/* * Copyright 1996-2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. Sun designates this * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided * by Sun in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that * accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Please contact Sun Microsystems, Inc., 4150 Network Circle, Santa Clara, * CA 95054 USA or visit www.sun.com if you need additional information or * have any questions. */ #ifndef AWT_COMPONENT_H #define AWT_COMPONENT_H #include "awtmsg.h" #include "awt_Object.h" #include "awt_Font.h" #include "awt_Brush.h" #include "awt_Pen.h" #include "awt_Win32GraphicsDevice.h" #include "Win32SurfaceData.h" #include "java_awt_Component.h" #include "sun_awt_windows_WComponentPeer.h" #include "java_awt_event_KeyEvent.h" #include "java_awt_event_FocusEvent.h" #include "java_awt_event_MouseEvent.h" #include "java_awt_event_WindowEvent.h" #include "java_awt_Dimension.h" extern LPCTSTR szAwtComponentClassName; static LPCTSTR DrawingStateProp = TEXT("SunAwtDrawingStateProp"); const UINT IGNORE_KEY = (UINT)-1; const UINT MAX_ACP_STR_LEN = 7; // ANSI CP identifiers are no longer than this #define LEFT_BUTTON 1 #define MIDDLE_BUTTON 2 #define RIGHT_BUTTON 4 #define DBL_CLICK 8 // Whether to check for embedded frame and adjust location #define CHECK_EMBEDDED 0 #define DONT_CHECK_EMBEDDED 1 class AwtPopupMenu; class AwtDropTarget; class DDrawDisplayMode; struct WmComponentSetFocusData; /* * Message routing codes */ enum MsgRouting { mrPassAlong, /* pass along to next in chain */ mrDoDefault, /* skip right to underlying default behavior */ mrConsume, /* consume msg & terminate routing immediatly, * don't pass anywhere */ }; /************************************************************************ * AwtComponent class */ class AwtComponent : public AwtObject { public: enum { // combination of all mouse button flags ALL_MK_BUTTONS = MK_LBUTTON|MK_MBUTTON|MK_RBUTTON }; /* java.awt.Component fields and method IDs */ static jfieldID peerID; static jfieldID xID; static jfieldID yID; static jfieldID widthID; static jfieldID heightID; static jfieldID visibleID; static jfieldID backgroundID; static jfieldID foregroundID; static jfieldID enabledID; static jfieldID parentID; static jfieldID cursorID; static jfieldID graphicsConfigID; static jfieldID peerGCID; static jfieldID focusableID; static jfieldID appContextID; static jfieldID hwndID; static jmethodID getFontMID; static jmethodID getToolkitMID; static jmethodID isEnabledMID; static jmethodID getLocationOnScreenMID; static jmethodID replaceSurfaceDataMID; static jmethodID replaceSurfaceDataLaterMID; static const UINT WmAwtIsComponent; AwtComponent(); virtual ~AwtComponent(); /* * Dynamic class registration & creation */ virtual LPCTSTR GetClassName() = 0; /* * Fix for 4964237: Win XP: Changing theme changes java dialogs title icon * WNDCLASS structure has been superseded by the WNDCLASSEX in Win32 */ virtual void FillClassInfo(WNDCLASSEX *lpwc); virtual void RegisterClass(); virtual void UnregisterClass(); void CreateHWnd(JNIEnv *env, LPCWSTR title, DWORD windowStyle, DWORD windowExStyle, int x, int y, int w, int h, HWND hWndParent, HMENU hMenu, COLORREF colorForeground, COLORREF colorBackground, jobject peer); void InitPeerGraphicsConfig(JNIEnv *env, jobject peer); virtual void Dispose(); void UpdateBackground(JNIEnv *env, jobject target); virtual void SubclassHWND(); virtual void UnsubclassHWND(); static LRESULT CALLBACK WndProc(HWND hWnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); /* * Access to the various objects of this aggregate component */ INLINE HWND GetHWnd() { return m_hwnd; } INLINE void SetHWnd(HWND hwnd) { m_hwnd = hwnd; } static AwtComponent* GetComponent(HWND hWnd); /* * Access to the properties of the component */ INLINE COLORREF GetColor() { return m_colorForeground; } virtual void SetColor(COLORREF c); HPEN GetForegroundPen(); COLORREF GetBackgroundColor(); virtual void SetBackgroundColor(COLORREF c); HBRUSH GetBackgroundBrush(); INLINE BOOL IsBackgroundColorSet() { return m_backgroundColorSet; } virtual void SetFont(AwtFont *pFont); INLINE void SetText(LPCTSTR text) { ::SetWindowText(GetHWnd(), text); } INLINE int GetText(LPTSTR buffer, int size) { return ::GetWindowText(GetHWnd(), buffer, size); } INLINE int GetTextLength() { return ::GetWindowTextLength(GetHWnd()); } virtual void GetInsets(RECT* rect) { VERIFY(::SetRectEmpty(rect)); } BOOL IsVisible() { return m_visible;}; HDC GetDCFromComponent(); /* * Enable/disable component */ virtual void Enable(BOOL bEnable); /* * Validate and call handleExpose on rects of UpdateRgn */ void PaintUpdateRgn(const RECT *insets); static HWND GetTopLevelParentForWindow(HWND hwndDescendant); static jobject FindHeavyweightUnderCursor(BOOL useCache); /* * Returns the parent component. If no parent window, or the * parent window isn't an AwtComponent, returns NULL. */ AwtComponent* GetParent(); /* Get the component's immediate container. */ class AwtWindow* GetContainer(); /* Is a component a container? Used by above method */ virtual BOOL IsContainer() { return FALSE;} // Plain components can't /** * Perform some actions which by default are being performed by Default Window procedure of * this window class * For detailed comments see implementation in awt_Component.cpp */ virtual BOOL ActMouseMessage(MSG * pMsg); /** * Returns TRUE if this message will this component to become focused. Returns FALSE otherwise. */ inline BOOL IsFocusingMessage(UINT message) { return message == WM_LBUTTONDOWN || message == WM_LBUTTONUP || message == WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK; } BOOL IsFocusable(); /* * Returns an increasing unsigned value used for child control IDs. * There is no attempt to reclaim command ID's. */ INLINE UINT CreateControlID() { return m_nextControlID++; } // returns the current keyboard layout INLINE static HKL GetKeyboardLayout() { return m_hkl; } // returns the current code page that should be used in // all MultiByteToWideChar and WideCharToMultiByte calls. // This code page should also be use in IsDBCSLeadByteEx. INLINE static UINT GetCodePage() { return m_CodePage; } // Added by waleed for BIDI Support // returns the right to left status INLINE static BOOL GetRTLReadingOrder() { return sm_rtlReadingOrder; } // returns the right to left status INLINE static BOOL GetRTL() { return sm_rtl; } // returns the current sub language INLINE static LANGID GetSubLanguage() { return SUBLANGID(m_idLang); } // end waleed // returns the current input language INLINE static LANGID GetInputLanguage() { return m_idLang; } // Convert Language ID to CodePage static UINT LangToCodePage(LANGID idLang); /* * methods on this component */ virtual void Show(); virtual void Hide(); virtual void Reshape(int x, int y, int w, int h); /* * Fix for 4046446. * Component size/position helper, for the values above the short int limit. */ static BOOL SetWindowPos(HWND wnd, HWND after, int x, int y, int w, int h, UINT flags); /* * Sets the scrollbar values. 'bar' can be either SB_VERT or * SB_HORZ. 'min', 'value', and 'max' can have the value INT_MAX * which means that the value should not be changed. */ void SetScrollValues(UINT bar, int min, int value, int max); INLINE LRESULT SendMessage(UINT msg, WPARAM wParam=0, LPARAM lParam=0) { DASSERT(GetHWnd()); return ::SendMessage(GetHWnd(), msg, wParam, lParam); } void PostUngrabEvent(); INLINE virtual LONG GetStyle() { DASSERT(GetHWnd()); return ::GetWindowLong(GetHWnd(), GWL_STYLE); } INLINE virtual void SetStyle(LONG style) { DASSERT(GetHWnd()); // SetWindowLong() error handling as recommended by Win32 API doc. ::SetLastError(0); DWORD ret = ::SetWindowLong(GetHWnd(), GWL_STYLE, style); DASSERT(ret != 0 || ::GetLastError() == 0); } INLINE virtual LONG GetStyleEx() { DASSERT(GetHWnd()); return ::GetWindowLong(GetHWnd(), GWL_EXSTYLE); } INLINE virtual void SetStyleEx(LONG style) { DASSERT(GetHWnd()); // SetWindowLong() error handling as recommended by Win32 API doc. ::SetLastError(0); DWORD ret = ::SetWindowLong(GetHWnd(), GWL_EXSTYLE, style); DASSERT(ret != 0 || ::GetLastError() == 0); } virtual BOOL NeedDblClick() { return FALSE; } /* for multifont component */ static void DrawWindowText(HDC hDC, jobject font, jstring text, int x, int y); static void DrawGrayText(HDC hDC, jobject font, jstring text, int x, int y); void DrawListItem(JNIEnv *env, DRAWITEMSTRUCT &drawInfo); void MeasureListItem(JNIEnv *env, MEASUREITEMSTRUCT &measureInfo); jstring GetItemString(JNIEnv *env, jobject target, jint index); jint GetFontHeight(JNIEnv *env); virtual jobject PreferredItemSize(JNIEnv *env) {DASSERT(FALSE); return NULL; } INLINE BOOL isEnabled() { JNIEnv *env = (JNIEnv *)JNU_GetEnv(jvm, JNI_VERSION_1_2); if (env->EnsureLocalCapacity(2) < 0) { return NULL; } jobject self = GetPeer(env); jobject target = env->GetObjectField(self, AwtObject::targetID); BOOL e = env->CallBooleanMethod(target, AwtComponent::isEnabledMID); DASSERT(!safe_ExceptionOccurred(env)); env->DeleteLocalRef(target); return e; } INLINE BOOL isRecursivelyEnabled() { AwtComponent* p = this; do { if (!p->isEnabled()) { return FALSE; } } while (!p->IsTopLevel() && (p = p->GetParent()) != NULL); return TRUE; } void SendKeyEventToFocusOwner(jint id, jlong when, jint raw, jint cooked, jint modifiers, jint keyLocation, MSG *msg = NULL); /* * Allocate and initialize a new java.awt.event.KeyEvent, and * post it to the peer's target object. No response is expected * from the target. */ void SendKeyEvent(jint id, jlong when, jint raw, jint cooked, jint modifiers, jint keyLocation, MSG *msg = NULL); /* * Allocate and initialize a new java.awt.event.MouseEvent, and * post it to the peer's target object. No response is expected * from the target. */ void SendMouseEvent(jint id, jlong when, jint x, jint y, jint modifiers, jint clickCount, jboolean popupTrigger, jint button = 0, MSG *msg = NULL); /* * Allocate and initialize a new java.awt.event.MouseWheelEvent, and * post it to the peer's target object. No response is expected * from the target. */ void SendMouseWheelEvent(jint id, jlong when, jint x, jint y, jint modifiers, jint clickCount, jboolean popupTrigger, jint scrollType, jint scrollAmount, jint wheelRotation, jdouble preciseWheelRotation, MSG *msg = NULL); /* * Allocate and initialize a new java.awt.event.FocusEvent, and * post it to the peer's target object. No response is expected * from the target. */ void SendFocusEvent(jint id, HWND opposite); /* Forward a filtered event directly to the subclassed window. synthetic should be TRUE iff the message was generated because of a synthetic Java event, rather than a native event. */ virtual MsgRouting HandleEvent(MSG *msg, BOOL synthetic); /* Post a WM_AWT_HANDLE_EVENT message which invokes HandleEvent on the toolkit thread. This method may pre-filter the messages. */ virtual BOOL PostHandleEventMessage(MSG *msg, BOOL synthetic); /* Event->message synthesizer methods. */ void SynthesizeKeyMessage(JNIEnv *env, jobject keyEvent); void SynthesizeMouseMessage(JNIEnv *env, jobject mouseEvent); /* Components which inherit native mouse wheel behavior will * return TRUE. These are TextArea, Choice, FileDialog, and * List. All other Components return FALSE. */ virtual BOOL InheritsNativeMouseWheelBehavior(); /* Functions for MouseWheel support on Windows95 * These should only be called if running on 95 */ static void Wheel95Init(); INLINE static UINT Wheel95GetMsg() {return sm_95WheelMessage;} static UINT Wheel95GetScrLines(); /* Determines whether the component is obscured by another window */ // Called on Toolkit thread static jboolean _IsObscured(void *param); /* Invalidate the specified rectangle. */ virtual void Invalidate(RECT* r); /* Begin and end deferred window positioning. */ virtual void BeginValidate(); virtual void EndValidate(); /* Keyboard conversion routines. */ static void InitDynamicKeyMapTable(); static void BuildDynamicKeyMapTable(); static jint GetJavaModifiers(); static jint GetButton(int mouseButton); static UINT GetButtonMK(int mouseButton); static UINT WindowsKeyToJavaKey(UINT windowsKey, UINT modifiers); static void JavaKeyToWindowsKey(UINT javaKey, UINT *windowsKey, UINT *modifiers, UINT originalWindowsKey); INLINE static void AwtComponent::JavaKeyToWindowsKey(UINT javaKey, UINT *windowsKey, UINT *modifiers) { JavaKeyToWindowsKey(javaKey, windowsKey, modifiers, IGNORE_KEY); } enum TransOps {NONE, LOAD, SAVE}; UINT WindowsKeyToJavaChar(UINT wkey, UINT modifiers, TransOps ops); /* routines used for input method support */ void SetInputMethod(jobject im, BOOL useNativeCompWindow); void SendInputMethodEvent(jint id, jstring text, int cClause, int *rgClauseBoundary, jstring *rgClauseReading, int cAttrBlock, int *rgAttrBoundary, BYTE *rgAttrValue, int commitedTextLength, int caretPos, int visiblePos); void InquireCandidatePosition(); INLINE LPARAM GetCandidateType() { return m_bitsCandType; } HIMC ImmGetContext(); HIMC ImmAssociateContext(HIMC himc); HWND GetProxyFocusOwner(); void CallProxyDefWindowProc(UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, LRESULT &retVal, MsgRouting &mr); /* * Windows message handler functions */ virtual LRESULT WindowProc(UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); virtual LRESULT DefWindowProc(UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); /* return true if msg is processed */ virtual MsgRouting PreProcessMsg(MSG& msg); virtual MsgRouting WmCreate() {return mrDoDefault;} virtual MsgRouting WmClose() {return mrDoDefault;} virtual MsgRouting WmDestroy(); virtual MsgRouting WmActivate(UINT nState, BOOL fMinimized, HWND opposite) { return mrDoDefault; } virtual MsgRouting WmEraseBkgnd(HDC hDC, BOOL& didErase) { return mrDoDefault; } virtual MsgRouting WmPaint(HDC hDC); virtual MsgRouting WmGetMinMaxInfo(LPMINMAXINFO lpmmi); virtual MsgRouting WmMove(int x, int y); virtual MsgRouting WmSize(UINT type, int w, int h); virtual MsgRouting WmSizing(); virtual MsgRouting WmShowWindow(BOOL show, UINT status); virtual MsgRouting WmSetFocus(HWND hWndLost); virtual MsgRouting WmKillFocus(HWND hWndGot); jboolean WmComponentSetFocus(WmComponentSetFocusData *data); // Use instead of ::SetFocus to maintain special focusing semantics for // Windows which are not Frames/Dialogs. BOOL AwtSetFocus(); virtual MsgRouting WmCtlColor(HDC hDC, HWND hCtrl, UINT ctlColor, HBRUSH& retBrush); virtual MsgRouting WmHScroll(UINT scrollCode, UINT pos, HWND hScrollBar); virtual MsgRouting WmVScroll(UINT scrollCode, UINT pos, HWND hScrollBar); virtual MsgRouting WmMouseEnter(UINT flags, int x, int y); virtual MsgRouting WmMouseDown(UINT flags, int x, int y, int button); virtual MsgRouting WmMouseUp(UINT flags, int x, int y, int button); virtual MsgRouting WmMouseMove(UINT flags, int x, int y); virtual MsgRouting WmMouseExit(UINT flags, int x, int y); virtual MsgRouting WmMouseWheel(UINT flags, int x, int y, int wheelRotation); virtual MsgRouting WmNcMouseDown(WPARAM hitTest, int x, int y, int button); virtual MsgRouting WmNcMouseUp(WPARAM hitTest, int x, int y, int button); virtual MsgRouting WmWindowPosChanging(LPARAM windowPos); virtual MsgRouting WmWindowPosChanged(LPARAM windowPos); // NB: 64-bit: vkey is wParam of the message, but other API's take // vkey parameters of type UINT, so we do the cast before dispatching. virtual MsgRouting WmKeyDown(UINT vkey, UINT repCnt, UINT flags, BOOL system); virtual MsgRouting WmKeyUp(UINT vkey, UINT repCnt, UINT flags, BOOL system); virtual MsgRouting WmChar(UINT character, UINT repCnt, UINT flags, BOOL system); virtual MsgRouting WmIMEChar(UINT character, UINT repCnt, UINT flags, BOOL system); virtual MsgRouting WmInputLangChange(UINT charset, HKL hKeyBoardLayout); virtual MsgRouting WmForwardChar(WCHAR character, LPARAM lParam, BOOL synthethic); virtual MsgRouting WmPaste(); virtual void SetCompositionWindow(RECT &r); virtual void OpenCandidateWindow(int x, int y); virtual void SetCandidateWindow(int iCandType, int x, int y); virtual MsgRouting WmImeSetContext(BOOL fSet, LPARAM *lplParam); virtual MsgRouting WmImeNotify(WPARAM subMsg, LPARAM bitsCandType); virtual MsgRouting WmImeStartComposition(); virtual MsgRouting WmImeEndComposition(); virtual MsgRouting WmImeComposition(WORD wChar, LPARAM flags); virtual MsgRouting WmTimer(UINT_PTR timerID) {return mrDoDefault;} virtual MsgRouting WmCommand(UINT id, HWND hWndCtrl, UINT notifyCode); /* reflected WmCommand from parent */ virtual MsgRouting WmNotify(UINT notifyCode); virtual MsgRouting WmCompareItem(UINT /*ctrlId*/, COMPAREITEMSTRUCT &compareInfo, LRESULT &result); virtual MsgRouting WmDeleteItem(UINT /*ctrlId*/, DELETEITEMSTRUCT &deleteInfo); virtual MsgRouting WmDrawItem(UINT ctrlId, DRAWITEMSTRUCT &drawInfo); virtual MsgRouting WmMeasureItem(UINT ctrlId, MEASUREITEMSTRUCT &measureInfo); /* Fix 4181790 & 4223341 : These functions get overridden in owner-drawn * components instead of the Wm... versions. */ virtual MsgRouting OwnerDrawItem(UINT ctrlId, DRAWITEMSTRUCT &drawInfo); virtual MsgRouting OwnerMeasureItem(UINT ctrlId, MEASUREITEMSTRUCT &measureInfo); virtual MsgRouting WmPrint(HDC hDC, LPARAM flags); virtual MsgRouting WmPrintClient(HDC hDC, LPARAM flags); virtual MsgRouting WmNcCalcSize(BOOL fCalcValidRects, LPNCCALCSIZE_PARAMS lpncsp, LRESULT &retVal); virtual MsgRouting WmNcPaint(HRGN hrgn); virtual MsgRouting WmNcHitTest(UINT x, UINT y, LRESULT &retVal); virtual MsgRouting WmSysCommand(UINT uCmdType, int xPos, int yPos); virtual MsgRouting WmExitSizeMove(); virtual MsgRouting WmEnterMenuLoop(BOOL isTrackPopupMenu); virtual MsgRouting WmExitMenuLoop(BOOL isTrackPopupMenu); virtual MsgRouting WmQueryNewPalette(LRESULT &retVal); virtual MsgRouting WmPaletteChanged(HWND hwndPalChg); virtual MsgRouting WmPaletteIsChanging(HWND hwndPalChg); virtual MsgRouting WmStyleChanged(int wStyleType, LPSTYLESTRUCT lpss); virtual MsgRouting WmSettingChange(UINT wFlag, LPCTSTR pszSection); virtual MsgRouting WmContextMenu(HWND hCtrl, UINT xPos, UINT yPos) { return mrDoDefault; } void UpdateColorModel(); jintArray CreatePrintedPixels(SIZE &loc, SIZE &size); virtual BOOL WmDDCreateSurface(Win32SDOps* wsdo); virtual MsgRouting WmDDEnterFullScreen(HMONITOR monitor); virtual MsgRouting WmDDExitFullScreen(HMONITOR monitor); virtual MsgRouting WmDDSetDisplayMode(HMONITOR monitor, DDrawDisplayMode* pDisplayMode); static void * GetNativeFocusOwner(); static void * GetNativeFocusedWindow(); static void ClearGlobalFocusOwner(); /* * HWND, AwtComponent and Java Peer interaction * * Link the C++, Java peer, and HWNDs together. */ void LinkObjects(JNIEnv *env, jobject peer); void UnlinkObjects(); static BOOL QueryNewPaletteCalled() { return m_QueryNewPaletteCalled; } #ifdef DEBUG virtual void VerifyState(); /* verify component and peer are in sync. */ #else void VerifyState() {} /* no-op */ #endif virtual AwtDropTarget* CreateDropTarget(JNIEnv* env); virtual void DestroyDropTarget(); INLINE virtual HWND GetDBCSEditHandle() { return NULL; } // State for native drawing API INLINE jint GetDrawState() { return GetDrawState(m_hwnd); } INLINE void SetDrawState(jint state) { SetDrawState(m_hwnd, state); } // State for native drawing API INLINE virtual BOOL IsTopLevel() { return FALSE; } INLINE virtual BOOL IsEmbeddedFrame() { return FALSE; } INLINE virtual BOOL IsScrollbar() { return FALSE; } static INLINE BOOL IsTopLevelHWnd(HWND hwnd) { AwtComponent *comp = AwtComponent::GetComponent(hwnd); return (comp != NULL && comp->IsTopLevel()); } static INLINE BOOL IsEmbeddedFrameHWnd(HWND hwnd) { AwtComponent *comp = AwtComponent::GetComponent(hwnd); return (comp != NULL && comp->IsEmbeddedFrame()); } static jint GetDrawState(HWND hwnd); static void SetDrawState(HWND hwnd, jint state); static HWND GetHWnd(JNIEnv* env, jobject target); static MSG* CreateMessage(UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, int x, int y); static void InitMessage(MSG* msg, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, int x, int y); // Some methods to be called on Toolkit thread via Toolkit.InvokeFunction() static void _Show(void *param); static void _Hide(void *param); static void _Enable(void *param); static void _Disable(void *param); static jobject _GetLocationOnScreen(void *param); static void _Reshape(void *param); static void _ReshapeNoCheck(void *param); static void _NativeHandleEvent(void *param); static void _SetForeground(void *param); static void _SetBackground(void *param); static void _SetFont(void *param); static jboolean _RequestFocus(void *param); static void _Start(void *param); static void _BeginValidate(void *param); static void _EndValidate(void *param); static void _UpdateWindow(void *param); static jlong _AddNativeDropTarget(void *param); static void _RemoveNativeDropTarget(void *param); static jintArray _CreatePrintedPixels(void *param); static jboolean _NativeHandlesWheelScrolling(void *param); static void _SetRectangularShape(void *param); static HWND sm_focusOwner; static HWND sm_focusedWindow; static BOOL m_isWin95; static BOOL m_isWin2000; static BOOL m_isWinNT; static BOOL sm_bMenuLoop; static INLINE BOOL isMenuLoopActive() { return sm_bMenuLoop; } // when this component is being destroyed, this method is called // to find out if there are any messages being processed, and if // there are some then disposal of this component is postponed virtual BOOL CanBeDeleted() { return m_MessagesProcessing == 0; } protected: static AwtComponent* GetComponentImpl(HWND hWnd); static int GetClickCount(); HWND m_hwnd; UINT m_myControlID; /* its own ID from the view point of parent */ BOOL m_backgroundColorSet; BOOL m_visible; /* copy of Component.visible */ static BOOL sm_suppressFocusAndActivation; static HWND sm_realFocusOpposite; virtual void SetDragCapture(UINT flags); virtual void ReleaseDragCapture(UINT flags); // 95 support for mouse wheel static UINT sm_95WheelMessage; static UINT sm_95WheelSupport; private: /* A bitmask keeps the button's numbers as MK_LBUTTON, MK_MBUTTON, MK_RBUTTON * which are allowed to * generate the CLICK event after the RELEASE has happened. * There are conditions that must be true for that sending CLICK event: * 1) button was initially PRESSED * 2) no movement or drag has happened until RELEASE */ UINT m_mouseButtonClickAllowed; BOOL m_bSubclassed; COLORREF m_colorForeground; COLORREF m_colorBackground; AwtPen* m_penForeground; AwtBrush* m_brushBackground; WNDPROC m_DefWindowProc; // counter for messages being processed by this component UINT m_MessagesProcessing; // provides a unique ID for child controls UINT m_nextControlID; // DeferWindowPos handle for batched-up window positioning HDWP m_hdwp; // Counter to handle nested calls to Begin/EndValidate UINT m_validationNestCount; AwtDropTarget* m_dropTarget; // associated DropTarget object // When we process WM_INPUTLANGCHANGE we remember the keyboard // layout handle and associated input language and codepage. // We also invalidate VK translation table for VK_OEM_* codes static HKL m_hkl; static UINT m_CodePage; static LANGID m_idLang; static BOOL sm_rtl; static BOOL sm_rtlReadingOrder; jobject m_InputMethod; BOOL m_useNativeCompWindow; LPARAM m_bitsCandType; UINT m_PendingLeadByte; void SetComponentInHWND(); // Determines whether a given virtual key is on the numpad static BOOL IsNumPadKey(UINT vkey, BOOL extended); // Determines the keyLocation of a given key static jint GetKeyLocation(UINT wkey, UINT flags); static jint GetShiftKeyLocation(UINT wkey, UINT flags); // Cache for FindComponent static HWND sm_cursorOn; static BOOL m_QueryNewPaletteCalled; BOOL m_skipNextSetFocus; static AwtComponent* sm_getComponentCache; // a cache for the GetComponent(..) method. int windowMoveLockPosX; int windowMoveLockPosY; int windowMoveLockPosCX; int windowMoveLockPosCY; // 6524352: support finer-resolution static int sm_wheelRotationAmount; /* * The association list of children's IDs and corresponding components. * Some components like Choice or List are required their sizes while * the creations of themselfs are in progress. */ class ChildListItem { public: ChildListItem(UINT id, AwtComponent* component) { m_ID = id; m_Component = component; m_next = NULL; } ~ChildListItem() { if (m_next != NULL) delete m_next; } UINT m_ID; AwtComponent* m_Component; ChildListItem* m_next; }; public: INLINE void PushChild(UINT id, AwtComponent* component) { ChildListItem* child = new ChildListItem(id, component); child->m_next = m_childList; m_childList = child; } static void SetParent(void * param); private: AwtComponent* SearchChild(UINT id); void RemoveChild(UINT id) ; static BOOL IsNavigationKey(UINT wkey); ChildListItem* m_childList; HCURSOR m_hCursorCache; // the latest cursor which has been active within the heavyweight component public: inline void setCursorCache(HCURSOR hCursor) { m_hCursorCache = hCursor; } inline HCURSOR getCursorCache() { return m_hCursorCache; } }; class CounterHelper { private: UINT *m_counter; public: explicit CounterHelper(UINT *counter) { m_counter = counter; (*m_counter)++; } ~CounterHelper() { (*m_counter)--; m_counter = NULL; } }; // DC management objects; these classes are used to track the list of // DC's associated with a given Component. Then DC's can be released // appropriately on demand or on window destruction to avoid resource // leakage. class DCItem { public: HDC hDC; HWND hWnd; DCItem *next; }; class DCList { DCItem *head; CriticalSection listLock; public: DCList() { head = NULL; } void AddDC(HDC hDC, HWND hWnd); void AddDCItem(DCItem *newItem); DCItem *RemoveDC(HDC hDC); DCItem *RemoveAllDCs(HWND hWnd); void RealizePalettes(int screen); }; struct WmComponentSetFocusData { jobject lightweightChild; jboolean temporary; jboolean focusedWindowChangeAllowed; jlong time; jobject cause; }; void ReleaseDCList(HWND hwnd, DCList &list); void MoveDCToPassiveList(HDC hDC); namespace TimeHelper{ jlong getMessageTimeUTC(); jlong windowsToUTC(DWORD event_offset); } #include "ObjectList.h" #endif /* AWT_COMPONENT_H */