未验证 提交 468e4c70 编写于 作者: X Xu Tian 提交者: GitHub

Merge pull request #2156 from XueqiangWei/uefi_check_meta_files

add new case: uefi_check_descriptor_meta-files
- uefi_pkg:
only q35
only ovmf
no Host_RHEL.m5 Host_RHEL.m6
start_vm = no
type = uefi_pkg
query_files = "rpm -ql %s"
query_package = "rpm -qa | grep OVMF"
ovmf_package_name = "OVMF.*el7.*"
query_package = "rpm -qa | grep edk2-ovmf"
ovmf_package_name = "edk2-ovmf.*el8.*"
- check_descriptor_meta_files:
file_suffix = ".json"
number_of_files = 2
import re
import json
import logging
from avocado.utils import process
from virttest import error_context
def run(test, params, env):
Verify descriptor meta-files after ovmf package installation on the host:
1) Check edk2-ovmf package has been installed already.
2) Qurey file list on edk2-ovmf package.
3) Make sure the descriptor meta-files will be in file list.
2 files in total.
For rhel7: 50-ovmf-sb.json, 60-ovmf.json
For rhel8: 40-edk2-ovmf-sb.json, 50-edk2-ovmf.json
4) Check the JSON files internally.
check that the "filename" elements in both files point to valid files.
:param test: QEMU test object
:param params: Dictionary with the test parameters
:param env: Dictionary with test environment.
def check_element(filename, file_list):
check 'filename' element point to a valid file
:param filename: 'filename' element
:param file_list: query files command output
err_str = "The 'filename' element in meta-file point to an "
err_str += "invalid file. The invalid file is '%s'" % filename
test.assertIn(filename, file_list, err_str)
query_package = params["query_package"]
error_context.context("Check edk2-ovmf package has been "
"installed already", logging.info)
status, output = process.getstatusoutput(query_package,
if status:
test.error("Please install edk2-ovmf package on host.")
package_name = params["ovmf_package_name"]
ovmf_package = re.findall(package_name, output, re.S)
if not ovmf_package:
test.error("Not found right edk2-ovmf package on host. "
"The actual output is '%s'" % output)
query_files = params["query_files"] % ovmf_package[0]
file_suffix = params["file_suffix"]
meta_files = []
output = process.getoutput(query_files, shell=True)
for line in output.splitlines():
if line.endswith(file_suffix):
if len(meta_files) != int(params["number_of_files"]):
test.fail("The number of JSON files should be %s. "
"The actual file list is %s"
% (params["number_of_files"], meta_files))
error_context.context("Check the 'filename' elements in both json"
" files point to valid files.", logging.info)
for meta_file in meta_files:
with open(meta_file, "r") as f:
content = json.load(f)
filename = content["mapping"]["executable"]["filename"]
check_element(filename, output)
filename = content["mapping"]["nvram-template"]["filename"]
check_element(filename, output)
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