import os import signal import subprocess work_space = 'E:\\Workspace\\aurora' pid_output = 'p_output' print('work_space: ' + work_space) print('开始运行……') def kill_process(name): try: # iterating through each instance of the process for line in os.popen("ps ax | grep " + name + " | grep -v grep"): fields = line.split() # extracting Process ID from the output pid = fields[0] # terminating process os.kill(int(pid), signal.SIGKILL) print("Process {} Successfully terminated".format(name)) except: print("Error Encountered while running script") def clear_poutput(name): # 定义函数名 b = os.getcwd() filePath = os.path.join(b, name) # 在当前py文件所在路径下的new文件中创建txt with open(filePath, 'a+', encoding='utf-8') as f: f.truncate(0) def poutput(name, pid): # 定义函数名 b = os.getcwd() filePath = os.path.join(b, name) # 在当前py文件所在路径下的new文件中创建txt with open(filePath, 'a+') as f: f.write(pid+'\n') # 加\n换行显示 # dotnet Aurora.Gateway.dll --urls "http://*:6002" # dotnet build E:\Workspace\aurora\Aurora.Gateway\Aurora.Gateway.csproj ;cd E:\Workspace\aurora\Aurora.Gateway\bin\Debug\net5.0;dotnet Aurora.Gateway.dll def start_dotnetservice(name, runPath, port,env='Development'): print('启动 ' + name) projectPath = os.path.join(runPath, name) dllPath = os.path.join(projectPath, r'bin\Debug\net5.0') #'dotnet build', shell=True, cwd=projectPath) ret = subprocess.Popen('dotnet {}.dll --urls "http://*:{}" --environment {} '.format(name, port,env), shell=True, cwd=dllPath) poutput(pid_output, "service {},pid {}".format(name, str( def start_service(name, cmd): print('启动 ' + name) print('run cmd -> ' + cmd) # ret = subprocess.Popen(cmd) ret = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True) # 记录下 pid poutput(pid_output, "service {},pid {}".format(name, str( clear_poutput(pid_output) print('启动 Consul') start_service('Consul', 'consul agent -dev') # cmd 查看端口占用 netstat -aon|findstr "8500" # cmd 杀死进程 taskkill /f /pid 18xx8 # dotnet run --launch-profile "SampleApp" # 设置环境变量 Windows 命令行: # setx ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT "Development" # 设置环境变量 PowerShell命令: # $Env:ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT = "Development" # MacOS/Linux # export ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT=development # Gateway s_name = 'Aurora.Gateway' runPath = os.path.join(work_space) start_dotnetservice(s_name, runPath, 5000) # Tenant s_name = 'Aurora.Tenant.Api' runPath = os.path.join(work_space, 'Aurora.Microservices', 'Aurora.Tenant') start_dotnetservice(s_name, runPath, 6000) # Auth s_name = 'Aurora.Auth' runPath = os.path.join(work_space) start_dotnetservice(s_name, runPath, 7000) # Core.Api s_name = 'Aurora.Core.Api' runPath = os.path.join(work_space, 'Aurora.Microservices', 'Aurora.Core') start_dotnetservice(s_name, runPath, 8000) # WebHost s_name = 'Aurora.WebHost' runPath = os.path.join(work_space) start_dotnetservice(s_name, runPath, 9000) # HttpReports s_name = 'Aurora.HttpReports' runPath = os.path.join(work_space) start_dotnetservice(s_name, runPath, 9100) iStr = input('输入任意字符以结束……')