提交 0f647e8e 编写于 作者: F Fankux

fix obmysql auth

上级 302085df
......@@ -4,10 +4,11 @@ project(oblogproxy CXX)
macro(ob_define VAR DEFAULT)
set(${VAR} ${DEFAULT})
endif ()
option(WITH_DEBUG "With debug symbols" ON)
option(WITH_ASAN "Compile with AddressSanitizer" OFF)
option(WITH_TEST "With Tests" OFF)
......@@ -15,6 +16,7 @@ option(WITH_DEMO "With Demos" OFF)
option(WITH_JNI_LIB "With oblogreader jni lib" OFF)
option(WITH_GLOG "With google log" ON)
option(WITH_DEPS "With precompiled deps" ON)
option(WITH_LOGMSG "compiled logmsg from source files" OFF)
option(USE_OBCDC_NS "With libobcdc" ON)
option(USE_LIBOBLOG "With precompiled liboblog" OFF)
option(USE_CXX11_ABI "Build with C++11 ABI" OFF)
......@@ -31,9 +33,10 @@ SET(FIND_LIBOBLOG ON)
SET(OBCDC_NAME "libobcdc")
else ()
SET(OBCDC_NAME "liboblog")
endif ()
COMMAND bash deps/dep_create.sh ${OMS_PROJECT_BUILD_PATH}/deps
......@@ -172,14 +175,21 @@ add_library(PROTO_OBJS OBJECT ${PROTO_SRCS} ${PROTO_HDRS})
message("protoc: ${PROTOBUF_PROTOC_EXECUTABLE}, proto srcs : ${PROTO_SRCS}")
# oblogmsg
SET(OBLOGMSG_MAPPING "-DLOGMSG_BY_LIBOBLOG=1 -DLogMsgLocalInit=\"if((_t_s_lmb=new(std::nothrow)LogMsgBuf())==nullptr){OMS_ERROR<<\\\"Failed to alloc LogMsgBuf\\\";stop();return;}\" -DLogMsgLocalDestroy=\"delete _t_s_lmb\"")
SET(OBLOGMSG_MAPPING "${LOGMSG_BY_LIBOBLOG_DEFINE} -DLogMsgLocalInit=\"if((_t_s_lmb=new(std::nothrow)LogMsgBuf())==nullptr){OMS_ERROR<<\\\"Failed to alloc LogMsgBuf\\\";stop();return;}\" -DLogMsgLocalDestroy=\"delete _t_s_lmb\"")
else ()
endif ()
# oblog
......@@ -310,7 +320,7 @@ target_include_directories(common PUBLIC ${COMMON_INC})
set(DEP_OBCDC_LIB obcdc)
else ()
set(DEP_OBCDC_LIB oblog)
endif ()
# oblogreader
......@@ -353,7 +363,7 @@ add_dependencies(logproxy logproxy_static)
target_include_directories(logproxy PUBLIC ${DEP_INC} ${LOGPROXY_INC})
target_link_directories(logproxy PUBLIC ${DEP_LIB_PATH})
target_link_libraries(logproxy ${BASE_LIBS} ${DEP_OBCDC_LIB} ${DEP_LIBS})
target_link_options(logproxy PUBLIC "${ASAN_LINK_OPTION}")
target_link_options(logproxy PUBLIC -static-libstdc++ ${ASAN_LINK_OPTION})
# demo client
......@@ -363,18 +373,17 @@ if (WITH_DEMO)
target_include_directories(demo_client PUBLIC ${COMMON_INC})
target_link_directories(demo_client PUBLIC ${DEP_LIB_PATH})
target_link_libraries(demo_client libcommon.a ${DEP_LIBS})
target_link_libraries(demo_client libcommon.a ${DEP_LIBS})
target_link_options(demo_client PUBLIC ${ASAN_LINK_OPTION})
target_link_options(demo_client PUBLIC -static-libstdc++ ${ASAN_LINK_OPTION})
endif ()
# test_base
file(GLOB TEST_BASE_SRC ./src/test/test_entry.cpp)
add_executable(test_base ${TEST_BASE_SRC})
add_dependencies(test_base logproxy_static gtest)
add_dependencies(test_base common oblogmsg gtest)
target_include_directories(test_base PUBLIC ${LOGPROXY_INC})
target_link_directories(test_base PUBLIC ${DEP_LIB_PATH})
target_link_libraries(test_base ${BASE_LIBS} ${DEP_LIBS})
target_link_libraries(test_base libcommon.a ${DEP_LIBS})
target_link_options(test_base PUBLIC ${ASAN_LINK_OPTION})
# test_oblogreader
......@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ ExternalProject_Add(
DEPENDS gflags
GIT_REPOSITORY "https://github.com/google/googletest.git"
GIT_TAG "release-1.6.0"
GIT_TAG "release-1.11.0"
......@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ ExternalProject_Add(
......@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ endif ()
SET(OBLOGMSG_INCLUDE_DIR "${OBLOGMSG_INSTALL_DIR}/include" CACHE PATH "oblogmsg include directory." FORCE)
SET(OBLOGMSG_INCLUDE_DIR "${OBLOGMSG_INSTALL_DIR}/include;${THIRD_PARTY_PATH}/install/oblogmsg/drcmessage" CACHE PATH "oblogmsg include directory." FORCE)
SET(OBLOGMSG_LIBRARIES "liboblogmsg.a" CACHE FILEPATH "oblogmsg library." FORCE)
......@@ -74,6 +74,34 @@ stop() {
do_config_sys() {
if [[ -z "${username}" ]] || [[ -z "${password}" ]]; then
echo "No input sys username or password"
exit -1
username_x=`./bin/${BIN} -x ${username}`
password_x=`./bin/${BIN} -x ${password}`
cp ./conf/conf.json ./conf/conf.json.new
sed -r -i 's/"ob_sys_username"[ ]*:[ ]*"[0-9a-zA-Z]+/"ob_sys_username": "'${username_x}'/' ./conf/conf.json.new
sed -r -i 's/"ob_sys_password"[ ]*:[ ]*"[0-9a-zA-Z]+/"ob_sys_password": "'${password_x}'/' ./conf/conf.json.new
diff ./conf/conf.json ./conf/conf.json.new
echo ""
read -r -p "!!DANGER!! About to update logproxy conf/conf.json, Please confirm? [Y/n] " response
if [ "${response}" != "y" ] && [ "${response}" != "Y" ]; then
echo "Cancel!"
rm -rf ./conf/conf.json.new
exit 0
cp ./conf/conf.json ./conf/conf.json.bak
mv ./conf/conf.json.new ./conf/conf.json
case C"$1" in
......@@ -93,6 +121,9 @@ Cstatus)
echo "status : ${status}"
exit ${status}
do_config_sys $2 $3
echo "Usage: $0 {start|stop|status}"
......@@ -17,75 +17,44 @@
namespace oceanbase {
namespace logproxy {
enum class Endian {
inline bool is_little_endian()
int32_t i = 0x01020304;
char* buf = (char*)&i;
return buf[0] == 0x04;
#define le_to_cpu(integer) (integer)
#define cpu_to_le(integer) (integer)
template <class Integer>
Integer bswap(Integer integer)
inline uint16_t be_to_cpu(uint16_t integer)
char* src_buf = (char*)&integer;
Integer ret = 0;
char* dst_buf = (char*)&ret;
const int bytes = sizeof(integer);
for (int i = 0; i < bytes; i++) {
dst_buf[i] = src_buf[bytes - i - 1];
return ret;
return __builtin_bswap16(integer);
template <class Integer>
Integer le_to_cpu(Integer integer)
inline uint32_t be_to_cpu(uint32_t integer)
if (is_little_endian()) {
return integer;
return bswap<Integer>(integer);
return __builtin_bswap32(integer);
template <class Integer>
Integer cpu_to_le(Integer integer)
inline uint64_t be_to_cpu(uint64_t integer)
return le_to_cpu<Integer>(integer);
return __builtin_bswap64(integer);
template <class Integer>
Integer be_to_cpu(Integer integer)
inline uint16_t cpu_to_be(uint16_t integer)
if (!is_little_endian()) {
return integer;
return bswap<Integer>(integer);
return __builtin_bswap16(integer);
template <class Integer>
Integer cpu_to_be(Integer integer)
inline uint32_t cpu_to_be(uint32_t integer)
return be_to_cpu<Integer>(integer);
return __builtin_bswap32(integer);
template <class Integer, Endian endian>
Integer transform_endian(Integer integer)
inline uint64_t cpu_to_be(uint64_t integer)
if (endian == Endian::BIG) {
if (!is_little_endian()) {
return integer;
return bswap(integer);
} else {
if (is_little_endian()) {
return integer;
return bswap(integer);
return __builtin_bswap64(integer);
} // namespace logproxy
} // namespace oceanbase
......@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ static PacketError decode_v1(Channel* ch, Message*& message)
OMS_ERROR << "Failed to read message payload size, ch:" << ch->peer().id() << ", error:" << strerror(errno);
return PacketError::NETWORK_ERROR;
payload_size = be_to_cpu<uint32_t>(payload_size);
payload_size = be_to_cpu(payload_size);
// FIXME.. use an mem pool
char* payload_buf = (char*)malloc(payload_size);
if (nullptr == payload_buf) {
......@@ -86,12 +86,12 @@ PacketError LegacyDecoder::decode(Channel* ch, MessageVersion version, Message*&
// type
int32_t type = -1;
uint32_t type = -1;
if (ch->readn((char*)&type, 4) != OMS_OK) {
OMS_ERROR << "Failed to read message header, ch:" << ch->peer().id() << ", error:" << strerror(errno);
return PacketError::NETWORK_ERROR;
type = be_to_cpu<int32_t>(type);
type = be_to_cpu(type);
if (!is_type_available(type)) {
OMS_ERROR << "Invalid packet type:" << type << ", ch:" << ch->peer().id();
return PacketError::PROTOCOL_ERROR;
......@@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ static int read_varstr(Channel* ch, std::string& val)
if (ch->readn((char*)&len, 4) != OMS_OK) {
return OMS_FAILED;
len = be_to_cpu<uint32_t>(len);
len = be_to_cpu(len);
char* buf = (char*)malloc(len);
FreeGuard<char*> ff(buf);
......@@ -64,8 +64,8 @@ static int compress_data(const RecordDataMessage& msg, MsgBuf& buffer)
size_t offset = 0;
for (auto& ptr : ptrs) {
size_t block_size = ptr.second;
uint32_t seq_be = cpu_to_be<uint32_t>(idx++);
uint32_t size_be = cpu_to_be<uint32_t>(block_size);
uint32_t seq_be = cpu_to_be(idx++);
uint32_t size_be = cpu_to_be((uint32_t)block_size);
memcpy(raw + offset, &seq_be, 4);
memcpy(raw + offset + 4, &size_be, 4);
memcpy(raw + offset + 8, ptr.first, block_size);
......@@ -81,9 +81,9 @@ static int compress_data(const RecordDataMessage& msg, MsgBuf& buffer)
OMS_DEBUG << "compress packet raw from size:" << total_size << " to compressed size:" << compressed_size;
uint32_t packet_len_be = cpu_to_be<uint32_t>(compressed_size + 9);
uint32_t orginal_size_be = cpu_to_be<uint32_t>(total_size);
uint32_t compressed_size_be = cpu_to_be<uint32_t>(compressed_size);
uint32_t packet_len_be = cpu_to_be((uint32_t)compressed_size + 9);
uint32_t orginal_size_be = cpu_to_be(total_size);
uint32_t compressed_size_be = cpu_to_be((uint32_t)compressed_size);
char* buf = (char*)malloc(13);
memcpy(buf, &packet_len_be, 4);
memset(buf + 4, (uint8_t)CompressType::LZ4, 1);
......@@ -170,8 +170,8 @@ LegacyEncoder::LegacyEncoder()
<< ", size: " << header->m_size;
uint32_t seq_be = cpu_to_be<uint32_t>(idx++);
uint32_t size_be = cpu_to_be<uint32_t>(size);
uint32_t seq_be = cpu_to_be(idx++);
uint32_t size_be = cpu_to_be((uint32_t)size);
buffer.push_back_copy((char*)&seq_be, 4);
buffer.push_back_copy((char*)&size_be, 4);
buffer.push_back((char*)logmsg_buf, size, false);
......@@ -179,8 +179,8 @@ LegacyEncoder::LegacyEncoder()
total_size += (size + 8);
uint32_t packet_len_be = cpu_to_be<uint32_t>(total_size + 9);
total_size = cpu_to_be<uint32_t>(total_size);
uint32_t packet_len_be = cpu_to_be(total_size + 9);
total_size = cpu_to_be(total_size);
char* buf = (char*)malloc(4 + 1 + 4 + 4);
memcpy(buf, &packet_len_be, 4);
......@@ -208,9 +208,9 @@ LegacyEncoder::LegacyEncoder()
// Error message
uint32_t code_be = cpu_to_be<uint32_t>(msg.code);
uint32_t code_be = cpu_to_be((uint32_t)msg.code);
memcpy(buf, &code_be, 4);
uint32_t varlen_be = cpu_to_be<uint32_t>(msg.message.size());
uint32_t varlen_be = cpu_to_be((uint32_t)msg.message.size());
memcpy(buf + 4, &varlen_be, 4);
if (msg.message.size() != 0) {
memcpy(buf + 8, msg.message.c_str(), msg.message.size());
......@@ -237,7 +237,7 @@ int LegacyEncoder::encode(const Message& msg, MsgBuf& buffer)
memset(buf, 0, 2);
// response type code
uint32_t msg_type_be = cpu_to_be<uint32_t>((uint32_t)msg.type());
uint32_t msg_type_be = cpu_to_be((uint32_t)msg.type());
memcpy(buf + 2, &msg_type_be, 4);
buffer.push_front(buf, len);
return ret;
......@@ -63,11 +63,6 @@ public:
bool _owned = true;
using ChunksType = std::deque<Chunk>;
using ChunkIterator = ChunksType::iterator;
using ChunkConstIterator = ChunksType::const_iterator;
MsgBuf() = default;
......@@ -107,12 +102,12 @@ public:
return _chunks.size();
ChunkConstIterator begin() const
std::deque<Chunk>::const_iterator begin() const
return _chunks.begin();
ChunkConstIterator end() const
std::deque<Chunk>::const_iterator end() const
return _chunks.end();
......@@ -120,7 +115,7 @@ public:
size_t byte_size() const;
ChunksType _chunks;
std::deque<Chunk> _chunks;
// TODO messageBufferWriter
......@@ -150,14 +145,14 @@ public:
int read_uint64(uint64_t& i);
template <class Integer, Endian endian = Endian::LITTLE>
template <class Integer>
int read_int(Integer& i)
int ret = read((char*)&i, sizeof(i));
if (ret != 0) {
return ret;
i = transform_endian<Integer, endian>(i);
i = le_to_cpu(i);
return 0;
......@@ -182,7 +177,7 @@ public:
const MsgBuf& _buffer;
MsgBuf::ChunkConstIterator _iter;
std::deque<MsgBuf::Chunk>::const_iterator _iter;
size_t _pos = 0;
size_t _byte_size = 0;
size_t _read_size = 0;
......@@ -42,7 +42,6 @@ PacketError ProtobufDecoder::decode(Channel* ch, MessageVersion version, Message
// type
int8_t type = -1;
memcpy(&type, header_buf, 1);
type = be_to_cpu<int8_t>(type);
if (!is_type_available(type)) {
OMS_ERROR << "Invalid packet type:" << type << ", ch:" << ch->peer().id();
return PacketError::PROTOCOL_ERROR;
......@@ -51,7 +50,7 @@ PacketError ProtobufDecoder::decode(Channel* ch, MessageVersion version, Message
// payload size
uint32_t payload_size = 0;
memcpy(&payload_size, header_buf + 1, 4);
payload_size = be_to_cpu<uint32_t>(payload_size);
payload_size = be_to_cpu(payload_size);
// TODO... suppose that no large message
if (payload_size > Config::instance().max_packet_bytes.val()) {
......@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ static char* encode_message_header(MessageType type, int packet_size, bool magic
offset = sizeof(PACKET_MAGIC);
int16_t version = cpu_to_be<int16_t>((int16_t)MessageVersion::V2);
uint16_t version = cpu_to_be((uint16_t)MessageVersion::V2);
memcpy(buffer + offset, &version, sizeof(version));
offset += sizeof(version);
......@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ static char* encode_message_header(MessageType type, int packet_size, bool magic
memcpy(buffer + offset, &message_type, sizeof(message_type));
offset += sizeof(message_type);
int32_t pb_packet_size = cpu_to_be<int32_t>(packet_size);
uint32_t pb_packet_size = cpu_to_be((uint32_t)packet_size);
memcpy(buffer + offset, &pb_packet_size, sizeof(pb_packet_size));
return buffer;
......@@ -392,7 +392,7 @@ PacketError Communicator::receive_message(Channel* ch, Message*& msg)
version = be_to_cpu<uint16_t>(version);
version = be_to_cpu(version);
if (!is_version_available(version)) {
OMS_ERROR << "Invalid packet version:" << version << ", ch:" << ch->peer().id();
return PacketError::PROTOCOL_ERROR;
......@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ static void http_request_error_cb(enum evhttp_request_error error, void* arg)
void http_conn_close_cb(struct evhttp_connection*, void* arg)
OMS_WARN << "HTTP request conn closed";
OMS_DEBUG << "HTTP request conn closed";
event_base_loopexit(((HttpContext*)arg)->base, nullptr);
......@@ -46,9 +46,84 @@ int MysqlProtocol::connect_to_server()
int ret = connect(_hostname.c_str(), _port, false, _detect_timeout, _sockfd);
if (ret != OMS_OK) {
OMS_ERROR << "Failed to connect to server. server=" << _hostname << ':' << _port;
OMS_ERROR << "Failed to connect to server: " << _hostname << ':' << _port << ", user: " << _username;
} else {
OMS_INFO << "Connect to server success. server=" << _hostname << ':' << _port;
OMS_INFO << "Connect to server success: " << _hostname << ':' << _port << ", user: " << _username;
return ret;
int MysqlProtocol::login(const std::string& host, int port, const std::string& username, const std::string& passwd_sha1,
const std::string& database)
_hostname = host;
_port = port;
_username = username;
_passwd_sha1 = passwd_sha1;
// https://dev.mysql.com/doc/internals/en/secure-password-authentication.html
// 1 connect to the server
int ret = connect_to_server();
if (ret < 0) {
OMS_ERROR << "Failed to connect to server " << _hostname << ':' << _port;
// 2 receive initial handshake
MsgBuf msgbuf;
uint8_t sequence = 0;
uint32_t packet_length = 0;
ret = recv_mysql_packet(_sockfd, _detect_timeout, packet_length, sequence, msgbuf);
if (ret != OMS_OK) {
OMS_ERROR << "Failed to receive handshake packet from: " << _hostname << ':' << _port
<< ", error: " << strerror(errno);
return ret;
OMS_DEBUG << "Receive handshake packet from server: " << _hostname << ':' << _port << ", user: " << _username;
MySQLInitialHandShakePacket handshake_packet;
ret = handshake_packet.decode(msgbuf);
if (ret != OMS_OK || !handshake_packet.scramble_valid()) {
OMS_ERROR << "Failed to decode_payload initial handshake packet or does not has a valid scramble:"
<< handshake_packet.scramble_valid() << ". length=" << packet_length << ", server: " << _hostname << ':'
<< _port;
return ret;
const std::vector<char>& scramble = handshake_packet.scramble();
// 3 calculate the password combined with scramble buffer -> auth information
std::vector<char> auth;
ret = calc_mysql_auth_info(scramble, auth);
if (ret != OMS_OK) {
OMS_ERROR << "Failed to calc login info from: " << _hostname << ':' << _port << ", user: " << _username;
return ret;
// 4 send the handshake response with auth information
ret = send_auth(auth, database);
if (ret != OMS_OK) {
OMS_ERROR << "Failed to send handshake response message to " << _hostname << ':' << _port << ", user=" << _username;
return OMS_FAILED;
// 5 receive response from server
ret = recv_mysql_packet(_sockfd, _detect_timeout, packet_length, sequence, msgbuf);
if (ret != OMS_OK) {
OMS_ERROR << "Failed to recv handshake auth response from: " << _hostname << ':' << _port
<< ", user: " << _username;
return OMS_FAILED;
MySQLOkPacket ok_packet;
ret = ok_packet.decode(msgbuf);
if (ret == OMS_OK) {
OMS_INFO << "Auth user success of server: " << _hostname << ':' << _port << ", user: " << _username;
} else {
MySQLErrorPacket error_packet;
OMS_ERROR << "Auth user failed of server: " << _hostname << ':' << _port << ", user: " << _username;
return ret;
......@@ -61,7 +136,7 @@ static inline void my_xor(const unsigned char* s1, const unsigned char* s2, uint
int MysqlProtocol::calc_mysql_auth_info(const std::vector<char>& scramble_buffer, std::vector<char>& auth_info)
int MysqlProtocol::calc_mysql_auth_info(const std::vector<char>& scramble, std::vector<char>& auth)
// SHA1( password ) XOR SHA1( "20-bytes random data from server" <concat> SHA1( SHA1( password ) ) )
// SHA1(password) -> stage1
......@@ -82,8 +157,8 @@ int MysqlProtocol::calc_mysql_auth_info(const std::vector<char>& scramble_buffer
std::vector<char> scramble_combined;
scramble_combined.reserve(scramble_buffer.size() + passwd_stage2.size());
scramble_combined.assign(scramble_buffer.begin(), scramble_buffer.end());
scramble_combined.reserve(scramble.size() + passwd_stage2.size());
scramble_combined.assign(scramble.begin(), scramble.end());
scramble_combined.insert(scramble_combined.end(), passwd_stage2.begin(), passwd_stage2.end());
......@@ -107,127 +182,45 @@ int MysqlProtocol::calc_mysql_auth_info(const std::vector<char>& scramble_buffer
return OMS_FAILED;
my_xor((const unsigned char*)_passwd_sha1.data(),
(const unsigned char*)sha_combined.data(),
(unsigned char*)auth_info.data());
(unsigned char*)auth.data());
return OMS_OK;
int MysqlProtocol::send_auth_info(const std::vector<char>& auth_info, uint8_t sequence)
int MysqlProtocol::send_auth(const std::vector<char>& auth_info, const std::string& database)
MysqlHandShakeResponsePacket hand_shake_response_packet(_username, "", auth_info, sequence);
MySQLHandShakeResponsePacket handshake_response_packet(_username, database, auth_info);
MsgBuf msgbuf;
int ret = hand_shake_response_packet.encode(msgbuf);
int ret = handshake_response_packet.encode(msgbuf);
if (ret != OMS_OK) {
OMS_ERROR << "Failed to encode hand shake response packet";
OMS_ERROR << "Failed to encode handshake response packet";
return -1;
for (const auto& iter : msgbuf) {
ret = writen(_sockfd, iter.buffer(), iter.size());
if (ret != OMS_OK) {
OMS_ERROR << "Failed to send hand shake response message. error=" << strerror(errno) << ". peer=" << _hostname
<< ":" << _port;
return ret;
return OMS_OK;
int MysqlProtocol::is_mysql_response_ok()
MsgBuf msgbuf;
int ret = recv_mysql_packet(_sockfd, _detect_timeout, msgbuf);
ret = send_mysql_packet(_sockfd, msgbuf, 0);
if (ret != OMS_OK) {
OMS_ERROR << "Failed to receive ok packet from server " << _hostname << ':' << _port
<< ", error=" << strerror(errno);
return OMS_FAILED;
MysqlOkPacket ok_packet;
return ok_packet.decode(msgbuf);
int MysqlProtocol::login(const std::string& host, int port, const std::string& username, const std::string& passwd_sha1,
const std::string& database)
_hostname = host;
_port = port;
_username = username;
_passwd_sha1 = passwd_sha1;
// https://dev.mysql.com/doc/internals/en/secure-password-authentication.html
// 1 connect to the server
int ret = connect_to_server();
if (ret < 0) {
OMS_ERROR << "Failed to connect to server " << _hostname << ':' << _port;
// 2 receive initial hand shake
uint32_t packet_length = 0;
uint8_t sequence = 0;
MsgBuf msgbuf;
ret = recv_mysql_packet(_sockfd, _detect_timeout, packet_length, sequence, msgbuf);
if (ret != OMS_OK) {
OMS_ERROR << "Failed to receive hand shake packet. error=" << strerror(errno) << ". server=" << _hostname << ':'
<< _port;
return ret;
OMS_DEBUG << "receive hand shake packet from server=" << _hostname << ':' << _port;
MysqlInitialHandShakePacket handshake_packet;
ret = handshake_packet.decode(msgbuf);
if (ret != OMS_OK || !handshake_packet.scramble_buffer_valid()) {
OMS_ERROR << "Failed to decode_payload initial hand shake packet or does not has a valid scramble:"
<< handshake_packet.scramble_buffer_valid() << ". length=" << packet_length << ", server=" << _hostname
<< ':' << _port;
return ret;
const std::vector<char>& scramble_buffer = handshake_packet.scramble_buffer();
// 3 calculate the password combined with scramble buffer -> auth information
std::vector<char> auth_info;
ret = calc_mysql_auth_info(scramble_buffer, auth_info);
if (ret != OMS_OK) {
OMS_ERROR << "Failed to calc login info. server=" << _hostname << ':' << _port << ", user=" << _username;
OMS_ERROR << "Failed to send handshake response to server: " << _hostname << ":" << _port;
return ret;
// 4 send the hand shake response with auth information
ret = send_auth_info(auth_info, sequence + 1);
if (ret != OMS_OK) {
OMS_ERROR << "Failed to send hand shake response message to " << _hostname << ':' << _port
<< ", user=" << _username;
return OMS_FAILED;
// 5 receive response from server
ret = is_mysql_response_ok();
if (ret == OMS_OK) {
OMS_INFO << "Auth user success. server=" << _hostname << ':' << _port << ", user=" << _username;
} else {
OMS_DEBUG << "Auth user failed. server=" << _hostname << ':' << _port << ", user=" << _username;
return ret;
return OMS_OK;
int MysqlProtocol::query(const std::string& sql, MysqlResultSet& rs)
int MysqlProtocol::query(const std::string& sql, MySQLResultSet& rs)
OMS_INFO << "query obmysql:" << sql;
OMS_INFO << "Query obmysql SQL:" << sql;
MysqlQueryPacket packet(sql);
MsgBuf msgbuf;
MySQLQueryPacket packet(sql);
int ret = packet.encode_inplace(msgbuf);
if (ret != OMS_OK) {
OMS_ERROR << "Failed to encode mysql sql packet ,ret:" << ret;
OMS_ERROR << "Failed to encode observer sql packet, ret:" << ret;
return ret;
ret = send_mysql_packet(_sockfd, msgbuf);
ret = send_mysql_packet(_sockfd, msgbuf, 0);
if (ret != OMS_OK) {
OMS_ERROR << "Failed to send query packet to server:" << _hostname << ':' << _port;
return OMS_FAILED;
......@@ -239,11 +232,11 @@ int MysqlProtocol::query(const std::string& sql, MysqlResultSet& rs)
return OMS_FAILED;
MysqlQueryResponsePacket query_resp;
MySQLQueryResponsePacket query_resp;
ret = query_resp.decode(msgbuf);
if (ret != OMS_OK || query_resp.col_count() == 0) {
OMS_ERROR << "Failed to query mysql:" << query_resp._err._message
<< (query_resp.col_count() == 0 ? ", unexpected column count 0" : "");
OMS_ERROR << "Failed to query observer:" << query_resp._err._message
<< (query_resp.col_count() == 0 ? ", unexpected column count: 0" : "");
return OMS_FAILED;
......@@ -257,7 +250,7 @@ int MysqlProtocol::query(const std::string& sql, MysqlResultSet& rs)
return OMS_FAILED;
MysqlCol column;
MySQLCol column;
rs.cols[i] = column;
......@@ -268,7 +261,7 @@ int MysqlProtocol::query(const std::string& sql, MysqlResultSet& rs)
OMS_ERROR << "Failed to recv eof packet from server:" << _hostname << ':' << _port;
return OMS_FAILED;
MysqlEofPacket eof;
MySQLEofPacket eof;
ret = eof.decode(msgbuf);
if (ret != OMS_OK) {
OMS_ERROR << "Failed to decode eof packet from server:" << _hostname << ':' << _port;
......@@ -287,7 +280,7 @@ int MysqlProtocol::query(const std::string& sql, MysqlResultSet& rs)
MysqlRow row(query_resp.col_count());
MySQLRow row(query_resp.col_count());
......@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ public:
int login(const std::string& host, int port, const std::string& username, const std::string& passwd_sha1,
const std::string& database = "");
int query(const std::string& sql, MysqlResultSet& rs);
int query(const std::string& sql, MySQLResultSet& rs);
* 设置接收网络消息包时,首次检测是否有消息到达的超时时间。单位毫秒
......@@ -59,11 +59,9 @@ public:
int connect_to_server();
int calc_mysql_auth_info(const std::vector<char>& scramble_buffer, std::vector<char>& auth_info);
int calc_mysql_auth_info(const std::vector<char>& scramble, std::vector<char>& auth);
int send_auth_info(const std::vector<char>& auth_info, uint8_t sequence);
int is_mysql_response_ok();
int send_auth(const std::vector<char>& auth_info, const std::string& database);
std::string _username;
......@@ -96,21 +96,26 @@ static int parse_cluster_url(const std::string& cluster_url, std::vector<ObAcces
return OMS_OK;
int ObAccess::init(const OblogConfig& config)
int ObAccess::init(const OblogConfig& hs_config)
if (!config.cluster_url.empty()) {
if (parse_cluster_url(config.cluster_url.val(), _servers) != OMS_OK) {
_user = hs_config.user.val();
_user_to_conn = _user;
std::vector<std::string> sections;
if (!hs_config.cluster_url.empty()) {
if (parse_cluster_url(hs_config.cluster_url.val(), _servers) != OMS_OK) {
return OMS_FAILED;
_user_to_conn = ObUsername(_user).name_without_cluster();
} else {
const std::string& root_servers = config.root_servers.val();
const std::string& root_servers = hs_config.root_servers.val();
if (root_servers.empty()) {
OMS_ERROR << "Failed to init ObAccess caused by empty root_servers";
return OMS_FAILED;
std::vector<std::string> sections;
int ret = split(root_servers, ';', sections);
if (ret == 0) {
OMS_ERROR << "Failed to init ObAccess caused by invalid root_servers";
......@@ -138,26 +143,27 @@ int ObAccess::init(const OblogConfig& config)
_user = config.user.val();
hex2bin(config.password.val().c_str(), config.password.val().size(), _password_sha1);
hex2bin(hs_config.password.val().c_str(), hs_config.password.val().size(), _password_sha1);
if (_user.empty() || _password_sha1.empty()) {
if (_user_to_conn.empty() || _password_sha1.empty()) {
OMS_ERROR << "Failed to init ObAccess caused by empty user or password";
return OMS_FAILED;
_sys_user = config.sys_user.empty() ? Config::instance().ob_sys_username.val() : config.sys_user.val();
if (config.sys_password.empty()) {
MysqlProtocol::do_sha_password(Config::instance().ob_sys_password.val(), _sys_password_sha1);
_sys_user = !hs_config.sys_user.empty() ? hs_config.sys_user.val() : Config::instance().ob_sys_username.val();
// preconfiged sys password was encrypted, otherwise was plain text as handshake param
if (!hs_config.sys_password.empty()) {
MysqlProtocol::do_sha_password(hs_config.sys_password.val(), _sys_password_sha1);
} else {
MysqlProtocol::do_sha_password(config.sys_password.val(), _sys_password_sha1);
MysqlProtocol::do_sha_password(Config::instance().ob_sys_password.val(), _sys_password_sha1);
if (_sys_user.empty() || _sys_password_sha1.empty()) {
OMS_ERROR << "Failed to init ObAccess caused by empty sys_user or sys_password";
return OMS_FAILED;
int ret = _table_whites.from(config.table_whites.val());
int ret = _table_whites.from(hs_config.table_whites.val());
if (ret != OMS_OK) {
return ret;
......@@ -180,19 +186,19 @@ int ObAccess::auth_sys(const ServerInfo& server)
MysqlProtocol auther;
// all tenant must be sys tenant;
int ret = auther.login(server.host, server.port, _user, _password_sha1);
int ret = auther.login(server.host, server.port, _user_to_conn, _password_sha1);
if (ret != OMS_OK) {
return ret;
MysqlResultSet rs;
MySQLResultSet rs;
ret = auther.query("show tenant", rs);
if (ret != OMS_OK || rs.rows.empty()) {
OMS_ERROR << "Failed to auth, show tenant for sys all match mode, ret:" << ret;
return OMS_FAILED;
const MysqlRow& row = rs.rows.front();
const MySQLRow& row = rs.rows.front();
const std::string& tenant = row.fields().front();
if (tenant.size() < 3 || strncasecmp("sys", tenant.c_str(), 3) != 0) {
OMS_ERROR << "Failed to auth, all tenant mode must be sys tenant, current: " << tenant;
......@@ -213,9 +219,9 @@ int ObAccess::auth_tenant(const ServerInfo& server)
ObUsername ob_user(_user);
// 2. for each of tenant servers, login it.
MysqlResultSet rs;
MySQLResultSet rs;
for (auto& tenant_entry : _table_whites.tenants) {
OMS_INFO << "About to auth tenant:" << tenant_entry.first << " of user:" << _user;
OMS_INFO << "About to auth tenant:" << tenant_entry.first << " of user:" << _user_to_conn;
ret = sys_auther.query(
......@@ -235,15 +241,12 @@ int ObAccess::auth_tenant(const ServerInfo& server)
<< ", col count:" << rs.col_count << ", ret:" << ret;
return OMS_FAILED;
const MysqlRow& row = rs.rows.front();
const MySQLRow& row = rs.rows.front();
const std::string& host = row.fields()[0];
const uint16_t sql_port = atoi(row.fields()[1].c_str());
MysqlProtocol user_auther;
std::string conn_user = ob_user.username;
conn_user.append(ob_user.tenant.empty() ? tenant_entry.first : ob_user.tenant);
ret = user_auther.login(host, sql_port, conn_user, _password_sha1);
ret = user_auther.login(host, sql_port, ob_user.name_without_cluster(tenant_entry.first), _password_sha1);
if (ret != OMS_OK) {
OMS_ERROR << "Failed to auth from tenant server: " << host << ":" << sql_port << ", ret:" << ret;
return ret;
......@@ -288,5 +291,18 @@ ObUsername::ObUsername(const std::string& full_name)
std::string ObUsername::name_without_cluster(const std::string& in_tenant)
std::string conn_user = username;
if (!tenant.empty()) {
} else if (!in_tenant.empty()) {
return conn_user;
} // namespace logproxy
} // namespace oceanbase
......@@ -46,6 +46,7 @@ private:
std::vector<ServerInfo> _servers;
std::string _user;
std::string _user_to_conn;
std::string _password_sha1;
std::string _sys_user;
std::string _sys_password_sha1;
......@@ -60,6 +61,8 @@ struct ObUsername {
std::string username;
explicit ObUsername(const std::string& full_name);
std::string name_without_cluster(const std::string& in_tenant = "");
} // namespace logproxy
......@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
#include "communication/io.h"
#include "common/log.h"
#include "common/common.h"
#include "common/guard.hpp"
// https://dev.mysql.com/doc/internals/en/capability-flags.html
// copy from include/mysql_com.h (mariadb source code)
......@@ -84,26 +85,25 @@ int recv_mysql_packet(int fd, int timeout, uint32_t& packet_length, uint8_t& seq
uint32_t packet_header = 0;
ret = readn(fd, &packet_header, 4);
if (ret != OMS_OK) {
OMS_ERROR << "Failed to read packet length. error=" << strerror(errno);
OMS_ERROR << "Failed to read packet length, errno: " << errno << ", error: " << strerror(errno);
return ret;
sequence = packet_header & 0xFF000000;
packet_length = le_to_cpu<uint32_t>(packet_header & 0x00FFFFFF);
sequence = (packet_header & 0xFF000000) >> 3;
packet_length = le_to_cpu(packet_header & 0x00FFFFFF);
if (packet_length >= UINT32_MAX - sizeof(packet_header)) {
OMS_ERROR << "Got invalid packet length, too length. length=" << packet_length;
OMS_ERROR << "Got invalid packet length, too length: " << packet_length;
return OMS_FAILED;
char* buffer = (char*)malloc(packet_length);
if (nullptr == buffer) {
OMS_ERROR << "Failed to malloc memory for mysql hand shake packet. length=" << packet_length;
OMS_ERROR << "Failed to malloc memory for mysql handshake packet length: " << packet_length;
return OMS_FAILED;
ret = readn(fd, buffer, packet_length);
if (ret != OMS_OK) {
OMS_ERROR << "Failed to read mysql hand shake packet. length=" << packet_length << ", error=" << strerror(errno);
OMS_ERROR << "Failed to read mysql handshake packet. length: " << packet_length << ", error: " << strerror(errno);
return ret;
......@@ -120,13 +120,20 @@ int recv_mysql_packet(int fd, int timeout, MsgBuf& msgbuf)
return recv_mysql_packet(fd, timeout, packet_length, sequence, msgbuf);
int send_mysql_packet(int fd, MsgBuf& msgbuf)
int send_mysql_packet(int fd, MsgBuf& msgbuf, uint8_t sequence)
// [24bit] packet_size
// [8bit] sequence
uint32_t packet_length = msgbuf.byte_size();
// we set sequence=0 here
packet_length = cpu_to_le<uint32_t>(packet_length & 0x00FFFFFF);
packet_length = cpu_to_le(packet_length & 0x00FFFFFF);
packet_length = packet_length | (sequence << 3);
////// DEBUG ONLY ///////
std::string hexstr;
dumphex((char*)&packet_length, 4, hexstr);
OMS_DEBUG << "MySQL packet header: " << hexstr << ", value: " << packet_length;
////// DEBUG ONLY ///////
int ret = writen(fd, &packet_length, 4);
if (ret != OMS_OK) {
OMS_ERROR << "Failed to send packet, error:" << strerror(errno);
......@@ -135,7 +142,7 @@ int send_mysql_packet(int fd, MsgBuf& msgbuf)
for (const auto& iter : msgbuf) {
ret = writen(fd, iter.buffer(), iter.size());
if (ret != OMS_OK) {
OMS_ERROR << "Failed to send packet, error:" << strerror(errno);
OMS_ERROR << "Failed to send packet, errno:" << errno << ", error:" << strerror(errno);
return ret;
......@@ -143,7 +150,7 @@ int send_mysql_packet(int fd, MsgBuf& msgbuf)
// https://dev.mysql.com/doc/internals/en/packet-OK_Packet.html
int MysqlOkPacket::decode(const MsgBuf& msgbuf)
int MySQLOkPacket::decode(const MsgBuf& msgbuf)
MsgBufReader reader(msgbuf);
uint8_t packet_type;
......@@ -151,9 +158,9 @@ int MysqlOkPacket::decode(const MsgBuf& msgbuf)
return (ret == OMS_OK && packet_type == 0x00) ? OMS_OK : OMS_FAILED;
const uint8_t MysqlEofPacket::_s_packet_type = 0xfe;
const uint8_t MySQLEofPacket::_s_packet_type = 0xfe;
int MysqlEofPacket::decode(const MsgBuf& msgbuf)
int MySQLEofPacket::decode(const MsgBuf& msgbuf)
size_t len = msgbuf.byte_size();
if (len >= 9) {
......@@ -176,7 +183,7 @@ int MysqlEofPacket::decode(const MsgBuf& msgbuf)
* https://dev.mysql.com/doc/internals/en/packet-ERR_Packet.html
int MysqlErrorPacket::decode(const MsgBuf& msgbuf)
int MySQLErrorPacket::decode(const MsgBuf& msgbuf)
MsgBufReader reader(msgbuf);
......@@ -195,8 +202,8 @@ int MysqlErrorPacket::decode(const MsgBuf& msgbuf)
// 5 bytes SQL state
ret = reader.read((char*)_sql_state.data(), 5);
ret = reader.read((char*)_sql_state.data(), 6);
if (ret != OMS_OK) {
OMS_ERROR << "Failed to skip SQL state";
return OMS_FAILED;
......@@ -210,57 +217,58 @@ int MysqlErrorPacket::decode(const MsgBuf& msgbuf)
return OMS_FAILED;
OMS_DEBUG << "mysql error packet: [" << _code << "]" << _message;
OMS_DEBUG << "Error packet: [" << _code << "][" << _sql_state_marker << _sql_state << "] " << _message;
return OMS_OK;
int MysqlInitialHandShakePacket::decode(const MsgBuf& msgbuf)
// reference:
// https://dev.mysql.com/doc/internals/en/connection-phase-packets.html#packet-Protocol::Handshake
int MySQLInitialHandShakePacket::decode(const MsgBuf& msgbuf)
// reference:
// https://dev.mysql.com/doc/internals/en/connection-phase-packets.html#packet-Protocol::Handshake
MsgBufReader buffer_reader(msgbuf);
int ret = buffer_reader.forward(4); // packet length
if (ret != OMS_OK) {
OMS_ERROR << "Failed to skip the packet length while decoding mysql InitialHandShakePacket";
return ret;
// read protocol version
ret = buffer_reader.read_uint8(_protocol_version);
int ret = buffer_reader.read_uint8(_protocol_version);
if (ret != OMS_OK) {
OMS_ERROR << "Failed to read protocol version while decoding mysql InitialHandShakePacket";
return ret;
if (_protocol_version != 0x0a) {
OMS_ERROR << "Unsupported packet version. version=" << _protocol_version;
OMS_ERROR << "Unsupported packet version: " << _protocol_version;
return OMS_FAILED;
// skip the string version
char c = 0xFF;
do {
// server version
std::string server_version;
while (ret == OMS_OK && buffer_reader.has_more()) {
char c = 0;
ret = buffer_reader.read(&c, 1);
} while (ret == OMS_OK && c != 0);
if (c == '\0') {
server_version.append(1, c);
if (ret != OMS_OK) {
OMS_ERROR << "Failed to read buffer while decoding mysql InitialHandShakePacket. buffer read "
<< buffer_reader.read_size();
OMS_DEBUG << "Observer version: " << server_version;
int32_t connection_id;
ret = buffer_reader.read_int<int32_t, Endian::LITTLE>(connection_id);
ret = buffer_reader.read_int<int32_t>(connection_id);
if (ret != OMS_OK) {
OMS_ERROR << "Failed to read connection id while decoding mysql InitialHandShakePacket";
return ret;
OMS_DEBUG << "Connection id: " << connection_id;
_scramble_buffer_valid = false;
// scramble part 1.
// string[8] auth-plugin-data-part-1
ret = buffer_reader.read(_scramble_buffer.data(), 8);
ret = buffer_reader.read(_scramble.data(), 8);
if (ret != OMS_OK) {
OMS_ERROR << "Failed to read auth-plugin-data-part-1 while decoding mysql InitialHandShakePacket";
return ret;
......@@ -280,9 +288,10 @@ int MysqlInitialHandShakePacket::decode(const MsgBuf& msgbuf)
return ret;
_scramble_valid = false;
if (!buffer_reader.has_more()) {
OMS_DEBUG << "Decode done. field end with capabilities flag lower byte_size";
_scramble_buffer_valid = true;
_scramble_valid = true;
return OMS_OK;
......@@ -294,21 +303,24 @@ int MysqlInitialHandShakePacket::decode(const MsgBuf& msgbuf)
// capability flags (upper 2 bytes)
ret = buffer_reader.read((char*)&_capabilities_flag + 2, 2);
ret = buffer_reader.read(((char*)&_capabilities_flag) + 2, 2);
if (ret != OMS_OK) {
<< "Failed to read the 'capability flags (upper 2 byte_size)' while decoding mysql InitialHandShakePacket";
return ret;
_capabilities_flag = le_to_cpu<uint32_t>(_capabilities_flag);
_capabilities_flag = le_to_cpu(_capabilities_flag);
// if capabilities & CLIENT_PLUGIN_AUTH then length of auth-plugin-data
uint8_t auth_plugin_data_len = 0;
ret = buffer_reader.read_uint8(auth_plugin_data_len);
if (ret != OMS_OK) {
OMS_ERROR << "Failed to read the 'length of auth-plugin-data' while decoding mysql InitialHandShakePacket";
return ret;
if (_capabilities_flag & CLIENT_PLUGIN_AUTH) {
ret = buffer_reader.read_uint8(auth_plugin_data_len);
if (ret != OMS_OK) {
OMS_ERROR << "Failed to read the 'length of auth-plugin-data' while decoding mysql InitialHandShakePacket";
return ret;
} else {
// reserved (all [00])
......@@ -322,30 +334,49 @@ int MysqlInitialHandShakePacket::decode(const MsgBuf& msgbuf)
// then auth-plugin-data-part-2 ($len=MAX(13, length of auth-plugin-data - 8))
if (_capabilities_flag & CLIENT_SECURE_CONNECTION) {
const int auth_plugin_data_part_2_len = std::max(13, auth_plugin_data_len - 8);
_scramble_buffer.resize(8 + auth_plugin_data_part_2_len - 1);
ret = buffer_reader.read(_scramble_buffer.data() + 8, auth_plugin_data_part_2_len - 1);
_scramble.resize(8 + auth_plugin_data_part_2_len);
ret = buffer_reader.read(_scramble.data() + 8, auth_plugin_data_part_2_len);
if (ret != OMS_OK) {
OMS_ERROR << "Failed to read the part 2 of 'scramble buffer' while decoding mysql InitialHandShakePacket";
return ret;
_scramble_buffer_valid = true;
_scramble_valid = true;
if (_capabilities_flag & CLIENT_PLUGIN_AUTH) {
while (ret == OMS_OK && buffer_reader.has_more()) {
char c = 0;
ret = buffer_reader.read(&c, 1);
if (c == '\0') {
_auth_plugin_name.append(1, c);
OMS_DEBUG << "auth plugin name: " << _auth_plugin_name;
if (_auth_plugin_name != "mysql_native_password") {
OMS_ERROR << "Unsupport auth plugin name: " << _auth_plugin_name;
return OMS_FAILED;
// fix ob response length 21 scramble
if (_scramble.size() > 20) {
return ret;
bool MysqlInitialHandShakePacket::scramble_buffer_valid() const
bool MySQLInitialHandShakePacket::scramble_valid() const
return _scramble_buffer_valid;
return _scramble_valid;
const std::vector<char>& MysqlInitialHandShakePacket::scramble_buffer() const
const std::vector<char>& MySQLInitialHandShakePacket::scramble() const
return _scramble_buffer;
return _scramble;
uint8_t MysqlInitialHandShakePacket::sequence() const
uint8_t MySQLInitialHandShakePacket::sequence() const
return _sequence;
......@@ -355,17 +386,23 @@ uint8_t MysqlInitialHandShakePacket::sequence() const
* 在buffer中写入一个\0结尾的字符串
* @return 返回非负数,表示写入的数据大小,否则失败
int write_null_terminate_string(char* buf, int capacity, const char* s)
static inline int write_null_terminate_string(char* buf, size_t capacity, const char* s, size_t len)
int str_len = strlen(s);
if (str_len + 1 > capacity) {
if (len + 1 > capacity) {
return OMS_FAILED;
memcpy(buf, s, str_len + 1);
return str_len + 1;
memcpy(buf, s, len + 1);
buf[len] = '\0';
return len + 1;
int write_string(char* buf, int capacity, const char* s, int str_len)
static inline int write_null_terminate_string(char* buf, size_t capacity, const std::string& str)
return write_null_terminate_string(buf, capacity, str.data(), str.size());
static inline int write_string(char* buf, size_t capacity, const char* s, size_t str_len)
if (str_len > capacity) {
return OMS_FAILED;
......@@ -374,7 +411,7 @@ int write_string(char* buf, int capacity, const char* s, int str_len)
return str_len;
int write_lenenc_uint(char* buf, int capacity, uint64_t integer)
static inline int write_lenenc_uint(char* buf, size_t capacity, uint64_t integer)
// https://dev.mysql.com/doc/internals/en/integer.html#packet-Protocol::LengthEncodedInteger
......@@ -388,7 +425,7 @@ int write_lenenc_uint(char* buf, int capacity, uint64_t integer)
} else if (integer < (1 << 16UL)) {
if (capacity >= 3) {
buf[0] = 0xFC;
uint16_t num = cpu_to_le<uint16_t>((uint16_t)integer);
uint16_t num = cpu_to_le((uint16_t)integer);
memcpy(buf + 1, &num, sizeof(num));
return 3;
} else {
......@@ -397,7 +434,7 @@ int write_lenenc_uint(char* buf, int capacity, uint64_t integer)
} else if (integer < (1 << 24UL)) {
if (capacity >= 4) {
buf[0] = 0xFD;
uint32_t num = cpu_to_le<uint32_t>((uint32_t)integer);
uint32_t num = cpu_to_le((uint32_t)integer);
memcpy(buf + 1, (char*)&num + 1, 3);
return 4;
} else {
......@@ -406,7 +443,7 @@ int write_lenenc_uint(char* buf, int capacity, uint64_t integer)
} else if (integer < ULLONG_MAX) {
if (capacity >= 9) {
buf[0] = 0xFE;
uint64_t num = cpu_to_le<uint64_t>((uint64_t)integer);
uint64_t num = cpu_to_le((uint64_t)integer);
memcpy(buf + 1, &num, sizeof(num));
return 9;
} else {
......@@ -423,30 +460,12 @@ int write_lenenc_uint(char* buf, int capacity, uint64_t integer)
return OMS_FAILED;
const std::string& username, const std::string& database, const std::vector<char>& auth_response, int8_t sequence)
: _username(username), _database(database), _auth_response(auth_response), _sequence(sequence)
const std::string& username, const std::string& database, const std::vector<char>& auth_response)
: _username(username), _database(database), _auth_response(auth_response)
uint32_t MysqlHandShakeResponsePacket::calc_capabilities_flag()
uint32_t capabilities_flag = CLIENT_MYSQL | CLIENT_LONG_FLAG | CLIENT_LOCAL_FILES |
if (!_database.empty()) {
capabilities_flag |= CLIENT_CONNECT_WITH_DB;
return capabilities_flag;
int MysqlHandShakeResponsePacket::encode(MsgBuf& msgbuf)
int MySQLHandShakeResponsePacket::encode(MsgBuf& msgbuf)
// reference:
// https://dev.mysql.com/doc/internals/en/connection-phase-packets.html#packet-Protocol::HandshakeResponse
......@@ -455,39 +474,43 @@ int MysqlHandShakeResponsePacket::encode(MsgBuf& msgbuf)
const int capacity = 200;
char* buffer = (char*)malloc(capacity);
if (nullptr == buffer) {
OMS_ERROR << "Failed to alloc memory. count=" << capacity;
OMS_ERROR << "Failed to alloc memory size: " << capacity;
return OMS_FAILED;
int offset = 4; // 3 bytes: packet size, 1 byte: sequence
FreeGuard<char*> fg(buffer);
// capability flags, CLIENT_PROTOCOL_41 always set
uint32_t src_capabilities_flag = calc_capabilities_flag();
uint32_t dst_capabilities_flag = cpu_to_le<uint32_t>(src_capabilities_flag);
memcpy(buffer + offset, &dst_capabilities_flag, sizeof(dst_capabilities_flag));
offset += sizeof(dst_capabilities_flag);
if (!_database.empty()) {
capabilities_flag |= CLIENT_CONNECT_WITH_DB;
uint32_t offset = 0;
uint32_t dst_capabilities_flag = cpu_to_le(capabilities_flag);
memcpy(buffer + offset, &dst_capabilities_flag, 4);
offset += 4;
// max-packet size
// max size of a command packet that the client wants to send to the server.
int32_t max_packet_size = 16 * 1024 * 1024;
max_packet_size = cpu_to_le<int32_t>(max_packet_size);
memcpy(buffer + offset, &max_packet_size, sizeof(max_packet_size));
offset += sizeof(max_packet_size);
// character set
const int8_t character_set = 33; // // utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci
buffer[offset] = character_set;
int32_t max_packet_size = cpu_to_le(16 * 1024 * 1024);
memcpy(buffer + offset, &max_packet_size, 4);
offset += 4;
// character set utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci
buffer[offset] = 33;
offset += 1;
// string[23] reserved (all [0])
offset += 23;
// string[NUL] username
int ret = write_null_terminate_string(buffer + offset, capacity - offset, _username.c_str());
int ret = write_null_terminate_string(buffer + offset, capacity - offset, _username);
if (ret < 0) {
OMS_ERROR << "Failed to encode user name";
buffer = nullptr;
return OMS_FAILED;
offset += ret;
......@@ -496,24 +519,19 @@ int MysqlHandShakeResponsePacket::encode(MsgBuf& msgbuf)
// then lenenc-int length of auth-response
// and string[n] auth-response
// https://dev.mysql.com/doc/internals/en/string.html#packet-Protocol::LengthEncodedString
if (src_capabilities_flag & CLIENT_PLUGIN_AUTH_LENENC_CLIENT_DATA) {
if (capabilities_flag & CLIENT_PLUGIN_AUTH_LENENC_CLIENT_DATA) {
ret = write_lenenc_uint(buffer + offset, capacity - offset, _auth_response.size());
if (ret < 0) {
OMS_ERROR << "Failed to encode auth response length. length=" << _auth_response.size() << ", capacity last "
OMS_ERROR << "Failed to encode auth response length: " << _auth_response.size() << ", capacity last "
<< capacity - offset;
buffer = nullptr;
return OMS_FAILED;
offset += ret;
ret = write_string(buffer + offset, capacity - offset, _auth_response.data(), _auth_response.size());
if (ret < 0) {
OMS_ERROR << "Failed to encode auth response data. length=" << _auth_response.size() << ", capacity last %d"
OMS_ERROR << "Failed to encode auth response data length: " << _auth_response.size() << ", capacity last %d"
<< capacity - offset;
buffer = nullptr;
return OMS_FAILED;
offset += ret;
......@@ -521,27 +539,21 @@ int MysqlHandShakeResponsePacket::encode(MsgBuf& msgbuf)
// else if capabilities & CLIENT_SECURE_CONNECTION
// then length of auth-response
// and auth-response
else if (src_capabilities_flag & CLIENT_SECURE_CONNECTION) {
else if (capabilities_flag & CLIENT_SECURE_CONNECTION) {
buffer[offset] = (int8_t)_auth_response.size();
ret = write_string(buffer + offset, capacity - offset, _auth_response.data(), _auth_response.size());
if (ret < 0) {
OMS_ERROR << "Failed to encode auth response data. length=" << _auth_response.size() << ", capacity last "
OMS_ERROR << "Failed to encode auth response data length: " << _auth_response.size() << ", capacity last "
<< capacity - offset;
buffer = nullptr;
return OMS_FAILED;
offset += ret;
// else
// then auth-response
else {
ret = write_null_terminate_string(buffer + offset, capacity - offset, _auth_response.data());
} else {
// then auth-response with null terminate string
ret = write_null_terminate_string(buffer + offset, capacity - offset, _auth_response.data(), _auth_response.size());
if (ret < 0) {
OMS_ERROR << "Failed to encode auth response data. length=" << _auth_response.size() + 1 << ", capacity last "
OMS_ERROR << "Failed to encode auth response data length: " << _auth_response.size() + 1 << ", capacity last "
<< capacity - offset;
buffer = nullptr;
return OMS_FAILED;
offset += ret;
......@@ -549,13 +561,11 @@ int MysqlHandShakeResponsePacket::encode(MsgBuf& msgbuf)
// if capabilities & CLIENT_CONNECT_WITH_DB
// then string[NUL] database
if (!_database.empty() && src_capabilities_flag & CLIENT_CONNECT_WITH_DB) {
ret = write_null_terminate_string(buffer + offset, capacity - offset, _database.c_str());
if (capabilities_flag & CLIENT_CONNECT_WITH_DB) {
ret = write_null_terminate_string(buffer + offset, capacity - offset, _database);
if (ret < 0) {
OMS_ERROR << "Failed to encode database. length=" << _database.size() + 1 << ", capacity last "
OMS_ERROR << "Failed to encode database length: " << _database.size() + 1 << ", capacity last "
<< capacity - offset;
buffer = nullptr;
return OMS_FAILED;
offset += ret;
......@@ -563,14 +573,11 @@ int MysqlHandShakeResponsePacket::encode(MsgBuf& msgbuf)
// if capabilities & CLIENT_PLUGIN_AUTH
// then string[NUL] auth plugin name
const char* plugin_auth = "mysql_native_password";
if (src_capabilities_flag & CLIENT_PLUGIN_AUTH) {
ret = write_null_terminate_string(buffer + offset, capacity - offset, plugin_auth);
if (capabilities_flag & CLIENT_PLUGIN_AUTH) {
const std::string auth_plugin = "mysql_native_password";
ret = write_null_terminate_string(buffer + offset, capacity - offset, auth_plugin);
if (ret < 0) {
OMS_ERROR << "Failed to encode database. length=" << strlen(plugin_auth) + 1 << ", capacity last "
<< capacity - offset;
buffer = nullptr;
OMS_ERROR << "Failed to encode auth plugin: " << auth_plugin << ", capacity last " << capacity - offset;
return OMS_FAILED;
offset += ret;
......@@ -583,16 +590,14 @@ int MysqlHandShakeResponsePacket::encode(MsgBuf& msgbuf)
// do nothing now
// end
uint32_t packet_size = cpu_to_le<uint32_t>((uint32_t)offset - 4);
memcpy(buffer, (char*)&packet_size, 3);
buffer[3] = _sequence;
OMS_DEBUG << "mysql hand shake response packet len:" << offset;
OMS_DEBUG << "Handshake response packet len: " << offset;
msgbuf.push_back(buffer, offset);
return OMS_OK;
int MysqlCol::decode(const MsgBuf& msgbuf)
int MySQLCol::decode(const MsgBuf& msgbuf)
MysqlBufReader reader(msgbuf);
......@@ -611,10 +616,10 @@ int MysqlCol::decode(const MsgBuf& msgbuf)
return OMS_OK;
MysqlRow::MysqlRow(uint64_t col_count) : _col_count(col_count)
MySQLRow::MySQLRow(uint64_t col_count) : _col_count(col_count)
int logproxy::MysqlRow::decode(const MsgBuf& msgbuf)
int logproxy::MySQLRow::decode(const MsgBuf& msgbuf)
MysqlBufReader reader(msgbuf);
for (uint64_t i = 0; i < _col_count; ++i) {
......@@ -625,16 +630,15 @@ int logproxy::MysqlRow::decode(const MsgBuf& msgbuf)
return OMS_OK;
MysqlQueryPacket::MysqlQueryPacket(const std::string& sql) : _sql(sql)
MySQLQueryPacket::MySQLQueryPacket(const std::string& sql) : _sql(sql)
* https://dev.mysql.com/doc/internals/en/com-query.html
int MysqlQueryPacket::encode_inplace(MsgBuf& msgbuf)
int MySQLQueryPacket::encode_inplace(MsgBuf& msgbuf)
uint8_t cmd_id_le = cpu_to_le<uint8_t>(_cmd_id);
msgbuf.push_back((char*)&cmd_id_le, 1, false);
msgbuf.push_back((char*)&_cmd_id, 1, false);
msgbuf.push_back((char*)_sql.c_str(), _sql.size(), false);
return OMS_OK;
......@@ -642,7 +646,7 @@ int MysqlQueryPacket::encode_inplace(MsgBuf& msgbuf)
* https://dev.mysql.com/doc/internals/en/com-query-response.html
int MysqlQueryResponsePacket::decode(const MsgBuf& msgbuf)
int MySQLQueryResponsePacket::decode(const MsgBuf& msgbuf)
MysqlBufReader reader(msgbuf);
uint8_t packet_ret = 0xff;
......@@ -663,7 +667,7 @@ int MysqlQueryResponsePacket::decode(const MsgBuf& msgbuf)
return OMS_OK;
void MysqlResultSet::reset()
void MySQLResultSet::reset()
col_count = 0;
......@@ -21,9 +21,8 @@ namespace logproxy {
class MsgBuf;
* 接收一个mysql消息包
* 参考: https://dev.mysql.com/doc/internals/en/mysql-packet.html
* @param fd 接收消息的描述符
* rece a mysql protocol packet
* @param fd
* @param timout 等待有消息的超时时间(一旦判断有消息到达,就不再关注timeout). 单位 毫秒
* @param[out] packet_length 消息包长度
* @param[out] sequence 消息sequence,参考mysql说明
......@@ -34,9 +33,9 @@ int recv_mysql_packet(int fd, int timeout, uint32_t& packet_length, uint8_t& seq
int recv_mysql_packet(int fd, int timeout, MsgBuf& msgbuf);
int send_mysql_packet(int fd, MsgBuf& msgbuf);
int send_mysql_packet(int fd, MsgBuf& msgbuf, uint8_t sequence);
class MysqlResponse {
class MySQLResponse {
friend class MysqlProtocol;
......@@ -44,12 +43,12 @@ protected:
virtual int decode(const MsgBuf& msgbuf) = 0;
class MysqlOkPacket : public MysqlResponse {
class MySQLOkPacket : public MySQLResponse {
int decode(const MsgBuf& msgbuf) override;
class MysqlEofPacket : public MysqlResponse {
class MySQLEofPacket : public MySQLResponse {
int decode(const MsgBuf& msgbuf) override;
......@@ -60,7 +59,7 @@ private:
uint16_t _status_flags;
class MysqlErrorPacket : public MysqlResponse {
class MySQLErrorPacket : public MySQLResponse {
friend class MysqlProtocol;
......@@ -74,17 +73,13 @@ private:
std::string _message;
class MysqlInitialHandShakePacket {
class MySQLInitialHandShakePacket {
* 连接上mysql之后,mysql就向客户端发送一个握手数据包。握手数据包中包含了一个随机生成的字符串(20字节)。
* 这个随机字符串称为scramble,与密码一起做运算后,发送给mysql server做鉴权
int decode(const MsgBuf& msgbuf);
bool scramble_buffer_valid() const;
bool scramble_valid() const;
const std::vector<char>& scramble_buffer() const;
const std::vector<char>& scramble() const;
uint8_t sequence() const;
......@@ -92,34 +87,28 @@ private:
uint8_t _sequence = 0;
uint8_t _protocol_version = 0;
uint32_t _capabilities_flag = 0;
std::vector<char> _scramble_buffer;
bool _scramble_buffer_valid = false;
std::string _auth_plugin_name;
bool _scramble_valid = false;
std::vector<char> _scramble;
class MysqlHandShakeResponsePacket {
class MySQLHandShakeResponsePacket {
MysqlHandShakeResponsePacket(const std::string& username, const std::string& database,
const std::vector<char>& auth_response, int8_t sequence);
const std::string& username, const std::string& database, const std::vector<char>& auth_response);
* 客户端创建socket连接成功mysql server后,MySQL会发一个握手包,之后客户端向MySQL server回复一个消息。
* 这里就负责这条消息的编码。
int encode(MsgBuf& msgbuf);
uint32_t calc_capabilities_flag();
std::string _username;
std::string _database;
std::vector<char> _auth_response;
int8_t _sequence = 0;
class MysqlQueryPacket {
class MySQLQueryPacket {
explicit MysqlQueryPacket(const std::string& sql);
explicit MySQLQueryPacket(const std::string& sql);
// use memory in-stack, none any heap memory would be alloc
int encode_inplace(MsgBuf& msgbuf);
......@@ -129,7 +118,7 @@ private:
const std::string& _sql;
class MysqlCol : public MysqlResponse {
class MySQLCol : public MySQLResponse {
int decode(const MsgBuf& msgbuf) override;
......@@ -149,11 +138,11 @@ private:
uint16_t _filler;
class MysqlRow : public MysqlResponse {
class MySQLRow : public MySQLResponse {
friend class MysqlProtocol;
explicit MysqlRow(uint64_t col_count);
explicit MySQLRow(uint64_t col_count);
int decode(const MsgBuf& msgbuf) override;
......@@ -172,7 +161,7 @@ private:
std::vector<std::string> _fields;
class MysqlQueryResponsePacket : public MysqlResponse {
class MySQLQueryResponsePacket : public MySQLResponse {
friend class MysqlProtocol;
......@@ -186,15 +175,15 @@ public:
uint64_t _col_count = 0;
MysqlErrorPacket _err;
MySQLErrorPacket _err;
struct MysqlResultSet {
struct MySQLResultSet {
void reset();
uint64_t col_count = 0;
std::vector<MysqlCol> cols;
std::vector<MysqlRow> rows;
std::vector<MySQLCol> cols;
std::vector<MySQLRow> rows;
} // namespace logproxy
......@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ struct DbTable {
struct TenantDbTable {
bool all_tenant;
bool all_tenant = false;
std::map<std::string, DbTable> tenants;
int from(const std::string& table_whites);
......@@ -29,13 +29,6 @@ TEST(COMMON, hex2bin)
std::string binstr;
hex2bin(hexstr.data(), hexstr.size(), binstr);
ASSERT_STREQ(binstr.c_str(), text);
hexstr.insert(0, 1, ' ');
hexstr.insert(hexstr.size() / 2, 1, ' ');
hexstr.insert(hexstr.size(), 1, ' ');
hex2bin(hexstr.data(), hexstr.size(), binstr);
ASSERT_STREQ(binstr.c_str(), text);
......@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ int do_sha_password(const std::string& pswd, std::string& sha_password)
void login(const std::string& host, int port, const std::string& user, const std::string& passwd,
const std::string& sql, MysqlResultSet& rs)
const std::string& sql, MySQLResultSet& rs)
std::string sha_password;
int ret = do_sha_password(passwd, sha_password);
......@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ void login(const std::string& host, int port, const std::string& user, const std
LogStream ls(0, "", 0, nullptr);
ls << "| column counts:" << rs.cols.size() << " |\n";
for (MysqlRow& row : rs.rows) {
for (MySQLRow& row : rs.rows) {
ls << "| ";
for (const std::string& field : row.fields()) {
ls << field << " | ";
......@@ -89,32 +89,35 @@ static std::string sys_password_sha1;
static std::string cluster_url = "";
static std::vector<std::string> sqls = {"show tenant",
"select version()",
// static std::vector<std::string> sqls = {"select 1"};
static std::vector<std::string> sqls = {"show tenant", "select version()"};
static std::vector<std::string> sqls_for_sys = {
"SELECT server.svr_ip, server.svr_port, server.zone, tenant.tenant_id, tenant.tenant_name from "
"oceanbase.__all_resource_pool AS pool, oceanbase.__all_unit AS unit, oceanbase.__all_server AS "
"server, oceanbase.__all_tenant AS tenant WHERE tenant.tenant_id = pool.tenant_id AND "
"unit.resource_pool_id = pool.resource_pool_id AND unit.svr_ip = server.svr_ip AND "
"unit.svr_port = server.svr_port AND tenant.tenant_name='" +
tenant + "'"};
tenant + "'"};
MysqlResultSet rs;
MySQLResultSet rs;
for (auto& sql : sqls) {
login(host, port, user, password, sql, rs);
for (auto& sql : sqls_for_sys) {
login(host, port, sys_user, sys_password, sql, rs);
do_sha_password(password, password_sha1);
do_sha_password(sys_password, sys_password_sha1);
do_sha_password(password, password_sha1);
do_sha_password(sys_password, sys_password_sha1);
OblogConfig config("first_start_timestamp=0 rootserver_list=" + host + ":2881:" + std::to_string(port) +
" cluster_user=" + user + " cluster_password=" + dumphex(password_sha1) +
" tb_white_list=" + tenant + ".*.*");
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