提交 3c07a4aa 编写于 作者: 如梦技术's avatar 如梦技术 🐛

优化 mica-redis。

上级 1b8c0949
......@@ -18,10 +18,12 @@ package net.dreamlu.mica.redis.cache;
import lombok.Getter;
import net.dreamlu.mica.core.utils.CollectionUtil;
import net.dreamlu.mica.core.utils.JsonUtil;
import org.springframework.data.redis.core.*;
import org.springframework.data.redis.serializer.RedisSerializer;
import org.springframework.lang.Nullable;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.time.Duration;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
......@@ -113,6 +115,30 @@ public class MicaRedisCache {
return (T) valueOps.get(key);
* 返回 key 所关联的 value 值,采用 jdk 序列化
* 如果 key 不存在那么返回特殊值 nil 。
public <T> T getByJdkSer(String key) {
return (T) redisTemplate.execute((RedisCallback<Object>) redis -> {
byte[] bytes = redis.get(keySerialize(key));
return RedisSerializer.java().deserialize(bytes);
* 返回 key 所关联的 value 值,采用 json 序列化
* 如果 key 不存在那么返回特殊值 nil 。
public <T> T getByJsonSer(String key, Class<T> clazz) {
return redisTemplate.execute((RedisCallback<T>) redis -> {
byte[] valueBytes = redis.get(keySerialize(key));
return JsonUtil.readValue(valueBytes, clazz);
* 获取cache 为 null 时使用加载器,然后设置缓存
......@@ -135,6 +161,29 @@ public class MicaRedisCache {
return value;
* 获取cache 为 null 时使用加载器,然后设置缓存
* @param key cacheKey
* @param clazz Class
* @param loader cache loader
* @param <T> 泛型
* @return 结果
public <T> T getByJsonSer(String key, Class<T> clazz, Supplier<T> loader) {
T value = this.getByJsonSer(key, clazz);
if (value != null) {
return value;
value = loader.get();
if (value == null) {
return null;
this.set(key, value);
return value;
* 返回 key 所关联的 value 值
* 如果 key 不存在那么返回特殊值 nil 。
......@@ -144,6 +193,15 @@ public class MicaRedisCache {
return (T) valueOps.get(cacheKey.getKey());
* 返回 key 所关联的 value 值
* 如果 key 不存在那么返回特殊值 nil 。
public <T> T getByJsonSer(CacheKey cacheKey, Class<T> clazz) {
return getByJsonSer(cacheKey.getKey(), clazz);
* 获取cache 为 null 时使用加载器,然后设置缓存
......@@ -167,6 +225,29 @@ public class MicaRedisCache {
return value;
* 获取cache 为 null 时使用加载器,然后设置缓存
* @param cacheKey cacheKey
* @param loader cache loader
* @param <T> 泛型
* @return 结果
public <T> T getByJsonSer(CacheKey cacheKey, Class<T> clazz, Supplier<T> loader) {
String key = cacheKey.getKey();
T value = this.getByJsonSer(key, clazz);
if (value != null) {
return value;
value = loader.get();
if (value == null) {
return null;
this.set(cacheKey, value);
return value;
* 删除给定的一个 key
* 不存在的 key 会被忽略。
......@@ -189,6 +270,7 @@ public class MicaRedisCache {
* 删除给定的多个 key
* 不存在的 key 会被忽略。
public Long del(String... keys) {
return del(Arrays.asList(keys));
......@@ -243,7 +325,6 @@ public class MicaRedisCache {
* @param pattern 匹配表达式
* @param consumer 消费者
* @return 扫描结果
public void scan(String pattern, Consumer<String> consumer) {
scan(pattern, 100L, consumer);
......@@ -255,11 +336,9 @@ public class MicaRedisCache {
* @param pattern 匹配表达式
* @param count 一次扫描的数量
* @param consumer 消费者
* @return 扫描结果
public void scan(String pattern, @Nullable Long count, Consumer<String> consumer) {
RedisSerializer<String> keySerializer = (RedisSerializer<String>) redisTemplate.getKeySerializer();
scanBytes(pattern, count, (bytes) -> consumer.accept(keySerializer.deserialize(bytes)));
scanBytes(pattern, count, (bytes) -> consumer.accept(keyDeserialize(bytes)));
......@@ -268,16 +347,15 @@ public class MicaRedisCache {
* @param pattern 匹配表达式
* @param count 一次扫描的数量
* @param consumer 消费者
* @return 扫描结果
public void scanBytes(String pattern, @Nullable Long count, Consumer<byte[]> consumer) {
redisTemplate.execute((RedisCallback<Object>) action -> {
redisTemplate.execute((RedisCallback<Object>) redis -> {
ScanOptions.ScanOptionsBuilder builder = ScanOptions.scanOptions()
if (count != null) {
try (Cursor<byte[]> cursor = action.scan(builder.build())) {
try (Cursor<byte[]> cursor = redis.scan(builder.build())) {
return null;
......@@ -331,8 +409,7 @@ public class MicaRedisCache {
* @return 扫描结果
public void sScan(String key, String pattern, @Nullable Long count, Consumer<String> consumer) {
RedisSerializer<String> keySerializer = (RedisSerializer<String>) redisTemplate.getKeySerializer();
sScanBytes(key, pattern, count, (bytes) -> consumer.accept(keySerializer.deserialize(bytes)));
sScanBytes(key, pattern, count, (bytes) -> consumer.accept(keyDeserialize(bytes)));
......@@ -345,14 +422,13 @@ public class MicaRedisCache {
* @return 扫描结果
public void sScanBytes(String key, String pattern, @Nullable Long count, Consumer<byte[]> consumer) {
RedisSerializer<String> keySerializer = (RedisSerializer<String>) redisTemplate.getKeySerializer();
redisTemplate.execute((RedisCallback<Object>) action -> {
redisTemplate.execute((RedisCallback<Object>) redis -> {
ScanOptions.ScanOptionsBuilder builder = ScanOptions.scanOptions()
if (count != null) {
try (Cursor<byte[]> cursor = action.sScan(keySerializer.serialize(key), builder.build())) {
try (Cursor<byte[]> cursor = redis.sScan(keySerialize(key), builder.build())) {
return null;
......@@ -424,11 +500,10 @@ public class MicaRedisCache {
* 关于更多递增(increment) / 递减(decrement)操作的更多信息,请参见 INCR 命令。
public Long decrBy(String key, long longValue, long seconds) {
RedisSerializer<String> keySerializer = (RedisSerializer<String>) redisTemplate.getKeySerializer();
byte[] serializedKey = keySerializer.serialize(key);
List<Object> result = redisTemplate.executePipelined((RedisCallback<Long>) action -> {
Long data = action.decrBy(serializedKey, longValue);
action.expire(serializedKey, seconds);
byte[] serializedKey = keySerialize(key);
List<Object> result = redisTemplate.executePipelined((RedisCallback<Long>) redis -> {
Long data = redis.decrBy(serializedKey, longValue);
redis.expire(serializedKey, seconds);
return data;
return (Long) result.get(0);
......@@ -465,11 +540,10 @@ public class MicaRedisCache {
* 关于递增(increment) / 递减(decrement)操作的更多信息,参见 INCR 命令。
public Long incrBy(String key, long longValue, long seconds) {
RedisSerializer<String> keySerializer = (RedisSerializer<String>) redisTemplate.getKeySerializer();
byte[] serializedKey = keySerializer.serialize(key);
List<Object> result = redisTemplate.executePipelined((RedisCallback<Long>) action -> {
Long data = action.incrBy(serializedKey, longValue);
action.expire(serializedKey, seconds);
byte[] serializedKey = keySerialize(key);
List<Object> result = redisTemplate.executePipelined((RedisCallback<Long>) redis -> {
Long data = redis.incrBy(serializedKey, longValue);
redis.expire(serializedKey, seconds);
return data;
return (Long) result.get(0);
......@@ -482,10 +556,12 @@ public class MicaRedisCache {
public Long getCounter(String key) {
RedisSerializer<String> keySerializer = (RedisSerializer<String>) redisTemplate.getKeySerializer();
return redisTemplate.execute((RedisCallback<Long>) action -> {
byte[] value = action.get(keySerializer.serialize(key));
return Long.valueOf(new String(value));
return redisTemplate.execute((RedisCallback<Long>) redis -> {
byte[] value = redis.get(keySerialize(key));
if (value == null) {
return null;
return Long.valueOf(new String(value, StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
......@@ -498,17 +574,16 @@ public class MicaRedisCache {
public Long getCounter(String key, long seconds, Supplier<Long> loader) {
RedisSerializer<String> keySerializer = (RedisSerializer<String>) redisTemplate.getKeySerializer();
return redisTemplate.execute((RedisCallback<Long>) action -> {
byte[] keyBytes = keySerializer.serialize(key);
byte[] value = action.get(keyBytes);
return redisTemplate.execute((RedisCallback<Long>) redis -> {
byte[] keyBytes = keySerialize(key);
byte[] value = redis.get(keyBytes);
long longValue;
if (value != null) {
longValue = Long.valueOf(new String(value));
longValue = Long.parseLong(new String(value, StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
} else {
Long loaderValue = loader.get();
longValue = loaderValue == null ? 0 : loaderValue;
action.setEx(keyBytes, seconds, String.valueOf(longValue).getBytes());
redis.setEx(keyBytes, seconds, String.valueOf(longValue).getBytes());
return longValue;
......@@ -1059,9 +1134,7 @@ public class MicaRedisCache {
public Long zAdd(String key, Map<Object, Double> scoreMembers) {
Set<ZSetOperations.TypedTuple<Object>> tuples = new HashSet<>();
scoreMembers.forEach((k, v) -> {
tuples.add(new DefaultTypedTuple<>(k, v));
scoreMembers.forEach((k, v) -> tuples.add(new DefaultTypedTuple<>(k, v)));
return zSetOps.add(key, tuples);
......@@ -1159,4 +1232,24 @@ public class MicaRedisCache {
return zSetOps.score(key, member);
* redisKey 序列化
* @param redisKey redisKey
* @return byte array
public static byte[] keySerialize(String redisKey) {
return Objects.requireNonNull(RedisSerializer.string().serialize(redisKey), "Redis key is null.");
* redisKey 序列化
* @param redisKey redisKey
* @return byte array
public static String keyDeserialize(byte[] redisKey) {
return Objects.requireNonNull(RedisSerializer.string().deserialize(redisKey), "Redis key is null.");
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