提交 07aff7cd 编写于 作者: D duangavin123 提交者: Gitee

update en/readme.md.

Signed-off-by: Nduangavin123 <duanxichao@huawei.com>
上级 b73f6fce
......@@ -17,7 +17,6 @@ This project stores OpenHarmony documentation, including the quick start guide,
- **Subsystems**: [subsystems](device-dev/subsystems/Readme-EN.md) \(such as compilation and building, graphics, DFX, and XTS\)
- **Security**: [privacy and security](device-dev/security/Readme-EN.md)
- **guide**:
- [OneHop](device-dev/guide/device-wlan-touch.md)
- [WLAN-connected products](device-dev/guide/device-wifi.md) \(LED peripheral control and third-party SDK integration\)
- [Screenless cameras](device-dev/guide/device-iotcamera-control.md) \(camera control\)
- [Cameras with a screen](device-dev/guide/device-camera.md) \(screen and camera control, visual application development\)
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