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# android-emulator
#### Description
An Android emulator is software which simulates the functionality of an Android device running the Android OS. Emulator allows developers to develop and test applications without the need of various real devices with different configurations
#### Software Architecture
Software architecture description
#### Installation
1. xxxx
2. xxxx
3. xxxx
#### Instructions
1. xxxx
2. xxxx
3. xxxx
#### Contribution
1. Fork the repository
2. Create Feat_xxx branch
3. Commit your code
4. Create Pull Request
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# android-emulator
#### 介绍
An Android emulator is software which simulates the functionality of an Android device running the Android OS. Emulator allows developers to develop and test applications without the need of various real devices with different configurations
#### 软件架构
#### 安装教程
1. xxxx
2. xxxx
3. xxxx
#### 使用说明
1. xxxx
2. xxxx
3. xxxx
#### 参与贡献
1. Fork 本仓库
2. 新建 Feat_xxx 分支
3. 提交代码
4. 新建 Pull Request
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