# Integrate kubenetes ## Configuration 1. Configure `isulad` Configure the `pod-sandbox-image` in `/etc/isulad/daemon.json`: ```json "pod-sandbox-image": "my-pause:1.0.0" ``` Configure the `endpoint`of `isulad`: ```json "hosts" : [ "unix:///var/run/isulad.sock" ] ``` if `hosts` is not configured, the default endpoint is `unix:///var/run/isulad.sock`. 2. Restart `isulad`: ```bash $ sudo systemctl restart isulad ``` 3. Start `kubelet` based on the configuration or default value: ```bash $ /usr/bin/bubelet --container-runtime-endpoint=unix:///var/run/isulad.sock --image-service-endpoint=unix:///var/run/isulad.sock --pod-infra-container-image=my-pause:1.0.0 ... ``` ## Use RuntimeClass RuntimeClass is used for selecting the container runtime configuration to use to run a pod’s containers, see [runtime-class](https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/containers/runtime-class/). Currently, only `kata-containers` and `runc` this two `oci runtime` are supported. 1. Configure `isulad` in `/etc/isulad/daemon.json`: ```json "runtimes": { "runc":{ "path": "/usr/bin/runc", "runtime-args": [] }, "kata-runtime": { "path": "/usr/bin/kata-runtime", "runtime-args": [ "--kata-config", "/usr/share/defaults/kata-containers/configuration.toml" ] } } ``` 2. Extra configuration `iSulad` supports the `overlay2` and `devicemapper` as storage drivers. The default value is `overlay2`. In some scenarios, using block device type as storage drivers is a better choice, such as run a `kata-containers`. The procedure for configuring the `devicemapper` is as follows: Create ThinPool: ```bash $ sudo pvcreate /dev/sdb1 # /dev/sdb1 for example $ sudo vgcreate isulad /dev/sdb $ sudo echo y | lvcreate --wipesignatures y -n thinpool isulad -L 200G $ sudo echo y | lvcreate --wipesignatures y -n thinpoolmeta isulad -L 20G $ sudo lvconvert -y --zero n -c 512K --thinpool isulad/thinpool --poolmetadata isulad/thinpoolmeta $ sudo lvchange --metadataprofile isulad-thinpool isulad/thinpool ``` Add configuration for `devicemapper` in `/etc/isulad/daemon.json`: ```json "storage-driver": "devicemapper" "storage-opts": [ "dm.thinpooldev=/dev/mapper/isulad-thinpool", "dm.fs=ext4", "dm.min_free_space=10%" ] ``` 3. Restart `isulad`: ```bash $ sudo systemctl restart isulad ``` 4. Define `RuntimeClass CRD` for example: ```yaml apiVersion: node.k8s.io/v1beta1 kind: RuntimeClass metadata: name: kata-runtime handler: kata-runtime ``` 5. Define pod spec `kata-pod.yaml` for example: ```yaml apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod metadata: name: kata-pod-example spec: runtimeClassName: kata-runtime containers: - name: kata-pod image: busybox:latest command: ["/bin/sh"] args: ["-c", "sleep 1000"] hostNetwork: true ``` 6. Run pod: ```bash $ kubectl create -f kata-pod.yaml $ kubectl get pod NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE kata-pod-example 1/1 Running 4 2s ```