提交 342a18da 编写于 作者: 饶先宏's avatar 饶先宏

202105291721 error corrected

上级 b92532c6
......@@ -35,6 +35,8 @@
#define BUFLEN 2048
#define MAX_UNGET 4
typedef struct _sfilestack {
struct _sfilestack * pNext;
struct _sfilestack * pLast;
......@@ -46,7 +48,9 @@ typedef struct _sfilestack {
int filepos;
char *buf;
int ungetch;
int ungetchwr;
int ungetchrd;
int ungetchs[MAX_UNGET];
int bufindex;
int buflen;
int isbufonly;
......@@ -73,6 +77,23 @@ static void filestack_destroy(filestack * stack)
stack->pNext = stack->pLast = stack;
static int filestack_unget(filestack* stack, int ch)
stack->ungetchs[stack->ungetchwr] = ch;
stack->ungetchwr = (stack->ungetchwr + 1) % MAX_UNGET;
return 0;
static int filestack_get_unget(filestack* stack)
int ch;
if (stack->ungetchrd == stack->ungetchwr)
return -1;
ch = stack->ungetchs[stack->ungetchrd];
stack->ungetchrd = (stack->ungetchrd + 1) % MAX_UNGET;
return ch;
static filestack* filestack_push_file(filestack * stack, const char * filename)
filestack * pitem;
......@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@
202105140816: 根据git的要求增加License
202105291720: correct an error on get ch from a filestack
#include "stdio.h"
......@@ -642,9 +643,7 @@ static int verilog_preprocess_GetCh(sVerilogPreprocess * pPreprocess)
ch = 0;
goto returnch;
if (curfile->ungetch != 0) {
ch = curfile->ungetch;
curfile->ungetch = 0;
if ((ch = filestack_get_unget(curfile)) > 0) {
goto returnch;
/* 找到一个有字符的缓冲区 */
......@@ -685,6 +684,9 @@ static int verilog_preprocess_GetCh(sVerilogPreprocess * pPreprocess)
while (curfile->bufindex < curfile->buflen) {
if ((ch = filestack_get_unget(curfile)) > 0) {
goto returnch;
ch = curfile->buf[curfile->bufindex];
/* 滤掉非字符串中的\r字符 */
......@@ -744,7 +746,7 @@ static int verilog_preprocess_GetToken(sVerilogPreprocess* pPreprocess, int ch,
pPreprocess->tokenstate = TOKEN_NONE;
pPreprocess->tokentype = TT_NUMBER;
pPreprocess->token[pPreprocess->tokenlen] = 0;
pPreprocess->file_stack_top->ungetch = ch;
filestack_unget(pPreprocess->file_stack_top, ch);
*pch = ' ';
} else if (pPreprocess->tokenstate == TOKEN_IN_SIMIDENT) {
......@@ -753,7 +755,7 @@ static int verilog_preprocess_GetToken(sVerilogPreprocess* pPreprocess, int ch,
pPreprocess->token[pPreprocess->tokenlen++] = ch;
} else { /* 完成一个SIMIDENT */
pPreprocess->file_stack_top->ungetch = ch;
filestack_unget(pPreprocess->file_stack_top, ch);
*pch = ' ';
pPreprocess->tokenstate = TOKEN_NONE;
pPreprocess->tokentype = TT_SIMIDENT;
......@@ -764,7 +766,7 @@ static int verilog_preprocess_GetToken(sVerilogPreprocess* pPreprocess, int ch,
pPreprocess->token[pPreprocess->tokenlen++] = ch;
} else {
pPreprocess->file_stack_top->ungetch = ch;
filestack_unget(pPreprocess->file_stack_top, ch);
*pch = ' ';
pPreprocess->token[pPreprocess->tokenlen] = 0;
pPreprocess->tokenstate = TOKEN_NONE;
......@@ -810,7 +812,7 @@ static int verilog_preprocess_GetToken(sVerilogPreprocess* pPreprocess, int ch,
pPreprocess->lastch = ' '; /* 这个*号不能作为结束注释的开始*号 */
} else {
pPreprocess->file_stack_top->ungetch = ch;
filestack_unget(pPreprocess->file_stack_top, ch);
*pch = '/';
pPreprocess->tokenstate = TOKEN_NONE;
pPreprocess->tokentype = TT_SYMBOL; /*token text is in ch*/
......@@ -819,7 +821,7 @@ static int verilog_preprocess_GetToken(sVerilogPreprocess* pPreprocess, int ch,
} else if (pPreprocess->tokenstate == TOKEN_IN_COMMENT) {
if ( (ch == '/') && (pPreprocess->lastch == '*') ) {
pPreprocess->file_stack_top->ungetch = ' ';
filestack_unget(pPreprocess->file_stack_top, ' ');
*pch = ' ';
pPreprocess->tokenstate = TOKEN_NONE;
pPreprocess->tokentype = TT_NONE;
......@@ -832,7 +834,7 @@ static int verilog_preprocess_GetToken(sVerilogPreprocess* pPreprocess, int ch,
if (ch == '\n') {
pPreprocess->tokenstate = TOKEN_NONE;
pPreprocess->tokentype = TT_NONE;
pPreprocess->file_stack_top->ungetch = '\n';
filestack_unget(pPreprocess->file_stack_top, ch);
pPreprocess->lastch = ch;
} else {
......@@ -844,7 +846,7 @@ static int verilog_preprocess_GetToken(sVerilogPreprocess* pPreprocess, int ch,
pPreprocess->tokenstate = TOKEN_NONE;
pPreprocess->tokentype = TT_MACRO_TEXT;
pPreprocess->token[pPreprocess->tokenlen] = 0;
pPreprocess->file_stack_top->ungetch = '\n';
filestack_unget(pPreprocess->file_stack_top, ch);
} else if (ch == '\\') {
pPreprocess->lastch = ch;
pPreprocess->tokenstate = TOKEN_IN_MACRO_TEXT_SLASH;
......@@ -1478,12 +1480,8 @@ static int verilog_preprocess_state_macro(sVerilogPreprocess * pPreprocess, int
pPreprocess->state = STATE_CD_MACRO_PARAM_TEXT;
pPreprocess->tokenlen = 0;
DLIST_DESTROY(stringitem, &pPreprocess->macro_param_list);
} else if (isblank(ch) || (ch == '\n') ) {
} else if ( (ch == '/') && (pPreprocess->tokentype != TT_SYMBOL)) {
pPreprocess->tokenstate = TOKEN_COMMENT_START;
pPreprocess->lastch = '/';
} else {
pPreprocess->file_stack_top->ungetch = ch;
filestack_unget(pPreprocess->file_stack_top, ch);
verilog_preprocess_preprocess_PreAction(pPreprocess, PA_MACRO, pPreprocess->macro_name, "");
pPreprocess->state = STATE_INITIAL;
pPreprocess->tokenstate = TOKEN_NONE;
......@@ -1491,7 +1489,6 @@ static int verilog_preprocess_state_macro(sVerilogPreprocess * pPreprocess, int
} else if (pPreprocess->state == STATE_CD_MACRO_PARAM_TEXT) {
pPreprocess->file_stack_top->ungetch = ch;
ch = verilog_preprocess_GetMacroParamText(pPreprocess);
pPreprocess->token[pPreprocess->tokenlen] = 0;
stringlistaddstring(&pPreprocess->macro_param_list, pPreprocess->token);
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