GitLab Design System](https://design.gitlab.com/).
The content of this document was moved into the [GitLab Design System](https://design.gitlab.com/).
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redirect_to: 'https://design.gitlab.com/'
The content of this documented was moved into the [GitLab Design System](https://design.gitlab.com/).
The content of this document was moved into the [GitLab Design System](https://design.gitlab.com/).
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The content of this document was moved into the [GitLab Design System](https://design.gitlab.com/).
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redirect_to: 'https://design.gitlab.com/foundations/illustration/'
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The content of this document was moved into the [GitLab Design System](https://design.gitlab.com/).
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The content of this document was moved into the [GitLab Design System](https://design.gitlab.com/).
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The content of this document was moved into the [GitLab Design System](https://design.gitlab.com/).
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redirect_to: 'https://design.gitlab.com/resources/design-resources'
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The content of this document was moved into the [GitLab Design System](https://design.gitlab.com/).
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The content of this document was moved into the [GitLab Design System](https://design.gitlab.com/).
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\ No newline at end of file
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The content of this document was moved into the [GitLab Design System](https://design.gitlab.com/).
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