未验证 提交 cbf173c9 编写于 作者: Y Yu Yihuang 提交者: GitHub

Merge pull request #2339 from huangyum/memhp_neg

hotplug_mem_negative: Update match keywords
......@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
keywords = "doesn\'t take value \'0\'"
- invalid_backend_ram_option:
policy_mem_plug1 = bind
keywords = "cannot bind memory to host NUMA nodes"
keywords = "cannot bind memory to host NUMA nodes|host-nodes must be set for policy bind"
- invalid_numa_node:
node_dimm_plug1 = 2
keywords = "DIMM property node has value 2"
......@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@
addr_dimm_plug1 = 0x200000
keywords_plug1 = "can\'t add memory"
addr_dimm_plug2 = 0x150000000
keywords_plug2 = "Hotplug memory successful"
keywords_plug2 = "Hotplug memory successful|can\'t add memory"
addr_dimm_plug3 = 0x15000000000000
keywords_plug3 = "can\'t add memory"
addr_dimm_plug4 = 0x150800000
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