未验证 提交 c4c943f8 编写于 作者: Q Qianqian Zhu 提交者: GitHub

Merge pull request #2332 from leidwang/uefi_check_boot_option

new case:Verify Boot Option Support under UEFI environment
- uefi_check_boot_option:
only q35
only ovmf
type = uefi_check_boot_option
start_vm = no
boot_menu = on
del boot_once
del boot_order
del boot_strict
splash_time_pattern = "SetVariable\(Timeout,\s%d\)"
- splash_time_10:
boot_splash_time = 10000
- splash_time_12:
boot_splash_time = 12000
- bootindex:
cdroms = "test"
cdrom_test = "/tmp/test.iso"
cd_format_test = ahci
images = "stg"
image_name_stg = "images/stg"
image_size_stg = 100M
force_create_image_stg = yes
remove_image_stg = yes
drive_format_stg = scsi-hd
image_boot = no
- hard_disk:
bootindex_stg = 0
bootindex_test = 1
boot_entry_info = "Booting UEFI QEMU QEMU HARDDISK"
- cd_rom:
bootindex_stg = 1
bootindex_test = 0
boot_entry_info = "Booting UEFI QEMU DVD-ROM"
import re
import os
import logging
from avocado.utils import process
from virttest import utils_misc
from virttest import env_process
from virttest import error_context
def run(test, params, env):
Verify UEFI config setting in the GUI screen:
1) Boot up a guest.
2) If boot_splash_time not None, check splash-time in log output
3) If check_boot_info not None, check boot entry info in log output
:param test: QEMU test object
:param params: Dictionary with the test parameters
:param env: Dictionary with test environment.
def info_check(info):
Check log info
logs = vm.logsessions['seabios'].get_output()
result = re.search(info, logs, re.S)
return result
def create_cdroms(cdrom_test):
Create 'test' cdrom with one file on it
logging.info("creating test cdrom")
process.run("dd if=/dev/urandom of=test bs=10M count=1")
process.run("mkisofs -o %s test" % cdrom_test)
process.run("rm -f test")
boot_splash_time = params.get("boot_splash_time")
check_boot_info = params.get("boot_entry_info")
timeout = int(params.get("check_timeout", 360))
cdrom_test = params.get("cdrom_test")
if cdrom_test:
params["start_vm"] = "yes"
env_process.process(test, params, env,
vm = env.get_vm(params["main_vm"])
if check_boot_info:
expect_result = check_boot_info
elif boot_splash_time:
splash_time_pattern = params.get("splash_time_pattern")
expect_result = (splash_time_pattern %
(int(boot_splash_time) // 1000))
if not utils_misc.wait_for(lambda: info_check(expect_result), timeout):
test.fail("Does not get expected result from bios log: %s"
% expect_result)
if params.get("cdroms") == "test":
logging.info("cleaning up temp cdrom images")
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