未验证 提交 23e0816b 编写于 作者: J Jin Hai 提交者: GitHub

Fix Markdown format (#1485)

* Fix #839 and improve the code quality
Signed-off-by: NJinHai-CN <hai.jin@zilliz.com>

* Fix compiling error and building threads number
Signed-off-by: NJinHai-CN <hai.jin@zilliz.com>

* Fix Markdown quality
Signed-off-by: NJinHai-CN <hai.jin@zilliz.com>

* Fix Markdown quality
Signed-off-by: NJinHai-CN <hai.jin@zilliz.com>

* Fix Markdown quality
Signed-off-by: NJinHai-CN <hai.jin@zilliz.com>

* Fix Markdown format
Signed-off-by: NJinHai-CN <hai.jin@zilliz.com>

* Fix Markdown format
Signed-off-by: NJinHai-CN <hai.jin@zilliz.com>

* Fix Markdown format
Signed-off-by: NJinHai-CN <hai.jin@zilliz.com>
上级 5b938659
......@@ -3,18 +3,31 @@
<!-- TOC -->
- [Build from source](#build-from-source)
- [Requirements](#requirements)
- [Compilation](#compilation)
- [Launch Milvus server](#launch-milvus-server)
- [Compile Milvus on Docker](#compile-milvus-on-docker)
- [Step 1 Pull Milvus Docker images](#step-1-pull-milvus-docker-images)
- [Step 2 Start the Docker container](#step-2-start-the-docker-container)
- [Step 3 Download Milvus source code](#step-3-download-milvus-source-code)
- [Step 4 Compile Milvus in the container](#step-4-compile-milvus-in-the-container)
- [Troubleshooting](#troubleshooting)
- [Error message: `protocol https not supported or disabled in libcurl`](#error-message-protocol-https-not-supported-or-disabled-in-libcurl)
- [Error message: `internal compiler error`](#error-message-internal-compiler-error)
- [Error message: `error while loading shared libraries: libmysqlpp.so.3`](#error-message-error-while-loading-shared-libraries-libmysqlppso3)
- [CMake version is not supported](#cmake-version-is-not-supported)
<!-- /TOC -->
......@@ -24,18 +37,23 @@
### Requirements
- Operating system
- Ubuntu 18.04 or higher
- CentOS 7
> Note: If your Linux operating system does not meet the requirements, we recommend that you pull a Docker image of [Ubuntu 18.04](https://docs.docker.com/install/linux/docker-ce/ubuntu/) or [CentOS 7](https://docs.docker.com/install/linux/docker-ce/centos/) as your compilation environment.
- GCC 7.0 or higher to support C++ 17
- CMake 3.12 or higher
- Git
For GPU-enabled version, you will also need:
- CUDA 10.0 or higher
- NVIDIA driver 418 or higher
### Compilation
......@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
The following versions of Milvus are currently being supported with security updates.
| Version | Supported |
| ------- | ------------------ |
| --------- | ------------------ |
| 0.6.0 | ✔️ |
| <= 0.5.3 | :x: |
Markdown is supported
0% .
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