提交 93e793bb 编写于 作者: J jony_code

add linkboy-sig

Signed-off-by: Njony_code <longjun@iscas.ac.cn>
上级 d3e41e7c
English | [简体中文](./sig_linkboy_cn.md)
Note: The content of this SIG follows the convention described in OpenHarmony's PMC Management Charter [README](/zh/pmc.md).
## SIG group work objectives and scope
### work goals
* Technical level: Cooperate with volunteers to carry out subsequent linkboy adaptation and transplantation of the OpenHarmony system
* Application level: based on the existing user group of the linkboy community, promote the OpenHarmony system
### work scope
* Compiler back-end instruction set adaptation
* Improve linkboy component adaptation
* Graphical packaging of OpenHarmony components
* OpenHarmony component simulation support
* Graphical packaging of OpenHarmony development boards of various manufacturers
### The repository
- project name:
- linkboy:https://gitee.com/openharmony/linkboy
## SIG Members
### Leader
- [linkboy_crux](https://gitee.com/linkboy_crux)
### Committers
- [lcm](https://gitee.com/lcm)
- [chaoyangc](https://gitee.com/chaoyangc)
- [ownery](https://gitee.com/ownery)
### Meetings
- Meeting time:BiWeek Friday 14:00
- Meeting application: [SIG-linkboy Meeting application](https://shimo.im/sheets/sX5pBO7PwFkEsR1D)
- Meeting link:Tencent meeting or other meeting
- Meeting notification: [Subscribe to](https://lists.openatom.io/postorius/lists/sig_linkboy.openharmony.io) mailing list for the meeting link
- Meeting Summary: To view the minutes of past meetings, please click this [link](https://gitee.com/openharmony-sig/sig-content/tree/master/linkboy/meetings)
### Contact (optional)
- Mailing list:[sig_linkboy@openharmony.io](https://lists.openatom.io/postorius/lists/sig_linkboy.openharmony.io)
- Slack group:xxx
- Wechat group:xxx
# SIG-linkboy
简体中文 | [English](./sig_linkboy.md)
说明:本SIG的内容遵循OpenHarmony的PMC管理章程 [README](/zh/pmc.md)中描述的约定。
## SIG组工作目标和范围
### 工作目标
* 技术层面:联合志愿者协同开展后续linkboy对OpenHarmony系统的适配和移植
* 应用层面:基于linkboy社区的已有用户群,推广OpenHarmony系统
### 工作范围
* 编译器后端指令集适配
* 完善linkboy组件适配
* OpenHarmony组件图形化封装
* OpenHarmony组件仿真支持
* 各厂家OpenHarmony开发板图形化封装
## 代码仓
- 代码仓地址:
- linkboy:https://gitee.com/openharmony/linkboy
## SIG组成员
### Leader
- [linkboy_crux](https://gitee.com/linkboy_crux)
### Committers列表
- [lcm](https://gitee.com/lcm)
- [chaoyangc](https://gitee.com/chaoyangc)
- [ownery](https://gitee.com/ownery)
### 会议
- 会议时间:双周例会,周五 14:00
- 会议申报:[SIG-linkboy会议申报](https://shimo.im/sheets/sX5pBO7PwFkEsR1D)
- 会议链接:腾讯会议或其他会议
- 会议通知:请[订阅](https://lists.openatom.io/postorius/lists/sig_linkboy.openharmony.io)邮件列表获取会议链接
- 会议纪要:查看往期会议纪要,请点此[链接](https://gitee.com/openharmony-sig/sig-content/tree/master/linkboy/meetings)
### 联系方式(可选)
- 邮件列表:[sig_linkboy@openharmony.io](https://lists.openatom.io/postorius/lists/sig_linkboy.openharmony.io/)
- Slack群组:xxx
- 微信群:xxx
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