1. Explanations of terms in project. 1) field Member of task that is being to show in screen =========================================== DID VMname PID %CPU S P 3 cjj2 64716 0.0 S 23 |_ qemu-kvm 64716 0.0 S 23 |_ qemu-kvm 64734 0.0 S 13 =========================================== "DID", "VMname" are field names, and "3" is the DID field of task, "cjj2" is VMname field of task. 2) delay time time unit 1s, time interval between two display, and is also time interval for obtaining data. 2. What does items vmtop display means? DID: virtual machine id in libvirt VM/task-name: name of virtual machine or threads PID: pid of qemu or threads %CPU: CPU usage of task EXTxxx: kvm exit times P: physical cpu that task runs S: task state, include: R, S, D, T, Z, X %ST: cpu time vcpu wait pcpu while it is running other vcpu %GUE: cpu time in guest %HYP: cpu time in hypervisor 3. What archs are supported? Currently, only aarch64 is supported. 4. Where to send bug report? You may send your bug report to virt@openeuler.org or open an issue in https://gitee.com/openeuler/vmtop.