# isula-transform ## Description `isula-transform` is a tool which converts the configuration of the docker container to a type that isulad can recognize as being loaded. ## Build and Installation Before building, ensure that [Golang](https://golang.org/) 1.13 or later and [lcr](https://gitee.com/openeuler/lcr) 2.0.1 or later are installed successfully. Just execute `sudo make && sudo make install` in the code root directory and enjoy it. ## Instructions Basic usage of isula-transform: ``` txt NAME: isula-transform - transform specify docker container type configuration to iSulad type USAGE: [global options] --all|container_id[ container_id...] COMMANDS: help, h Shows a list of commands or help for one command GLOBAL OPTIONS: --log value specific output log file path (default: "/var/log/isula-kits/transform.log") --log-level value Customize the level of logging for collection, allowed: debug, info, warn, error (default: "info") --docker-graph value graph root of docker (default: "/var/lib/docker") --docker-state value state root of docker (default: "/var/run/docker") --all transform all containers --help, -h show help --version, -v print the version ``` ### NOTE There are a few things to note about using `isula-transform` : - currently, only docker 18.09 containers are supported to transform to isulad container - due to isulad's lack of native network capability, docker container needs to configure host network - `isula-transform` will read the container's OCI configuration, which requires the docker container to be in a pause or running state, and to be paused if it is in a running state ## Contributions We always welcome new contributors. And we are happy to provide guidance for the new contributors. ## Licensing `isula-transform` is licensed under the [Mulan PSL v2](https://license.coscl.org.cn/MulanPSL2/index.html).