未验证 提交 f351a4b9 编写于 作者: Y Yanan Fu 提交者: GitHub

Merge pull request #2331 from Kuhn-Chen/qmp-test

qmp_command: add qmp 'node-name' expect value for blockdev
......@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ from avocado.utils import process
from virttest import utils_misc
from virttest import qemu_monitor
from virttest.qemu_capabilities import Flags
def run(test, params, env):
......@@ -241,7 +242,10 @@ def run(test, params, env):
image_params = params.object_params(image)
image_format = image_params['image_format']
image_drive = "drive_%s" % image
image_info['device'] = image_drive
if vm.check_capability(Flags.BLOCKDEV):
image_info['node-name'] = image_drive
image_info['device'] = image_drive
image_info['qdev'] = image
image_info['format'] = image_format
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