未验证 提交 54e38b5f 编写于 作者: Q qkqpttgf 提交者: GitHub

change dontBasicAuth to useBasicAuth

上级 b079891a
......@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ $constStr = [
'disableShowThumb' => 'if 1, the ShowThumbnail button will not display',
'disableChangeTheme' => 'if 1, the Theme selection button will not display',
'downloadencrypt' => '0 or 1. if 1, the files in encrypt folder can be downloaded without password',
'dontBasicAuth' => 'if 1, will not popup user/pass windows in encrypted folder, but show the page in theme.',
'useBasicAuth' => 'if 1, will popup user/pass windows in encrypted folder.',
'background' => 'Set an url as background photo.',
'backgroundm' => 'Set an url as background in mobile phone.',
'forceHttps' => 'if 1, force to redirect to https when visit via http.',
......@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ $constStr = [
'disableShowThumb' => '如果填 1, ‘显示缩略’按钮将被隐藏。',
'disableChangeTheme' => '如果为 1,则不会显示主题选择按钮',
'downloadencrypt' => '0 或 1。如果 1, 那加密目录内的文件可以不需要密码就能下载。',
'dontBasicAuth' => '如果为 1,加密目录不再弹出用户名密码窗口,只会显示主题自带的页面。',
'useBasicAuth' => '如果为 1,加密目录将弹出用户名密码窗口,不会显示主题自带的输入密码页面。',
'background' => '设置一个url作为背景。',
'backgroundm' => '设置一个url作为手机端用的背景。',
'forceHttps' => '0或1。如果设置为1,会强制跳https',
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