未验证 提交 f238d145 编写于 作者: Y Yizhuang Zhou 提交者: GitHub

fix(detection): fix hubconf.py import error (#26)

* fix(detection): fix hubconf.py import error

* fix(detection): fix hubconf.py import error
上级 de3bbd61
...@@ -28,10 +28,10 @@ from official.nlp.bert.model import ( ...@@ -28,10 +28,10 @@ from official.nlp.bert.model import (
wwm_cased_L_24_H_1024_A_16, wwm_cased_L_24_H_1024_A_16,
) )
from official.vision.detection.retinanet_res50_1x_800size import ( from official.vision.detection.retinanet_res50_coco_1x_800size import (
retinanet_res50_1x_800size, retinanet_res50_coco_1x_800size,
) )
from official.vision.detection.models import RetinaNet
from official.vision.detection.tools.test import DetEvaluator from official.vision.detection.tools.test import DetEvaluator
from official.vision.segmentation.deeplabv3plus import ( from official.vision.segmentation.deeplabv3plus import (
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