提交 58b06222 编写于 作者: A Alexander Alekhin

dnn(DataLayer): fix CPU/OpenCL code paths for FP16 handling

上级 58dc3979
......@@ -597,29 +597,26 @@ struct DataLayer : public Layer
CV_TRACE_ARG_VALUE(name, "name", name.c_str());
// FIXIT: add wrapper without exception suppression
forward_ocl(inputs_arr, outputs_arr, internals_arr))
if (outputs_arr.depth() == CV_16S)
forward_fallback(inputs_arr, outputs_arr, internals_arr);
bool isFP16 = outputs_arr.depth() == CV_16S;
std::vector<Mat> outputs, internals;
// Supported modes:
// | Input type | Output type |
// | fp32 | fp32 |
// | uint8 | fp32 |
for (int i = 0; i < inputsData.size(); ++i)
double scale = scaleFactors[i];
Scalar& mean = means[i];
CV_Assert(mean == Scalar() || inputsData[i].size[1] <= 4);
CV_CheckTypeEQ(outputs[i].type(), CV_32FC1, "");
if (isFP16)
CV_CheckTypeEQ(outputs[i].type(), CV_16SC1, "");
CV_CheckTypeEQ(outputs[i].type(), CV_32FC1, "");
bool singleMean = true;
for (int j = 1; j < std::min(4, inputsData[i].size[1]) && singleMean; ++j)
......@@ -629,34 +626,49 @@ struct DataLayer : public Layer
if (singleMean)
inputsData[i].convertTo(outputs[i], CV_32F, scale, -mean[0] * scale);
if (isFP16)
Mat input_f32;
inputsData[i].convertTo(input_f32, CV_32F, scale, -mean[0] * scale);
convertFp16(input_f32, outputs[i]);
inputsData[i].convertTo(outputs[i], CV_32F, scale, -mean[0] * scale);
for (int n = 0; n < inputsData[i].size[0]; ++n)
for (int c = 0; c < inputsData[i].size[1]; ++c)
Mat inp = getPlane(inputsData[i], n, c);
Mat out = getPlane(outputs[i], n, c);
inp.convertTo(out, CV_32F, scale, -mean[c] * scale);
if (isFP16)
Mat input_f32;
inp.convertTo(input_f32, CV_32F, scale, -mean[c] * scale);
convertFp16(input_f32, out);
inp.convertTo(out, CV_32F, scale, -mean[c] * scale);
std::vector<Mat> tmp_expressions;
bool forward_ocl(InputArrayOfArrays, OutputArrayOfArrays outputs_, OutputArrayOfArrays internals_)
// Supported modes:
// | Input type | Output type |
// | fp32 | fp32 |
// | fp32 | fp16 |
// | uint8 | fp32 |
bool isFP16 = outputs_.depth() == CV_16S;
std::vector<UMat> outputs;
for (int i = 0; i < inputsData.size(); ++i)
Mat inputData = inputsData[i];
......@@ -664,58 +676,55 @@ struct DataLayer : public Layer
double scale = scaleFactors[i];
Scalar& mean = means[i];
CV_Assert(mean == Scalar() || inputsData[i].size[1] <= 4);
CV_Assert(mean == Scalar() || inputData.size[1] <= 4);
if (isFP16)
CV_CheckTypeEQ(outputs[i].type(), CV_16SC1, "");
CV_CheckTypeEQ(outputs[i].type(), CV_32FC1, "");
bool singleMean = true;
for (int j = 1; j < std::min(4, inputsData[i].size[1]) && singleMean; ++j)
for (int j = 1; j < std::min(4, inputData.size[1]) && singleMean; ++j)
singleMean = mean[j] == mean[j - 1];
if (outputs_.depth() == CV_16S)
if (singleMean)
if (singleMean)
if (isFP16)
tmp_expressions.push_back(Mat(scale * (inputsData[i] - mean[0])));
convertFp16(tmp_expressions.back(), outputs[i]);
UMat input_i;
inputData.convertTo(input_i, CV_32F, scale, -mean[0] * scale);
convertFp16(input_i, outputs[i]);
for (int n = 0; n < inputsData[i].size[0]; ++n)
for (int c = 0; c < inputsData[i].size[1]; ++c)
Mat inp = getPlane(inputsData[i], n, c);
std::vector<cv::Range> plane(4, Range::all());
plane[0] = Range(n, n + 1);
plane[1] = Range(c, c + 1);
UMat out = outputs[i](plane).reshape(1, inp.dims, inp.size);
tmp_expressions.push_back(scale * (inp - mean[c]));
convertFp16(tmp_expressions.back(), out);
inputData.convertTo(outputs[i], CV_32F, scale, -mean[0] * scale);
CV_Assert(outputs_.depth() == CV_32F);
if (singleMean)
inputsData[i].convertTo(outputs[i], CV_32F, scale, -mean[0] * scale);
for (int n = 0; n < inputData.size[0]; ++n)
for (int n = 0; n < inputsData[i].size[0]; ++n)
for (int c = 0; c < inputsData[i].size[1]; ++c)
Mat inp = getPlane(inputsData[i], n, c);
for (int c = 0; c < inputData.size[1]; ++c)
Mat inp = getPlane(inputData, n, c);
std::vector<cv::Range> plane(4, Range::all());
plane[0] = Range(n, n + 1);
plane[1] = Range(c, c + 1);
UMat out = outputs[i](plane).reshape(1, inp.dims, inp.size);
std::vector<cv::Range> plane(4, Range::all());
plane[0] = Range(n, n + 1);
plane[1] = Range(c, c + 1);
UMat out = outputs[i](plane).reshape(1, inp.dims, inp.size);
if (isFP16)
UMat input_i;
inp.convertTo(input_i, CV_32F, scale, -mean[c] * scale);
convertFp16(input_i, out);
inp.convertTo(out, CV_32F, scale, -mean[c] * scale);
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