# infrastructure2222 ### Brief Introduction This repository houses the scripts for community infrastructure, you are welcome to join us. any contribution will be appreciated. ### Structure ``` |__environment --house the scripts of basic infrastructure. |__mail --house the scripts of mail list system |__website --house the scripts of CD system |__docs --house the design docs |__assets --house the basic assets. e.g. images. ``` Currently, all systems are running in huaweicloud CCE engine as container, we appreciate anyone who is will to contribute your infrastructure resource into our community. thanks. ### Mail Our mail list system is based on (Mailman + Exim4 + Postgres), thanks to [maxking](https://github.com/maxking/docker-mailman) and [inifum](https://github.com/infinum/exim4-docker), our most of the docker files are built on their version. ### License Now all codes are under apache v2.0 license. ### Reference