提交 3f837e02 编写于 作者: O openeuler-ci-bot 提交者: Gitee

!8 update README.md

Merge pull request !8 from 晨东/master
# perlporter
#### 介绍
#### Description
perl pacaking automation tool
perlporter is derived from cpanspec tool, It helps to build perl modules to be rpm package automatically, It can be used to resolve the build dependencies of perl modules
#### 软件架构
This is a very simple tool, It's easy to understand how it works.
#### Installation
Install below software before using this tool
#### 安装教程
1. yum install cpan
2. yum install perl
#### 使用说明
#### Preparation
Execute the following command to complete the system configuration
1. sudo cpan
2. install Archive::Tar
3. install Archive::Zip
4. install Text::Autoformat
5. install Parse::CPAN::Packages
#### Instructions
#### 参与贡献
perlporter is a tool to create spec file and create rpm for python modules
For more details, please use perlporter -h
perlporter <package> -s -b -d -o python-<package>.spec
#### Contribution
1. Fork the repository
2. Create Feat_xxx branch
3. Commit your code
4. Create Pull Request
#### How to create a rpm file,Take perl-XXX as an example
1. Create spec file: perlporter --spec XXX
2. The root path for rpm build: perlporter --root XXX
3. Build and Install rpm package: perlporter -B XXX
4. For more detail: perlporter -h
1. Fork 本仓库
2. 新建 Feat_xxx 分支
3. 提交代码
4. 新建 Pull Request
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