A cloud-native distributed storage system

    A sandbox project hosted by the CNCF Foundation

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    About Curve

    Curve is a modern storage system developed by netease, currently supporting file storage(CurveFS) and block storage(CurveBS). Now it's hosted at CNCF as a sandbox project.

    The core application scenarios of CurveBS mainly include:

    • the performance, mixed, capacity cloud disk or persistent volume of virtual machine/container, and remote disks of physical machines
    • high-performance separation of storage and computation architecture: high-performance and low latency architecture based on RDMA+SPDK, supporting the separation deployment structure of various databases such as MySQL and Kafka

    The core application scenarios of CurveFS mainly include:

    • the cost-effective storage in AI training scene
    • the hot and cold data automation layered storage in big data scenarios
    • the cost-effective shared file storage on the public cloud: It can be used for business scenarios such as AI, big data, file sharing
    • Hybrid storage: Hot data is stored in the local IDC, cold data is stored in public cloud
    High Performance | More stable | Easy Operation | Cloud Native
    • High Performance : CurveBS vs CephBS

      CurveBS: v1.2.0

      CephBS: L/N Performance: CurveBS random read and write performance far exceeds CephBS in the block storage scenario.

      Environment:3 replicas on a 6-node cluster, each node has 20xSATA SSD, 2xE5-2660 v4 and 256GB memory.

      Single Vol:

      Multi Vols:

    • More stable

      • The stability of the common abnormal Curve is better than that of Ceph in the block storage scenario.
        Fault Case One Disk Failure Slow Disk Detect One Server Failure Server Suspend Animation
        CephBS jitter 7s Continuous io jitter jitter 7s unrecoverable
        CurveBS jitter 4s no effect jitter 4s jitter 4s
    • Easy Operation

      • We have developed CurveAdm to help O&M staff.
        tools CephAdm CurveAdm
        easy Installation
        easy Deployment (slightly more steps)
        Multi-Cluster Management
        easy Expansion (slightly more steps)
        easy Upgrade
        easy to stop service
        easy Cleaning
        Deployment environment testing
        Operational audit
        Peripheral component deployment
        easy log reporting
        Cluster status statistics reporting
        Error code classification and solutions
      • Ops CurveBS ops is more friendly than CephBS in the block storage scenario.
        Ops scenarios Upgrade clients Balance
        CephBS do not support live upgrade via plug-in with IO influence
        CurveBS support live upgrade with second jitter auto with no influence on IO
    • Cloud Native

    Docking OpenStack
    Docking Kubernetes
    • Use Curve CSI Driver, The plugin implements the Container Storage Interface(CSI) between Container Orchestrator(CO) and Curve cluster. It allows dynamically provisioning curve volumes and attaching them to workloads.
    • For details of the documentation, see CSI Curve Driver Doc.
    Docking PolarDB | PG
    • It serves as the underlying storage base for polardb for postgresql in the form of storage and computation separation, providing data consistency assurance for upper layer database applications, extreme elasticity scaling, and high performance HTAP.

    • Deployment details can be found at PolarDB | PG Advanced Deployment(CurveBS).

    • Curve can also be used as cloud storage middleware using S3-compatible object storage as the data storage engine, providing cost-effective shared file storage for public cloud users.

    Curve Architecture

    Curve on Hybrid Cloud

    Curve supports deployment in private and public cloud environments, and can also be used in a hybrid cloud:

    One of them, CurveFS shared file storage system, can be elastically scaled to public cloud storage, which can provide users with greater capacity elasticity, lower cost, and better performance experience.

    Curve on Public Cloud

    In a public cloud environment, users can deploy CurveFS clusters to replace the shared file storage system provided by cloud vendors and use cloud disks for acceleration, which can greatly reduce business costs, with the following deployment architecture:

    Design Documentation

    CurveBS quick start

    In order to improve the operation and maintenance convenience of Curve, we designed and developed the CurveAdm project, which is mainly used for deploying and managing Curve clusters. Currently, it supports the deployment of CurveBS & CurveFS (scaleout, upgrade and other functions are under development), please refer to the CurveAdm User Manual for related documentation, and install the CurveAdm tool according to the manual before deploying the Curve cluster.

    Deploy an All-in-one experience environment

    Please refer to the CurveBS cluster deployment steps in the CurveAdm user manual. For standalone experience, please use the "Cluster Topology File - Standalone Deployment" template.

    The command tools' instructions

    FIO Curve block storage engine

    Fio Curve engine is added, you can clone and compile the fio tool with our engine(depend on nebd lib), fio command line example:

    $ ./fio --thread --rw=randwrite --bs=4k --ioengine=nebd --nebd=cbd:pool//pfstest_test_ --iodepth=10 --runtime=120 --numjobs=10 --time_based --group_reporting --name=curve-fio-test

    If you have any questions during performance testing, please check the Curve block storage performance tuning guide.

    CurveFS quick start

    Please use CurveAdm tool to deploy CurveFS,see CurveFS Deployment Process, and the CurveFS Command Instructions.

    Test environment configuration

    Please refer to the Test environment configuration



    See Governance.

    Contribute us

    Participation in the Curve project is described in the Curve Developers Guidelines and is subject to a contributor contract. We welcome your contribution!

    Code of Conduct

    Curve follows the CNCF Code of Conduct.


    Curve is distributed under the Apache 2.0 LICENSE.

    Release Cycle

    • CURVE release cycle:Half a year for major version, 1~2 months for minor version

    • Versioning format: We use a sequence of three digits and a suffix (x.y.z{-suffix}), x is the major version, y is the minor version, and z is for bugfix. The suffix is for distinguishing beta (-beta), RC (-rc) and GA version (without any suffix). Major version x will increase 1 every half year, and y will increase every 1~2 months. After a version is released, number z will increase if there's any bugfix.


    All the developments will be done under master branch. If there's any new version to establish, a new branch release-x.y will be pulled from the master, and the new version will be released from this branch.


    This project exists thanks to all the people who contribute.

    Made with

    Star History

    Star History Chart

    Feedback & Contact

    • Github Issues:You are sincerely welcomed to issue any bugs you came across or any suggestions through Github issues. If you have any question you can refer to our FAQ or join our user group for more details.
    • FAQ:Frequently asked question in our user group, and we'll keep working on it.
    • User group:We use Wechat group currently.
    • Double Week Meetings: We have an online community meeting every two weeks which talk about what Curve is doing and planning to do. The time and links of the meeting are public in the user group and Double Week Meetings.


    CURVE是网易自主设计研发的高性能、高可用、高可靠分布式存储系统,具有非常良好的扩展性。基于该存储底座可以打造适用于不同应用场景的存储系统,如块存储、对象存储、云原生数据库等。当前我们基于CURVE已经实现了高性能块存储系统,支持快照克隆和恢复 ,支持QEMU虚拟机和物理机NBD设备两种挂载方式, 在网易内部作为高性能云盘使用。

    发行版本 50



    贡献者 85



    • C++ 90.0 %
    • Go 4.4 %
    • Python 2.3 %
    • Starlark 1.3 %
    • Shell 1.2 %