# What is OceanBase Database OceanBase Database is a native distributed relational database. It is developed entirely by Ant Group. OceanBase Database is built on a common server cluster. Based on the Paxos protocol and its distributed structure, OceanBase Database provides high availability and linear scalability. OceanBase Database is not dependent on specific hardware architectures. ## Core features - Scalable OLTP - Linear scalability by adding nodes to the cluster - Partition-level leader distribution and transparent data shuffling - Optimized performance for distributed transaction through "table group" technology - High concurrency updates on hot row through early lock release (ELR) - 80000+ connections per node and unlimited connections in one instance through multi threads and coroutines - Prevent silent data corruption (SDC) through multidimensional data consistency checksum - No.1 in TPC-C benchmark with 707 million tpmC - Operational OLAP - Process analytical tasks in one engine, no need to migrate data to OLAP engine - Analyze large amounts of data on multiple nodes in one OceanBase cluster with MPP architecture - Advanced SQL engine with CBO optimizer, distributed execution scheduler and global index - Fast data loading through parallel DML, and with only 50% storage cost under compression - Broke world record with 15.26 million QphH in TPC-H 30TB benchmark in 2021 - Multi-tenant - Create multiple tenants (instances) in one OceanBase cluster with isolated resource and access - Multidimensional and transparently scale up/out for each tenant, and scaling up takes effect immediately - Database consolidation: multi-tenant and flexible scaling can achieve resource pooling and improve utilization - Improve management efficiency and reduce costs without compromising performance and availability ## Quick start See [Quick start](https://open.oceanbase.com/quickStart) to try out OceanBase Database. ## System architecture ![image.png](https://cdn.nlark.com/yuque/0/2022/png/25820454/1667369873624-c1707034-471a-4f79-980f-6d1760dac8eb.png) ## Roadmap ![image.png](https://cdn.nlark.com/yuque/0/2022/png/25820454/1667369873613-44957682-76fe-42c2-b4c7-9356ed5b35f0.png) ## Case study For our success stories, see [Success stories](https://www.oceanbase.com/en/customer/home). ## Contributing Your contributions to our code will be highly appreciated. For details about how to contribute to OceanBase, see [Contribute to OceanBase](https://github.com/oceanbase/oceanbase/wiki/Contribute-to-OceanBase). ## Licensing OceanBase Database is licensed under the Mulan Public License, Version 2. See the [LICENSE](LICENSE) file for more info. ## Community - [oceanbase.slack](https://join.slack.com/t/oceanbase/shared_invite/zt-1e25oz3ol-lJ6YNqPHaKwY_mhhioyEuw) - [Forum (Simplified Chinese)](https://ask.oceanbase.com/) - [DingTalk 33254054 (Simplified Chinese)](https://h5.dingtalk.com/circle/healthCheckin.html?corpId=ding12cfbe0afb058f3cde5ce625ff4abdf6&53108=bb418&cbdbhh=qwertyuiop&origin=1) - [WeChat (Simplified Chinese)](https://gw.alipayobjects.com/zos/oceanbase/0a69627f-8005-4c46-be1f-aac7a2b85c13/image/2022-03-01/85d42796-4e22-463a-9658-57402d7b9bc3.png)