提交 dad2b9aa 编写于 作者: A Alexander Alekhin

Merge pull request #21160 from rogday:elu_alpha

......@@ -453,6 +453,8 @@ CV__DNN_EXPERIMENTAL_NS_BEGIN
class CV_EXPORTS ELULayer : public ActivationLayer
float alpha;
static Ptr<ELULayer> create(const LayerParams &params);
......@@ -740,6 +740,9 @@ const char* const SigmoidFunctor::BaseDefaultFunctor<SigmoidFunctor>::ocl_kernel
struct ELUFunctor : public BaseDefaultFunctor<ELUFunctor>
typedef ELULayer Layer;
float alpha;
explicit ELUFunctor(float alpha_ = 1.f) : alpha(alpha_) {}
bool supportBackend(int backendId, int)
......@@ -749,14 +752,19 @@ struct ELUFunctor : public BaseDefaultFunctor<ELUFunctor>
inline float calculate(float x) const
return x >= 0.f ? x : exp(x) - 1.f;
return x >= 0.f ? x : alpha * (exp(x) - 1.f);
inline void setKernelParams(ocl::Kernel& kernel) const
kernel.set(3, alpha);
void attachHalide(const Halide::Expr& input, Halide::Func& top)
Halide::Var x("x"), y("y"), c("c"), n("n");
top(x, y, c, n) = select(input >= 0.0f, input, exp(input) - 1);
top(x, y, c, n) = select(input >= 0.0f, input, alpha * (exp(input) - 1));
#endif // HAVE_HALIDE
......@@ -770,7 +778,7 @@ struct ELUFunctor : public BaseDefaultFunctor<ELUFunctor>
std::shared_ptr<ngraph::Node> initNgraphAPI(const std::shared_ptr<ngraph::Node>& node)
return std::make_shared<ngraph::op::Elu>(node, 1.0);
return std::make_shared<ngraph::op::Elu>(node, alpha);
......@@ -1263,8 +1271,10 @@ Ptr<SigmoidLayer> SigmoidLayer::create(const LayerParams& params)
Ptr<ELULayer> ELULayer::create(const LayerParams& params)
Ptr<ELULayer> l(new ElementWiseLayer<ELUFunctor>(ELUFunctor()));
float alpha = params.get<float>("alpha", 1.0f);
Ptr<ELULayer> l(new ElementWiseLayer<ELUFunctor>(ELUFunctor(alpha)));
l->alpha = alpha;
return l;
......@@ -131,13 +131,14 @@ __kernel void PowForward(const int n, __global const T* in, __global T* out,
out[index] = pow(shift + scale * in[index], power);
__kernel void ELUForward(const int n, __global const T* in, __global T* out)
__kernel void ELUForward(const int n, __global const T* in, __global T* out,
const KERNEL_ARG_DTYPE alpha)
int index = get_global_id(0);
if (index < n)
T src = in[index];
out[index] = (src >= 0.f) ? src : exp(src) - 1;
out[index] = (src >= 0.f) ? src : alpha * (exp(src) - 1);
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